Abuse Continues at BATFE

This is a bit dated, but still important. The BATFE is an out of control political hack that need to be dismantled. Any legitimate enforcement responsibilities of theirs should be taken over by the FBI.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) is entangled in yet another scandal.
The latest controversy involves Project Gunrunner.  The BATFE knowingly allowed firearms to get into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, instructing American gun dealers to go ahead with questionable—and even illegal—gun sales. When two of these guns wound up at the crime scene of a murdered Border Patrol agent, at least one U.S. Senator is calling the agency to task.
In addition, Gun Owners of America has written a petition to the Congress, urging that the BATFE be stripped of its jurisdiction over firearms.
The history of this agency is one marred in abuse of its power and the trampling of the rights of Americans. In fact, as far back as 1982, a Senate subcommittee noted that ATF “has trampled upon the Second Amendment by chilling exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by law-abiding citizens.”
Action: Please click here and follow the link to learn more about the recent outrage along the border, and sign a petition that will be delivered straight to your Representative and Senators asking them to rein in this unconstitutional agency.

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