Archive for the ‘Law’ Category

Independence Day, not simply July 4th!

July 3, 2017

It’s an inconvenient truth — for the Left.

But when we celebrate the independence of our great country tomorrow — the greatest, most powerful, and, generally speaking, the most beneficent nation in the history of the Earth — what we are celebrating is the use of guns to defeat tyranny.  Period.

When the British marched toward Concord on April 19, 1775, they weren’t trying to shut down a newspaper.

They weren’t marching to stop a peace rally.

They weren’t moving to shut down a college.

The British intended to seize an arsenal of guns, ammunition, and explosives located at Concord, Massachusetts.

And the bad-guys-with-guns, the British, were blocked from doing this only by good-guys-with-guns on the road to Concord.

Thus, although the American Revolution was spurred by revolutionary ideas and great thinkers, it was fought out in one gun battle after another — led by a man who became known as the “Father of our Country,” initially as a military strategist and commander of an armed militia.

Had our Forefathers not fought for our liberties with guns, the ideas would have eventually become irrelevant.

No doubt, this is why we celebrate the day with explosives, rather than throwing powder puffs.

So we remember these brave men and women tomorrow.

The signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.  They put it all on the line.

And so we honor those who fought in the Revolution and in each war since then.

Now, as ever, the only way to deter evil-guys-with-guns is through good-guys-with-guns.

So Happy Independence “Through Guns” Day!


Larry Pratt
Executive Director Emeritus


People who ask difficult questions …

June 25, 2017

What follows are from different people. I will not expose them because of the inherent danger in doing so. I am an American Warrior. Before the Sun and the Moon of the living God come and kill me. Today, is a good day to die!

The Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated the universities starting in the 1960’s. Over time, a few decades, they became professors and university heads. Once they had control of the universities you saw segregation of sexes begin in the classroom and also at university social events.

Sexual harassment of girls started during that period, roughly the 1980’s and progressively worsened. Sexual harassment was promoted by professors to young male students in order to force girls to wear head scarfs.

These days, young males are taught by some professors that females must be covered or it is ok to grope them. Some imams at extremist mosques teach that girls who don’t wear the headscarf can be raped.

What you end up with is a society that has no code of ethics or morals when it comes to women. Women slowly had no options. Cover up or get harassed, or worse.

There are some upscale areas of Cairo where this does not happen because the parents and children went to private universities, etc. So not all are like this, but enough to change society.

Over time the Brotherhood got the textbooks changed to eliminate Egypt’s real history and replace it with Islamic History.

English used to be taught as a second language in high schools and universities. But English was eliminated and replaced with Quranic Arabic (some times called Classical Arabic). It is not a spoken language, so it can never be used to talk with.

It is only used for the Quran and Arabic ‘literature’ (religious and other Islamic type books and writings). This promotes young people to read the Quran and religious literature.

Religious classes, i.e. Quran classes and teachings of Muhammad (Hadith & Sunnna), were added to the mandatory curriculum. Eventually certain sciences were eliminated because it goes against what is taught in the Quran and Islam.

Children became extremely uneducated, the quality of education has become very bad. Even when they graduate from university, unless its a private university, they know very little.

When the majority of the population is uneducated, It’s easy to brainwash and radicalize them.


Islam isn’t a religion, it is totalitarianism.
In the Muslim faith a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child. Consummating the marriage by 9.
The dowry is given to the family in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave) and for the purchase of the private parts of the woman, to use her as a toy.
Even though a woman is abused she can not obtain a divorce.To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses.
Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry. The family has the right to execute her (an honor killing) to restore the honor of the family. Husbands can beat their wives ‘at will’ and he does not have to say why he has beaten her.
The husband is permitted to have (4 wives) and a temporary wife for an hour (prostitute) at his discretion.
The Shariah Muslim law controls the private as well as the public life of the woman.
In the Western World ( Canada, Australia, United States and Britain) Muslim men are starting to demand Shariah Law so the wife can not obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her. It is amazing and alarming how many of our sisters and daughters attending American, Canadian, Universities and British Universities are now marrying Muslim men and submitting themselves and their children unsuspectingly to the Shariah law.
By passing this on, enlightened Canadian, Australians, American and British women may avoid becoming a slave under Shariah Law.
Ripping the West in Two.
Author and lecturer Nonie Darwish says the goal of radical Islamists is to impose Shariah law on the world, ripping Western law and liberty in two.
She recently authored the book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law. Darwish was born in Cairo and spent her childhood in Egypt and Gaza before immigrating to America in 1978, when she was eight years old. Her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel. He was a high-ranking Egyptian military officer stationed with his family in Gaza ……
When he died, he was considered a “shahid,” a martyr for jihad. His posthumous status earned Nonie and her family an elevated position in Muslim society..
But Darwish developed a skeptical eye at an early age. She questioned her own Muslim culture and upbringing.. She converted to Christianity after hearing a Christian preacher on television.
In her latest book, Darwish warns about creeping shariah law – what it is, what it means, and how it is manifested in Islamic countries.
For the West, she says radical Islamists are working to impose sharia on the world. If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed. Westerners generally assume all religions encourage a respect for the dignity of each individual.. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world.
Peace and prosperity for one’s children is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually in the world.
While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Shariah teaches two systems of ethics – one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Building on tribal practices of the seventh century, Shariah encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and subjugate others..
While Westerners tend to think in terms of religious people developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God, Shariah advocates executing people who ask difficult questions that could be interpreted as criticism
It’s hard to imagine, that in this day and age, Islamic scholars agree that those who criticize Islam or choose to stop being Muslim should be executed. Sadly, while talk of an Islamic reformation is common and even assumed by many in the West, such murmurings in the Middle East are silenced through intimidation
While Westerners are accustomed to an increase in religious tolerance over time, Darwish explains how petro dollars are being used to grow an extremely intolerant form of political Islam in her native Egypt and elsewhere.
(In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in Canada, Australia, the U.S. And Britain To elect the heads of Government by themselves! Rest assured they will do so… You can look at how they have almost taken over several towns in the USA .. Dearborn Mich. is one and there are others….Britain has several cities now with Sharia Law controlled zones, totally controlled by Muslims)
I think everyone in Canada, Australia, the U.S. And Great Britain should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!
It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful.. Some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam.. The peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion.While Canada, Australia, the U.S.A. and Britain are getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on North America, Australia and Britain ………
This is your chance to make a difference…! Pass it on to at least those you think will listen..

The choices of this civil war are painfully clear.

March 29, 2017

We can have a system of government based around the Constitution with democratically elected representatives. Or we can have one based on the ideological principles of the left in which all laws and processes, including elections and the Constitution, are fig leaves for enforcing social justice.

But we cannot have both.

Full Story Here

Socialism verses Capitalism

March 26, 2017

This is indeed a long read, but well worth the time, and should be a must read for every sixth grader in the nation.

Being a socialist is about being nice? Do you have a friend who claims to be a socialist? In the 20th century there have been numerous political systems, but in the latter half of the century there were only two survivors, Socialism and Capitalism. So we have at this time in the Western world, which for all practical purposes controls the world, two opposing political systems. (I have already previously stated that there is no basic difference between socialists and communists. There are, however, some very important factors relating to socialism of which you should be aware. Socialism will not work in a free market economy and, as a consequence it invariably deteriorates into a totalitarian state. Anyone wishing to argue that point is asked to point to one single instance where this was not the result).

Full Story at Molan Labe

Call them what they are: Supporters of carnage.

February 23, 2017

For the Wyoming Senate — which holds itself out to be amoungst the most pro-gun legislative bodies in the country –- to crush these bills would be outrageous.

HB 136, HB 137

The following Senators, in particular, need to hear from you before they vote on these bills. Please contact Senators

>>>  Affie Ellis,, (307) 287-9095

>>>  Bruce Burns,, (307) 672-6491

>>>  Bill Landen,, (307) 237-4067

>>>  Stephan Pappas,, (307)      630-7180

>>>  Michael Von Flatern,,      (307) 680-4744

>>>  Dave Kinskey,, (307)      751-6428

>>>  Jeff Wasserburger,,      (307) 680-2943

>>>  Drew Perkins,, (307)      315-6177

>>>  Tara Nethercott,, (307)      399-7696

>>>  Glenn Moniz,, (307) 760-1116

>>>  James Anderson,, (307)      267-5775

>>>  Fred Baldwin,, (307)      877-3687

>>>  Dan Dockstader,, (307)      885-9705

>>>  Ray Peterson,, (307)      548-6405

Remember, the Senate has killed gun bills for five years!

Five years of obstruction, while state after state has passed pro-gun bills.

No amendments, no excuses, period!

Wyoming Gun Owners

Wyoming Gun Owners end free fire zones now!

February 21, 2017

Last week both HB136 “Campus Carry” and HB137 “Repeal Gun Free Zones” made it past the Senate Judiciary committee, and must now face a full vote on the Senate floor.

Inside sources say the vote may happen as early as TOMORROW.

We’ve known from the start that this is where we would run into the most trouble.

Remember, the liberal media has been claiming these bills will die in the Senate because our Wyoming Senators haven’t moved a single gun bill here in Wyoming in five years.

Clearly, we’re moving forward having seen these bills moved through the House committee, the full House, and now the Senate committee.

But with session ending soon, we have no time to lose.

The capitol is packed with anti-gun organizations and lobbyists all bent on convincing our Senators that these bills are “too extreme.”

There are legislators in Cheyenne who’ve watered-down and manipulated good gun bills for years, who are working to undermine these bills as we speak.

As a reminder, HB 136 would allow for Campus Carry here in Wyoming, for those who possess a permit to do so.

HB 137 would simply lift the ban on carrying in government buildings where you and I pay property taxes, register vehicles, get registered to vote, and attend to county government business.

Both of these bills would repeal sections of Wyoming’s deadly “Gun Free Zones.”

We all understand that violent predators prefer “Gun Free Zones” like the ones we have here in Wyoming because the people in them are defenseless.

That’s why we can’t afford another year of rolling the dice and taking a chance with these dangerous “Gun Free Zones.”

We don’t want a mass shooting tragedy like we’ve seen in Florida or South Carolina.

If we don’t get past the Senate in the next few weeks, we’ll have to wait and start over again next year.

This will only expose us that much longer to mass attacks in Wyoming’s “Gun Free Zones.”

Please contact your Senator immediately, and tell him to support HB136 and HB137 and to oppose any weakening amendments!

If you’re not sure who your Senator is, please click here to find out.

>>>  Then email them.

>>>  Then send them a message via Facebook.

>>>  Then give them a call at (866)-996-8683. You’ll be      connected based on your address.

We need you to take all three actions as soon as possible. Leaving a message should only take 90 seconds.

We’re so close.

It’s critical that we ramp up the pressure as HB 136 and HB 137 head for a vote on the Senate floor.

Please reach out to them right now!

Brought to you by Wyoming Gun Owners

Wyoming Politics:Bloodbaths and carnage Trojan Horse Amendments.

February 1, 2017
HB 194 is a Trojan Horse designed to create free fire zones so that people can be butchered. A vote in favor of HB 194 is a vote for carnage either as a stand alone bill, or as an amendment. Support and co – sponsor HB 136 with no amendments.
 Contact your state Representatives and Senators now!

I need you to pick up the phone and call your Representative right now — and insist he support HB136 with no weakening amendments and oppose HB194!

(Not sure who your representative is — click here to find out.)

1.   You can call the House switchboard and they’ll      connect you automatically based on your address. The      number to call is (866)-996-8683.

2.   You can also email your legislator; a list of their      emails can be seen here.

3.   Of course, most of them are on Facebook and can      receive messages. So feel free to send them a message      that way, too.

This is a new era in Wyoming.

The people have sent new leadership to Cheyenne and we can’t let them chip away at the Second Amendment as their first order of business!

We can’t let them set the precedence that the Second Amendment is something to be tinkered with.

Please stand with us and act fast!

For Freedom,
David Ball
P.S. Both good AND bad gun bills are moving in Cheyenne!

Thanks to you, both HB136 and HB 137 “Campus Carry” and “Repeal Gun Free Zones” have passed the first full House vote and are scheduled to be heard again this week

Unfortunately, the House also passed Rep. Eklund’s “Trojan Horse” gun bill — HB194 — as well, which would gut any meaningful “Campus Carry” legislation by allowing each school district to set their own policies and by publishing the names of gun owners who carry on campus!

I need your help right away!

Please contact your legislator now — using the information above — and tell him to vote “NO!” on HB194, whether on the floor or if it’s filed as an amendment

Free Fire Zones, and the people of Wyoming

January 23, 2017

So called gun free zones are nothing more than free fire zones for maniacs, and social miscreants. I have yet another take on the subject. That being that if you support these overtly dangerous laws that you in fact enjoy death and destruction. If not in a sociopathic manner then because they further you own agenda feeding your mental illness. That being Hoplophobia at best, and tyranny through the color of law at worst.

We, the people of Wyoming need to tell those that write our laws that we refuse to be left to be slaughtered, including our neighbors, and children.

You’ve got two days!

Our legislation to repeal deadly “Gun Free Zones” and to authorize “Campus Carry” are going to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee THIS TUESDAY!

This means that you’ve got only a few days to contact the members of the Judiciary Committee — I’ll be giving you their contact information below.

Please take a moment to make your calls and send your emails RIGHT AWAY!

Already, the anti-gun lobby is prowling the legislature, opposing both of these bills.

So are members of the educational community like University of Wyoming President Laurie Nichols.

Never mind the fact that it was a “Gun Free” campus where 32 students were murdered by a madman with a gun, in 2007.

Never mind the fact that, in 2015, ten students and staff were shot and killed in a Roseburg, Oregon community college that was a — you guessed it — “Gun Free Zone.”

And of course, who could forget the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, a “Gun Free Zone,” where 26 students and staff died during a mass shooting.

Virtually every time a psycho with a gun looks to rack up a body count they target gun free zones!

And of course they do, those are the areas where they know that they’ll face no armed opposition.

That’s why we’re working to do away with these “Gun Free Zones” in Wyoming — to give people a chance to fight back!

You’d think this would be an easy sell, right?

But trust me, the anti-gun media outlets and the anti-gun lobby in Cheyenne will be putting as much pressure as possible on the legislature to kill these bills.

That’s why it’s essential you contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee right away, and insist that they pass both HB 136 and HB 137 through the committee with no weakening amendments!

Please contact:

>>>  Rep. Dan Kirkbride at, or by      calling him at (307)331-2265, or by sending him a      message on Facebook.

>>>  Rep. Mark Baker at, or by      calling him at (307)371-5113, or by sending him a      message on Facebook.

>>>  Rep. Mark Jennings at, or by      calling him at (307)461-0697, or by sending him a      message on Facebook.

>>>  Rep. Jered Olsen at, or by      calling him at (307)509-0242, or by sending him a      message on Facebook.

>>>  Rep. Charles Pelkey at, or      by calling him at (307)920-0542, or by sending him a      message on Facebook.

>>>  Rep. Bill Pownall at , or by      calling him at (307)682-4148.

>>>  Rep. Tim Salazar at, or by      calling him at (307)220-1213.

>>>  Rep. Nathan Winters at, or      by calling him at (307)864-3690, or by sending him a      message on Facebook.

Make sure they know that you’re sick and tired of seeing innocent people gunned down, being left utterly helpless to defend themselves due to these outrageous “Gun Free Zone” policies.

With new leadership in the House and Senate, now’s the time to pass pro-gun legislation like HB 136 and HB 137!

It starts on Tuesday — so please contact the committee right away.

Full disclosure: I am a Life Member of The NRA, Gun Owners of America, and a member of Wyoming Gun Owners, and you should be too!

Finally, please consider chipping in a donation of any amount to help us get the word out to more gun owners!

California Peace Officers: Thank the L. A. Times

October 25, 2016

The Los Angeles Times is working to disarm not just the peons, but everyone, and yes, that includes Peace Officers. In collusion with their masters they want us all to be their boot lickers. Personally, I think that it is well past the time to take these weasels out into the street, horse whip them until they are naked, then tar and feather them, and then hang them, and dump their worthless bodies into the Pacific. That goes for every lunatic politician from governor moonbat on down. Yes, that includes LEO’s that have violated their oaths.

Full story HERE

Oregon Militia ‘Report’ another Astroturf-Funded Collectivist Smear of Patriots

October 25, 2016

“Avoid slogans, name calling, and demonizing members of the Right,” a report by Political Research Associates advocates. “Expose who benefits from right-wing campaigns.”

An immediately noticeable disconnect is that “Up in Arms: A Guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement,” can’t resist ignoring its own “advice.” If you’re concerned about federal land “ownership,” if you believe the Second Amendment means “shall not be infringed,” if you think immigration policy ought to put the interests of “ourselves and our Posterity” first, if you advocate nullification of laws repugnant to the Constitution, if you’re opposed to Marxist motives behind wealth transfers and “progressive” social engineering, and if you recognize warmist hysteria a political fraud to give collectivists increased power and control over all aspects of our lives, you’re an implicit racist, a xenophobe and – even worse!!  You may just be a Three Percenter and/or an Oath Keeper!

The innuendo and conflation are strong in these collectivists. They even make a point of including Stewart Rhodes, Sheriff Richard Mack, the late Mike Vanderboegh, and my friend Kevin Starrett of Oregon Firearms Federation in their list of “bad” people, among others. And they cite my “Red/Green Axis” and “Most Dangerous Oregon Gun Bills” pieces as proof of what an evil extremist and hater I must be.

With us being treasonous bigots and sociopaths as its major premise, we’re absolved of any obligation to wade through any more lies, no matter how exhaustively end-noted they may appear to be. We’re free to follow admonition #2 and “expose who benefits” from this slick piece of propaganda masked as “research,”designed to give collectivist politicians and LE fusion centers cover under which they can continue smearing patriots as “domestic terrorists.”

Obviously, the snouts at the trough rely heavily on keeping the cash flow turned on, either directly, as the president/executive director and employees do through monetary compensation, or indirectly, like directors get through networking. And let’s not forget the agendas being advanced: Anti-Christian: Check. “Prison abolition and LGBTQ liberation”: Check. “Immigrants rights”: Check. “Feminist ethics”: Check. “Racial justice”: Check. “Social justice”: Check.

Funny—if there’s any outrage reserved for closed theocracies that abuse women and throw gays off buildings, it’s pretty well buried. Maybe the only problem exists in the place all their “refugees” are being imported to

And what’s a group in Massachusetts doing trying to sway public policy in Oregon? Who else benefits?

Per “Discover the Networks,” doctrinaire commies relying on poisoning the well of American exceptionalism do:

Full Story Here

Pure propaganda by the forces of political correctness!