Archive for June, 2015

Depending on the government

June 15, 2015

These pages have, for years decried how people and organizations have depended on government in order to keep body and soul together. It is indeed a two edged sword. One that, like a pendulum always swings in both directions. Businesses, like people, are subject to the addiction process.It’s time for some tough love. I can only hope that a champion of capitalism comes to the rescue.

Colt Defense LLC, the 179-year-old gunmaker that supplies M4 carbines and M16 rifles for the U.S. and foreign militaries, filed for bankruptcy amid delayed government sales and declining demand.

The West Hartford, Connecticut-based firearms maker listed assets of as much as $500 million and debt of as much as $500 million in a Chapter 11 filing late Sunday in bankruptcy court in Wilmington, Delaware. Wilmington Trust Company is listed as the biggest unsecured creditor with a $261 million claim.


Wyoming Senators: Silence is anything but golden!

June 4, 2015
We lost by a mere 16 votes, but thanks to your grassroots activism, U.S. Senate Leadership took it in the shorts.

First, the scary stuff…

Obama’s declaration of victory on the passage in the Senate by a 67-32 vote:

Immediately signing the wrongly named USA Freedom Act, Obama stated, “my administration will work expeditiously to ensure our national security professionals again have the full set of vital tools they need…

Now the back story…

While Senator(s) Barrasso and Enzi voted NO on the so-called USA Freedom Act, other Republican Senators who also voted NO, admitted that they did so because the measure “didn’t go far enough” to spy on Americans.

Several hours of floor debate revealed the real imbalance in Congress — only one Republican Senator shined by standing up and pushing real freedom.

Samuel Adams said it best ~ “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

If you want to see this played out in modern politics — watch Senator Rand Paul setting the brushfire on the Senate floor, by clicking here.

The good news is that every single poisonous amendment was voted down, despite the foolish utterances by phony Republican Mitch McConnell.

McConnell proposed four amendments to address what he called the bill’s “serious flaws.”

You just can’t make this stuff up!

McConnell even suggested that Obama’s failed foreign policy was somehow equated to the Senate’s refusal to accept his dangerous amendments that would have further violated the privacy of Americans.

As I watched Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell during this historic defeat, I must admit…it was truly a rewarding experience to see him to burn in the flames.

And you can be proud of being a part of the grassroots brushfire.

But, at the risk of being redundant, Barrasso and Enzi voted correctly while remaining silent.

While thankful that they both voted right, we are at a loss that the Wyoming delegation didn’t stand with Rand Paul in the vocal debate.

Like most politicians, our Senators love to receive accolades for their display of rhetoric in front of Fox News cameras — but where it matters most on the Senate floor, they remain closemouthed.

If the Wyoming Senators want us to believe they were standing on the proper side of the fence — they should have been setting their own brushfires of freedom — instead of leaving the fight to Republican Senator Rand Paul, who single-handedly pushed back at the entire establishment.

For Freedom,

   Anthony Bouchard
Executive Director
Wyoming Gun Owners