Archive for July, 2017

Oath Keeper’s Operation HYPO Reveal Antifa on Standby

July 27, 2017

Be aware, and always have a plan to kill everyone in the room; Operators maxim.

Sisyphean News

Oath Keeper’s Infiltration Operation Reveals Antifa on “Standby” and Reports Key Information on Relative Strength

The surprising lack of activity of Antifa this summer, despite their occassional public nuisance they cause and the monthly riot, may perhaps be a false retreat, as information coming out of Operation HYPO reveals Antifa is well armed, well equipped and constantly training. According to a report from the mission;

The anarchists are by far the most dangerous of these groups. They are organized like militias. They actively train and practice their operations. They have discipline and zero tolerance for weakness. They have a number of former military personnel providing expertise to enhance security, logistics and martial arts capabilities. The majority are physical fit, military age males. They are primarily white with few minority members. Their leadership tends to be either former military, a proven leader from the occupy movement or a highly educated alpha-male…

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About those reparations, slavery, and the Crusades…

July 26, 2017

Historical fallacy aside why blame any people from today for what happened before any of us were even born?

Fake news, and things that go along with that.

July 18, 2017

This almost goes without saying anything.

The Times they are a changing! Guest Post…

July 7, 2017

There comes a time in every endeavor where you have to make a choice; fish or cut bait.

That is where we are in American politics my friends, it’s time to get active, 100% totally involved and take this nation away from those that are trying to destroy it and to take those people OUT of the equation.

Our nation is overrun with liars, fakes, traitors and criminals, and that is just in the Federal government; it’s even more infested on the state and local levels.

I read stories, posts, email and the like where well-intentioned individuals cry at the top of their lungs, “it’s over, he’s done”, or, “we MUST impeach so and so and remove them from office”. Those folks apparently don’t have a clue how impeachment works.

Then there’s the “CHARGES are to follow soon, indictments are in progress”, and then there’s “so and so is facing criminal charges”.

That’s MY personal favorite.

Let me tell ALL of you exactly what’s going to happen, so sit down, pop a top on a cold one and get ready for a dose of hard, cold truth.

NOTHING is going to happen; no one is going to be charged, indicted, jailed or impeached, not on ANY governmental level that is.

NO ONE! Not one sorry-assed mother’s son or daughter will pay the price for their crimes and misdeeds, you see, the House and Senate are all a part of the same great criminal enterprise and We, The People are the victims.

Until We, The People find the courage to stand as PATRIOTS none of this criminal enterprise will ever come to an end.

Talk isn’t going to make it happen, voting isn’t going to change much, as soon as the newly elected hit D.C. any modicum of ethics and decency goes right out the window as graft and corruption become the *GOD* of politics.

You can read this and like what I say and thank me and then go right back to posting recipes and *cat stories* or you can find a way to actually make this nation great again, I mean REALLY great, not just a slogan.

It’s your call America, the ball is in your court…

J. Fred Witzell © 2017

Independence Day, not simply July 4th!

July 3, 2017

It’s an inconvenient truth — for the Left.

But when we celebrate the independence of our great country tomorrow — the greatest, most powerful, and, generally speaking, the most beneficent nation in the history of the Earth — what we are celebrating is the use of guns to defeat tyranny.  Period.

When the British marched toward Concord on April 19, 1775, they weren’t trying to shut down a newspaper.

They weren’t marching to stop a peace rally.

They weren’t moving to shut down a college.

The British intended to seize an arsenal of guns, ammunition, and explosives located at Concord, Massachusetts.

And the bad-guys-with-guns, the British, were blocked from doing this only by good-guys-with-guns on the road to Concord.

Thus, although the American Revolution was spurred by revolutionary ideas and great thinkers, it was fought out in one gun battle after another — led by a man who became known as the “Father of our Country,” initially as a military strategist and commander of an armed militia.

Had our Forefathers not fought for our liberties with guns, the ideas would have eventually become irrelevant.

No doubt, this is why we celebrate the day with explosives, rather than throwing powder puffs.

So we remember these brave men and women tomorrow.

The signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.  They put it all on the line.

And so we honor those who fought in the Revolution and in each war since then.

Now, as ever, the only way to deter evil-guys-with-guns is through good-guys-with-guns.

So Happy Independence “Through Guns” Day!


Larry Pratt
Executive Director Emeritus