Archive for July, 2012

“There is no consensus and the meeting is over,”

July 31, 2012

No surprise, the worst abusers of human rights couldn’t come to a consensus on the best method of destroying resistance to their oppression.

The pro-gun community breathed a collective sigh of relief after United Nations negotiators failed to produce a treaty regulating global arms trade on Friday.
“There is no consensus and the meeting is over,” said a spokesman for the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, which sponsored the month-long conference on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
However, while the demise of the ATT is a positive outcome for U.S. gun owners, it would be a mistake to believe that it spells the end of the effort to regulate small arms worldwide.
In fact, to global gun ban supporters like Amnesty International and Oxfam America, the ATT was a success whether or not a treaty was produced.
Sure, they would rather have had the treaty pass, and they complained loudly when it was scuttled.  But the fact remains that the ATT represented the most serious discussion of global gun control in history and it ensures that small arms (read: your gun collection) will be part of future negotiations.
And there will be another anti-gun treaty in the near future.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the unraveling of the ATT merely a “setback,” and insiders at the UN say they expect a vote at the next session of the General Assembly later this year to restart treaty talks.
The Obama administration continues to back a treaty and has already signaled its support for an additional round of negotiations after the next presidential election.
“While we sought to conclude the month’s negotiations with a treaty, more time is a reasonable request for such a complex and critical issue,” a State Department spokesman said.
The ATT was a convenient catch-all mechanism for the many streams of arms control measures that have been flowing from UN headquarters for years.  Just because the ATT was blocked does not mean that all the streams will stop flowing.
Despite what happened — or didn’t happen — this year with the ATT, the drive to ratify a treaty regulating small arms is alive and well.
GOA Members Play Big Role in Stopping Anti-gun Treaty
While the ATT sought to regulate trade on conventional weapons such as battle tanks and battleships, it was the small arms provisions that stirred the most opposition in the U.S.
Earlier this year, GOA began working with Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) in an effort to get Senators on the record opposing the treaty.
The Moran letter warned that in requiring nations to take “appropriate measures” in furtherance of the goals of the ATT, the vaguely worded treaty “will be used to push the U.S. in the direction of measures that would infringe on both Second Amendment freedoms and the U.S.’s sovereignty more broadly.”
The fact Sen. Moran and millions of gun owners in America rallied fifty other Senators to go on the record against the treaty was a huge obstacle for the Obama administration.  It put the anti-gun side well short of the 67 votes needed in the Senate to ratify a treaty, and would have left the President “owning” an unpopular, anti-gun treaty in an election year.
Backdoor Gun Control Attempt
The President knows that he cannot get his anti-Second Amendment agenda passed through the full Congress, so he simply attempts to bypass that body whenever possible through Executive Orders, presidential directives, and international treaties.
GOA has helped to lay the groundwork to stop the UN small arms treaty.  Since it first came up more than ten years ago, we have led the charge to make gun owners aware of its dangerous implications.
For now, thanks to the efforts of so many politically active supporters, we have bought some time before the next arms treaty.  And that day will come.  The gun grabbers know they’re running a marathon, not a sprint.  They are patient and will work out a more narrowly crafted treaty that still slices away at our liberty.
But GOA, the no-compromise gun lobby, will not budge when it comes to protecting the Second Amendment from enemies at home or abroad.
Action: Contact your Senators and thank those who signed on to the Moran letter, and express disappointment in those who would sacrifice your liberty and U.S. sovereignty to the UN.  When you click here, the appropriate message will be sent to your Senators depending on their position.

Ultra-liberal senators Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY)? More like big government commies…

July 31, 2012
Anti-gun Lautenberg trying to
put amendment on Cybersecurity Bill
Washington is, to say the least, not a town known for its high moral standards.
But there is, perhaps, no one with more expertise in milking shameless advantage out of national tragedy than ultra-liberal senators Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
So it can hardly be a surprise that, this week, these anti-gun Senators intend to offer an amendment to the cybersecurity bill which would prohibit the manufacture of magazines with a capacity of over 10 rounds.
They appear oblivious to the fact that their “gun ban” mentality created a deadly situation in Aurora, Colorado, where there was a room with a number of trained military marksmen — and none of them were allowed to have a gun.
Any one of those individuals could have made a big difference.  Heck, does anyone doubt there would have been a different outcome if George Zimmerman had been in the theater?
Incidentally, lest anyone think that banning magazines is the be-all-and-end-all for Lautenberg, he has already announced that he intends to follow up his magazine ban with legislation to monitor and limit your purchases of ammunition.
Explains the clueless Lautenberg:  “No sportsman needs 100 rounds to shoot a duck ….”
So this Einstein believes you don’t need 100 rounds of ammunition?  Who decided that our Bill of Rights should be a “Bill of Needs”? 
It’s time to nip this nasty piece of work in the bud and ensure that his efforts to exploit innocent victims for political gain do not go any further.
ACTIONClick here to contact your Senators.  Demand that they vote against the Lautenberg-Schumer magazine-ban amendment to the cybersecurity bill.

Fools one and all.


Gun Control; The hidden agenda of the epic failure obama regime

July 27, 2012

Fast and Furious was a pretty blatant attempt by the obama regime to stoke the fires for advancing the cause of hoplophobia in these not so United States. Any time any restrictions are placed upon The Bill of Rights, on any of those rights, it weakens all the others. That said, it is the Second Amendment that protects all of those other rights from an overpowering and abusive government.

Since the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado happened there has been yet again a resurrection of cries and lamentations pleading for more restrictions on we the peoples ability to properly and effectively defend ourselves, our families, friends, and nation. These misguided pleas are little more than emotional gambits that would truly lessen freedom and liberty while in fact exposing all of us to even more danger without the ability to defend ourselves.

Again, we hear about automatic weapons that were not used and are nearly impossible to acquire legally here in the United States. We hear that so called Assault Rifles have no legitimate uses outside the realm of the military or law enforcement. Some people are so misinformed that even responding to such arguments exposes one to the dangers of lowering oneself to their level of ignorance. Or about the evils of high capacity magazines (called clips by the ignoramuses) by those that have never apparently heard of “swam attacks.”

All the old false arguments about gun ownership are always, once again, raised as well. Hopefully the American people have not been so brainwashed as to believe things like a gun in the home will most likely be used against you. Or that a gun will not help fend off rapes or other assaults.

Then there are all the utterly ridiculous arguments about the militia clause of the Second Amendment.

This, from Texas Fred’s Blog is an excellent comment;

obama’s quote…

“I believe the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms,” Obama said. “But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not on the streets of our cities.”

I could NOT agree more with him. I also believe that every American is a member of the militia and a soldier for America when the time comes and when the situation demands it of them. Because for me, the 2nd Amendment means that if America is attacked by its enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC, that my right to bear arms entitles me to have the ability to defend her. I in essence become a soldier with the duty to protect my country and the 2nd Amendment assures me the proper tools to do my duty.

And as for the statement that the AK 47 is best suited for the battlefield is also a true. A battlefield is not a specific area or terrain…it is the place where the enemy is met and confronted. A battlefield is wherever the fighting takes place. So, my AK47 is suited for wherever in America I choose to be.

To be honest, I don’t believe ANY regulation on firearms should be allowed. I believe our Founding Fathers wanted us to be on an even keel at all times with all of our potential enemies. Back then, the enemy had muskets and so did we. As progress of the firearm came about, so should our right to have the best arms we can.

If our potential enemies had high capacity magazines or full auto weapons, so should We The People have this same ability. We can not be an effective and well regulated militia if we have inferior weapons to those of our enemies. I am sure that our Founding Fathers did not expect future generations to fight a tyrannical govt or any enemy that could outshoot us or mow us down with little or no effort. That is why they used the word “ARMS”, to include ALL weapons. I do believe that weapons of mass destruction should certainly be regulated. However, I can not help but think that the regulation of our everyday firearms, such as caliber size, magazine capacity, rapid fire, size of weapon, barrel length, silencers and so on, is in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment as our Founding Fathers intended. All of this nonsense was created by liberals who inch by inch, convinced the American people these moves were necessary to protect us. In reality, ever regulation has made us less and less able to resist those that would seek to control us and take our rights away from us.

As I am sure everyone here knows fully well, the 2nd Amendment is not about hunting or even about personal protection against home invaders or muggers. Yes, those are legitimate purposes to be recognized, but our 2nd Amendment is about Americans being allowed to maintain the ability to retain all other rights gratned to us by GOD. About our ability to fight, on an even footing, all enemies that want to take away our freedoms and force us into submission.

During the Revolution, We The People owned muskets as did our enemy, the British. Could you imagine us winning the Revolution if we were regulated into having less than the same arms as the British? It would have been very difficult if not impossible to win this war that was the birth of America. If not for the right to keep and bear arms, we would all still be be drinking tea and shouting long live the queen. Well, every regulation that has been put in place regarding firearms have slowly eroded our ability to oppose a tyrannical goverment. If the time ever came, (And I seriously hope it NEVER does), We The People will be at a huge disadvantage. The arms our govt allows us to have now are nowhere equally matched against those we would have to fight against if a tyrant commanding our military wanted to disarm us.

Of some concern is the fact that would our soldiers and law enforcment officers ever raise their arms and use them on everyday Americans? Would they really disarm We The People after having sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution? I hope not.

However, Hitler convinced countless German soldiers to do exactly that. These soldiers swore allegiance to Hitler and killed their own countrymen. They killed them by the millions under the orders of their leader. How did so many become convinced to do this? Willingly? Did none of them have a conscience? They had weapons so why did none of them turn them on Hitler and his henchmen directly?

So, having history as my lesson, I worry that it could happen again. I bet that proud German citizens never thought that fellow Germans in uniform would kill them…but it happened. I have even read that German jews that proudly served in uniform for Germany in WWI were killed as well. Nothing protected you if Hitler and his troops wanted you dead. This is one reason I find it particularly odd when I hear jewish Americans shout for gun control. Do they not realize what they are saying?

Could history like this really repeat itself? Have we learned from it? I would like to, but we are human and just as humans have done for thousands of generations, we always seem to make the same mistakes over and over. Could it happen again?

We are living in interesting times. I know that during every election it is said that this is the most important one. However, I think it is a fact this time.

I have read much about all of our presidents throughout American history and even though I have not agreed with the ideaology of some of them, I do believe that every one of our presidents in the past loved America. That they were doing what they believed was best for Americans, at least to some degree. Of course, corruption in our government has always existed, but these were almost always for personal gain and cronism. This is the first time that I feel we have a president in office, along with other HIGH ranking politicians that truly do HATE America and want to destroy it. That they really have never been proud of their country their entire adult lives. That it is more than just about stealing our treasury for their own person gain or taking action for more power and control. For the first time, I am almost positive that those in charge want more than wealth and power, they want to DESTROY America.

Just like those evil individuals of history who hated their fellow countrymen so much that they threw open the gates to their country’s enemies that have led to complete destruction, obama wants to do the same. Just remember his quote to the russian ambassador not that long ago. Look at the policies and laws he is enacting that make us more and more vulnerable. Not only is he working to disarm the people, he is working diligently to dismantle our military and destroy our nukes. What is he doing, and why is he allowed to do this?

I think obma is a lackey of someone with even more power and influence and that obama is a pawn that will be discarded after his purpose has been fulfilled. I used to not believe in conspiracy theories and thought that only wackos would think like this. No more.

I hope I am merely being paranoid. I hope that we have a legitimate election that sees obama out the door. An election that keeps and takes our senate and house. And that Romney does the things he has promised. Until November elections are passed and even more so, that Romney is sworn in, I will remain slightly uneasy. They say that good always triumphs over evil…I hope they are right.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


If it saves only one life? No, it’s not worth it, period. How many lives have been lost in the name of freedom and liberty over the years?

Wake up America! Get rid of the power mad big government authoritarians of all political stripes! If you don’t? Then be prepared for a blood bath. Either in a full blown revolution, or by the very government that you pathetically expect to protect you!


Real Solutions to Last Night’s Shootings — As another Gun Free Kill Zone claims lives

July 20, 2012



Gun Owners of America


Gun Owners of America Offering Real Solutions to Last Night’s Shootings

— As another Gun Free Kill Zone claims lives


Last night’s shooting in Aurora, Colorado was extremely tragic, as more than a dozen people were killed in another Gun Free Kill Zone.


At the opening showing of “The Dark Knight Rises,” James Holmes dressed up in costume and murdered several people while the movie was barely thirty minutes into the story. The gunman used a movie gunfight to cover his actions and further surprise the innocent patrons. Worse, the theater in Aurora reportedly has a “no guns” policy.


Despite gun control’s obvious failure, the calls for more restrictions have already begun:


* Piers Morgan of CNN came out of the box, calling for more gun control in the wake of the shooting.


* New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the strategy of people arming themselves for self-defense just “doesn’t work.”


* And the Brady Campaign took the opportunity to tell the nation that, “This is yet another horrific reminder that guns enable mass killings.”


Tragically, many were killed last night. But it is also tragic that there was not another gun-toting Samuel Williams at the theater — the senior who rescued several Floridians against two armed thugs at an Internet cafe last week. (You can read the story and watch the exciting video here.)


And of course, while the national media is sure to focus on this Aurora, Colorado shooting for days to come, there is another shooting in that same city that you probably heard nothing about — when a worshipper at an Aurora church stopped a shooting this past April.


In that shooting, the bad guy was only able to kill one person in the parking lot, as the armed hero took him out before any other damage could be done.


Funny how the national media tends NOT to pick up stories where the good guy stops the perp!


To keep this in perspective, whenever we hear about horrid shootings like the one last night in Aurora, Colorado, we should remember that guns save as many as 80 lives for every one that is tragically taken. See the Gun Owners of America Fact Sheet here.


Gun Owners of America is appearing on several media outlets today to answer questions about our gun rights and to offer concealed carry solutions as the cure to future acts of terrorism like this.


Also, you can call in to GOA Radio Live to discuss this event with our Talk Show host, Bill Frady, from 6:00-8:00 pm tonight. Call 703-776-9264 to be on the show. GOA’s Larry Pratt will be interviewed by Frady next week.


Please stand with us and help GOA continue defending our gun rights across the country.

The murder of 13 moviegoers last night in a Denver-area theater was horrific.


My prayers, and the prayers of our staff and members, go out to the families of the victims and those wounded in this attack.


Living in Colorado, this attack strikes close to home for me.


I was sad this morning, but now I’m angry.


I’m angry that the theater bans law-abiding citizens from arming themselves for self-defense.


I’m angry that this deranged lunatic murdered men, women and children in a senseless act of violence.


And I’m outraged that already, not even twelve hours after the shooting, the gun control vultures are circling the victims.


This morning, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has taken to the airwaves to exploit the blood of innocents to advance his radical anti-gun agenda.


Never one to let a “crisis go to waste,” Bloomberg is demanding both President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney publicly come out in favor of expanding gun control.


While Colorado and the nation remain in a state of shock and grief, the Bloomberg political machine is callously exploiting this tragedy to churn out their anti-gun lies and rhetoric.


Make no mistake — this is a dangerous time right now for our gun rights.


President Obama and Republican Mitt Romney are neck-and-neck in the Presidential race and they’re desperate.


With a sinking economy and lackluster campaigns, they’re BOTH looking for any advantage they can muster.


And that means OUR Constitutionally-protected gun rights are certain to be in their sights.


You and I both know what President Obama thinks of gun owners . . .


. . . he thinks we’re “bitter” hicks, who “cling to our guns.”


But Mitt Romney’s record is no better. As Governor of Massachusetts he permanently banned an entire class of firearms.


Tragedies like last night’s movie theater shooting are just the sort of thing that the gun-banners have been waiting to exploit.


They will use this tragedy — and others like it — to call for “action.”


You and I both know their “call to action” means more gun control.


As gun owners and gun rights activists we MUST be vigilant in these times — not just in the defense of our loved ones, but in defense of our right to keep and bear arms.


With the UN “Small Arms Treaty” gun control meetings in New York City concluding exactly one week from today, it looks more likely than ever Barack Obama will attempt some sort of election-year gun grab.


In the name of public or international safety, and under pressure to conform to international “law,” that could mean a ban on inexpensive, imported ammunition . . .


. . . or a ban on full-capacity magazines . . .


. . . or an outright ban on civilian ownership of handguns . . .


. . . or worse yet, they could attack our very right to own firearms at all!


To make matters worse, Republican nominee Mitt Romney might help him!


You and I both know that Barack Obama, Michael Bloomberg and left-wing international gun-grabbers will work every angle of this shooting as an excuse to restrict our rights.


Our right to defend ourselves and our families from violent thugs — and anti-gun politicians — hangs in the balance on a daily basis.


Here is what you can do to help:


*** Please pray for the families of the victims and those injured by the horrific attack near Denver.


*** Gun grabbers seize upon every outrage and crime, so we must always be prepared.

For Freedom,


Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President


P.S. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has taken to the airwaves to exploit the blood of innocents to advance his radical anti-gun agenda.


Our right to defend ourselves and our families from violent thugs — and anti-gun politicians — hangs in the balance on a daily basis.


Please pray for the families of the victims and those injured by the horrific attack near Denver.


Gun grabbers seize upon every outrage and crime, so we must always be prepared. Please click here to chip in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun Rights continue to fight against the gun control schemes of liberals like Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama.





It’s Back: Free Speech is just fine, as long as you agree with them! DISCLOSE ACT

July 19, 2012


Anti-gun Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) really does not want gun owners’ voices to be heard in Washington, D.C.


Anti-gun Democrat leaders have scheduled a vote for Monday, July 16, on the so-called DISCLOSE Act.


You may recall that the DISCLOSE Act passed the House in 2010 but died in the Senate after an intense lobbying effort by Gun Owners of America and other groups.


The bill coming to the floor on Monday, S. 3369, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, puts severe and unconstitutional limits on GOA’s ability to hold individual congressmen accountable in the months leading up to an election.


Instead of protecting the most important type of speech protected by the First Amendment — political speech — this bill would force groups like GOA to “disclose” the names of donors in certain political advertisements.


Since Gun Owners of America is not willing to disclose its membership lists to the Federal Election Commission, we could be prohibited from running radio or TV ads exposing a federal candidate’s voting record during the election season.


This is just another attempt by pathetic, anti-gun politicians like Harry Reid to save their jobs before the political earthquake in November strikes. Indeed, if GOA candidates are victorious in Senate races in November, Harry Reid will no longer be the Majority Leader.


And, as has been the case so often with Reid, there have been no committee hearings to debate the merits of the bill, thus the American people have no opportunity to see just how egregiously DISCLOSE violates the Constitution. In fact, the bill was introduces less than a week ago.


Please urge your Senators to protect ALL of the Bill of Rights. Remind them that your ability to protect the Second Amendment relies on the safeguards of the First Amendment.


ACTION: Contact your Senators and urge them to oppose the DISCLOSE Act. You can use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center to send your Senators a pre-written e-mail message.



The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty WILL restrict your gun rights

July 10, 2012

As GOA reported before the holiday break, the United Nations has begun discussions over finalizing language in the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) — talks that are expected to last all month.

Senator Moran has prepared a letter, which GOA has in its possession, demanding that the Obama Administration oppose any treaty that would sacrifice Americans’ gun rights — even if it means “breaking consensus” at the July conference.

“We are concerned that the Arms Trade Treaty poses dangers to rights protected under the Second Amendment,” Senator Moran says in his letter.

You have to ratify the ATT to see what’s in it

Despite the risks to our liberties, there is much double-speak taking place at the UN.  The talks in New York are reminiscent of the process that Americans saw with the passage of ObamaCare. Remember Nancy Pelosi’s famous quip: “You have to pass the [health care] bill so you can see what is in it”?

In similar fashion, the gun control details in the ATT will “not be publicly available” until the treaty has been agreed to by all the member nations.

It makes you wonder if Pelosi is being paid as a consultant at these meetings.

Make no mistake about it; UN officials are using secrecy to their advantage, claiming the treaty will not infringe upon the rights of individual gun owners.  They claim the treaty only deals with international transfers of firearms.

But Moran counters that the treaty will expand federal gun controls and lead to the registration of firearms.

The Arms Trade Treaty WILL restrict your gun rights

The Moran letter quotes a draft of the treaty, noting that it requires nations to “monitor and control” arms in transit and to prohibit the unauthorized “transfer of arms from any location” — a requirement, he says, that implies a huge “expansion of federal firearms controls that would be unacceptable on Second Amendment grounds.”

And the draft version of the treaty calls for the creation of a “U.N.-based firearms registry for all firearms that are either imported into or transit across national territory.”  Can you imagine any greater infringement of your privacy … giving UN bureaucrats the “right” to collect information on you as a gun owner?

Some 130 Representatives sent their own letter to the President on Monday reminding him that the Second Amendment guarantees the “fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms” and declaring that the U.S. has no business supporting a treaty that infringes on the Bill of Rights.

The House letter is a good first step, but getting a similar one sent from the Senate is even more important.  After all, IT’S THE SENATE — and not the House — which must ratify the ATT.

Since the treaty will be finalized later this month, it is very important for Senator Moran to get at least 34 Senators on his letter — meaning he would have enough votes to prevent the treaty’s ratification.

ACTIONPlease click here to send a message urging your Senators to sign on to the Moran letter right away.  Senator Moran’s office says that Senators have been very slow to respond to his request for more signatories.  But he needs these signatures right away!

WordPress Political Blogs Global Tag:

July 3, 2012

WordPress decided that ease of use and finding new people in the arena of thought was not needed so they did away with global tags/categories some time back. We beg to differ! Using “private browsing” I found that one can still surf the web with ease. Use this link to find the main page to get to WordPress Political Blogs.

Or type in


The Obama administration’s attempt to make a case for gun control.

July 1, 2012

Well regular readers know that this is precisely what I said a long time ago.

The House of Representatives today voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress by a 255-to-67 vote.  Seventeen Democrats crossed party lines to support the contempt citation, which represents the first time in U.S. history that a house of Congress has ever taken such action against an Attorney General.
Let’s be clear:  Operation Fast & Furious was all about the Obama administration’s attempt to make a case for gun control.
Columnist Ann Coulter summarized this quite well yesterday when she said, “Administration officials intentionally put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, so that when the guns taken from Mexican crime scenes turned out to be American guns, Democrats would have a reason to crack down on gun sellers in the United States.”
This is precisely what internal ATF documents reveal.  In her groundbreaking report last December, Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News quotes one law enforcement official who put the administration’s duplicity quite succinctly:  “It’s like ATF created or added to the problem [by helping run guns south of the border] so they could be the solution to it and pat themselves on the back.”
Of course, that “solution” was nothing other than new gun control regulations — such as the gun registration requirements the Obama administration unilaterally imposed last year in the four southwestern states.
Hence, at its core, Operation Fast & Furious was intended to foster “gun walking” in order to create the perceived need for gun control.  In February of last year, the Obama administration sent a letter to Congress denying this and falsely claimed they were not helping to “walk” guns south of the border.
But in December, after further whistleblowers came forward and more documents were revealed, the administration had to retract the February letter.
Part of what House investigators are now seeking relates to documents describing the internal deliberations between Justice Department officials, and why they decided to abandon the claims made in the February letter and to change their story ten months later.
Further complicating matters for House investigators like Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is the fact that President Obama has exerted executive privilege over the documents and is refusing to turn them over.
This even has many Democrats concerned.
Georgia Democrat Rep. John Barrow explained his vote for the contempt citation, stating that “the Attorney General has decided to withhold relevant documents. The only way to get to the bottom of what happened is for the Department of Justice to turn over the remaining documents, so that we can work together to ensure this tragedy never happens again.”
And Utah Democrat Rep. Jim Matheson (UT) also explained his vote, stating that, “The Terry family, the public and Congress deserve answers. Sadly, it seems that it will take holding the Attorney General in contempt to communicate that evasiveness is unacceptable.”
Make no mistake about it — it’s been a long, hard road getting the Congress to act like it did today.  GOA had heard whispers on Capitol Hill — and seen articles in the media — indicating that the House leadership was initially cool to the idea of holding the Attorney General accountable in an election year.
That’s why your involvement — keeping this issue on the front burner for so many months — has been so crucial.  You moved the House leadership to move this contempt citation to the floor today and to make history.
Today’s action has set into place a series of events that could result in Eric Holder being held in contempt of court and, ultimately, land him in jail if he continues to hide documents related to Operation Fast & Furious.
Again, thanks again for every phone call you have made and every email you have sent!
Please stay tuned for further updates and make sure you check out our Facebook page and “like” us.  We are almost at 100,000 supporters … so help us get over the hump!
Gun Owners of America