What a mess! Colorado politics…

Politics for Conservatives in Colorado are in a flux this year. Alright, so the whining and moaning about the Governors race may have some reasoning behind it. At this point there really isn’t much that can be done. Read about that mess HERE.

Outgoing Governor Bill Ritter, played politics with his selection for the Colorado Supreme Court.

Colorado’s Supreme Court is out of control…

Repeated rulings by Colorado’s Supreme Court – called the “most activist, partisan state Supreme Court in the nation” – have demonstrated their contempt for the very Constitution they are sworn to uphold.

DID YOU KNOW that you have the right to vote “NO” on these unjust justices?

It’s true – even Supreme Court justices in Colorado ARE accountable to the people. In 2010, FOUR (er, THREE nowsince Chief Justice Mullarkey quit rather than face the voters in the November elections) of the current Colorado Supreme Court justices NEED YOUR APPROVAL to be retained on the bench.
DON’T GIVE IT TO THEM! Ditch the Mullarkey Majority – Vote “NO” on these unjust justices!
(Justices Michael Bender, Alex Martinez, Nancy Rice and Chief Justice Mary Mullarkey)

WANTED: Off the Supreme Court Bench, for Aiding and Abetting

Read more about that HERE.

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4 Responses to “What a mess! Colorado politics…”

  1. mainenowandthen Says:

    Colorado citizens are so lucky that they have the right to vote on these people. Maine governors and the Legislature appoint them and that is it.


  2. Patrick Sperry Says:

    I hear you on that Maine. Although I can’t actually remember any judge being voted off the bench.


  3. W. L. Roy Says:

    …big deal, huh. Now we have a new gay, minority judge. More activism. More. More. More. Mularky out, more activism in. Does it ever change?


  4. Patrick Sperry Says:

    Sometimes I wonder about that myself W.L.


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