Archive for December, 2012

So much for swearing an oath…Obama’s collaborators in Wyoming

December 31, 2012

Earlier this year with your help we defeated state legislation that would have expanded gun free zones, or better called — victim disarmament zones — in all County buildings around the state.

But, as we know all too well, the gun-grabbers never sleep!

Like a broken record, the anti-gun crowd and their pals in the media blame law-abiding gun owners like you and me and try to use tragedies as an excuse to push for even more gun control.

And here in Wyoming, the bad actors are just as emboldened by the mainstream media’s non-stop badgering to ban guns.

The Wyoming Judge that pushed for a gun ban in all County buildings is furious with the legislature for killing his bill — so he decided to do what power hungry tyrants do best.

Two weeks ago Judge Jeffery A. Donnell violated his oath to the Wyoming Constitution when he issued a — gun free zone order — in the Albany County building, claiming he can do so by his OWN authority.

His plan to override the current law from the bench is devious to say the least. It’s very likely that Judge Donnell hopes in-time his unlawful order will be decided by collaborators in the Wyoming Supreme Court.

But this is how the gun control crowd has done it all across the country, by enacting a patchwork of “local” gun laws.

Their scheme is simple — leave our new Constitutional Carry Law on the books but render it virtually MEANINGLESS by allowing local governments to pass their own gun “regulations.”

And here’s where the bad news gets worse.

This power-grab has been orchestrated by none other than the Wyoming Court Security Commission, whose appointed members include the above mentioned Judge Donnell, along with several handpicked anti-gun puppets including the Director of WY Homeland Security, along with several other anti-gun bureaucrats.

We have one strong supporter on the committee. Thanks to the out-going Speaker of the House, Ed Buchanan, we have a voice on the courts panel.

Last month Speaker Buchanan appointed pro-gun champion Representative Allen Jaggi to the commission. But with only one soldier against so many foes — there may not be enough horsepower to stem the tides.

Let’s face it, this is how the progressive crowd works, with the push from the Obama administration and his anti-gun cronies now in full swing — the like minded here in Wyoming have joined forces to mount a battle of epic proportions.

This is the reason Wyoming Gun Owners exists. Join us today.

Judge Donnell’s orders, don’t be fooled by the terms “courthouse” — he’s talking about the entire “County business building”.



“Murder every NRA member” from those peace lovers on the left!

December 30, 2012

Seems that all those peaceniks on the left really are not so peaceful after all. Not to mention that Feinstein, Schumer, and Lautenberg are hard at work as usual committing treason to their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution. I do believe in the death penalty, and treason is indeed a capital offense.

I am so sick of these better than thou’s inflicting their perceived utopia that I could personally come up with a hot barrel of tar and a feather bed! These are the very same people that came up with ex post facto law, the permanent taking of rights for less than felonious behavior, as well as the taking of private property rights.

Remember, in 1994 it only took one day for Congress and President Clinton to “legally” remove guns from the hands and homes of law-abiding Americans!

Remember, in 1984 it only took one day for Congress and President Reagan to “legally” remove title II guns from the hands and homes of law-abiding Americans! So much for arch conservatives!

Remember Ruby Ridge, and the Waco massacre. Never forget the War of Northern Aggression. Never forget that ours is anything but a benevolent government.

Deo Vindice, molan labe!

The Insanity of Regulations and Crony Capitalism by the WH Administration all the While Promoting the Fear of the “Fiscal Cliff”

December 29, 2012

Romanticpoet's Weblog



Witnessing the insanity coming from Washington, D.C. makes me wonder how many Leftie Loons reside within 50 miles of “the loop”.

Is it insanity OR a planned gradual influx of Progressivism/Marxism with the end result being STATISM?

Read this:

Marxism in America through Gradualism and Dialectic Process Ideology of Antonio Gramsci (Italian Communist). Saul Alinsky Tactics based on Gramsci.

Obama is tied to the Industrial Areas Foundation (founded by Alinsky) and currently tied to DEMOS.



Instead of the “Fiscal Cliff”, Americans SHOULD be worried about the affect the Obama enacted REGULATIONS on Businesseswill have on the employment numbers as well as the shuttering of many small businesses that will be unable to meet the regulations to remain a viable business.

The Archaic 1947 Farm Bill that expires the end of this year.  Allowing it to expire will create a GOVERNMENT control…

View original post 1,933 more words

December 29, 2012

This is something that those that laired it over us need to remember.

Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog

from ZeroHedge:

All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party – Mao Tse Tung

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military – William Burroughs

Revolution?  Yes, it all sounds rather “extreme”, but the cold hard reality of our era is not going to comfort us with diplomacies and niceties, so honestly, why should I have to sugar coat anything?  We live in extreme times and there is no longer room for prancing around the ultimate consequences of that which is taking place in America today.  This country is increasingly sliding towards the edge…

View original post 445 more words

December 29, 2012

Excellent post that was thought out quite well.

Stuck on Stupid Defined: Piers Morgan CNN

December 21, 2012

There is a reason we rebelled against English rule. What is the reason that the English gave up The Rights of Englishmen?

So then, what’s all this “assault rifle” nonsense?

A Shopping list?

A replica of Chicago: Complete with Government Goons!

December 21, 2012

In case you missed it, Piers Morgan called GOA Executive Director Pratt and his Second Amendment friends “idiots” on Tuesday night.

Yes, Piers thinks you’re an idiot.

But Pratt ruffled Piers’ feathers by shooting back, telling him that “Brits like him” just don’t like listening to facts.

Well, Gun Owners of America has been out front defending your gun rights and has appeared on scores of media outlets all across the country — and even across the world.  Some of the notable highlights include:

* GOA’s Larry Pratt on Piers Morgan on Tuesday night

*Director of Communications Erich Pratt in US News & World Report

* And Larry Pratt again with the opposing view piece for USA Today on Monday.

Make no mistake about it! We are in the fight of our lives.

Barack Obama has made it his central priority to destroy us.  And he and his anti-gun allies have billions of dollars of support from the TV, print, and cable media.

Obama will start out trying to ban semi-automatics, magazines and gun shows.  But make no mistake about it.  Obama’s initial efforts to crush us will just be the first step to making the entire country a replica of Chicago -– complete with across-the-board gun bans and defenseless citizens.

Julian Epstein, an MSNBC commentator, candidly revealed that the point of Obama’s campaign was not any particular piece of legislation, but rather to “break the back” of the gun lobby.

You can be sure of this:  The battle against Obama and his anti-gun stooges will be the biggest fight of our lives.

Already, Gun Owners of America has been the most prominent spokesman for the Second Amendment in the wake of the horrific Newtown tragedy.

Roll Call, the newspaper of record on Capitol Hill, remarked that, in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, “the reaction from one gun rights group [GOA] stood out.”

The liberal Huffington Post trumpeted:  “Gun Owners of America steals Newtown gun debate while NRA hides.”  It went on to say that “[w]hat is surprising is that [GOA Executive Director] Pratt is the only gun lobby representative willing to discuss his beliefs in public in the days after the Connecticut massacre.”

GOA has virtually been a solitary voice giving interviews all over the country –- and the world -– on behalf of gun rights and the Second Amendment.

Please stand with us so that we can continue fighting against the anti-gun onslaught.

As much as anyone, we deplore the efforts of anti-gun zealots to exploit this tragedy for political gain.  But if we hide in fear, we will have lost the debate and the legislative battle before even coming onto the battlefield.

We cannot let that happen.

This has not been without cost.  We have received death threats against us and our children, and hundreds of profanity-laced emails.  One writer said he wished our own children had died at Sandy Hook.  Another said he wished that all our GOA members would “just put a gun to their heads and pull the trigger.”

But, when you stand up to sick-minded opportunistic people –- as we have –- you can expect their true colors to show through.

We hope our members are proud of us.  As our legislative counsel told one liberal reporter:  “I think a lot of people who see and hear us fighting, at a time when [gun control advocates] are ready for battle, they’ll remember it.”

So we need your help to keep fighting.

And we need you to fight alongside us.

Click here to watch Larry’s interview with Piers Morgan on Tuesday Evening.



Senate about to vote on International Treaty

December 20, 2012

Treaties are like everything else in politics! What the heck is in the small print?

Who is really at fault in these shootings?

December 20, 2012

This shooting is yet another tragic example of the failed, grotesque insistence on helpless victim zones where any crazed gunman can be assured of a large number of disarmed, undefended, helpless victims, all crammed into one place, where he can kill many children before an armed defender arrives from elsewhere.  It is disturbing and sick that the federal government so hates the right of the American people to bear arms, and so hates their natural right to self defense, that the government insists on making them helpless, disarmed victims for anyone who cares to kill them.   And in this case, all of the teachers and staff were willfully disarmed by the Federal Government, by force of law and threat of prison, to ensure that they would be disarmed and incapable of saving the lives of the children entrusted to their care.

That makes the Federal Government complicit in the deaths of these children, and in fact an accessory to their mass murder, by forcibly disarming (with the very real threat of prison) all the teachers, all the staff, and any parent who may have been on school property.  That stupid law guaranteed the shooters would meet no immediate armed resistance, which is exactly what is needed to stop such an attack.

In such a shooting (as in every criminal attack), seconds count, and the people best positioned to stop the attack are the people on the scene – the intended victims and/or their care-takers.  In this case, that would mean the teachers and staff of the school who were responsible for the well-being of those children, and also the parents, who should have the ability to save the lives of their own children as they take them to and from school.

The police cannot, and do not arrive in time to stop such shooters from killing large numbers of people.  They are a slow reactive force compared to an armed citizen on the scene.   This should be common sense, as it is obvious that in the immediacy of a criminal attack, it is the intended victims (or their immediate care-takers) who are there, in position to put a stop to the attack, if they are capable.  And being capable means being armed, trained, willing, and able to use deadly force, right then, right there.  Anything less leads to what we saw here.

But no doubt the rabid anti-gun government supremacists will use this to further their agenda to disarm the American people, totally ignoring that obvious, plain-as-day truth.   Anti-gun nuts trust the government with guns, but not the people, and insist that the lowly citizen must be disarmed and helpless in the face of murderous assault, and must wait on slow responding armed government employees, who will not be there when the attack starts, and most often can only really clean up the horrendous crime scene afterwards and maybe, just maybe apprehend a shooter who has chosen not to kill himself (as they usually do).

The bottom line is that these teachers and staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary School were incapable of keeping these children safe, and incapable of defending them.  And one of the biggest reasons they were so incapable and unprepared to save the lives of the children entrusted to their care is because the anti-gun nuts and their fellow travelers in government insisted on disarming every adult in the vicinity, by threatening them with prison time – EXCEPT the gunmen, who don’t care about the law and thus were not disarmed.    laws against carrying weapons in schools don’t stop evil men with murderous intent.  Such laws only disarm the law abiding and virtuous, who are now rendered incompetent to defend the precious children in their care.

This is disgusting.  And yet another reason to home-school.  Why would you want to leave your children helpless, in the hands of adults who are  themselves helpless, and incapable of defending them, by government decree?  For all we know, one of the teachers may have been a veteran, with the training and skill to use a firearm if one had been available.  But all the teachers and staff, whatever their ability with firearms, were stripped of the choice and chance to save the lives of these kids.

There are more good guys than bad guys in the world.  But the good guys need to be able to stop the bad guys, and that means  they need to be armed so they can stop the bad guys on the spot, without having to wait for “official” government approved good guys to respond.  Trust the teachers with arms so they can save the lives of their students.

Until the adults are allowed to actually act like adults, and defend themselves and their students, this kind of willful killing will continue to happen, and the federal government will in each case be a guilty party to the conspiracy by ensuring that the targets are disarmed.

Until this changes, you should refuse to give your children over to government schools lorded over by a Federal Government so callous and indifferent to their safety and lives.

Stewart Rhodes,
Founder of Oath Keepers


Some years ago I wrote about Free Fire Zones and public safety in a letter to the editor at The Rocky Mountain News. Not a damned thing has changed since then. Other than Columbine, and all the rest of these mass killings of innocent people. Gun up people! The answer is more freedom and liberty, not less! More laws will change nothing. Other than make more victims of social predators.


It’s the Economy Stupid!

December 13, 2012

From far and wide it seems that all we hear is the hue and cry about how to fix the economy. I read about how we should be “fair” about taxing the “rich.”

That’s all fine and good if you are simply stuck on stupid. Think about it people. Who pays the lions share already when it comes to taxes? The upper middle class and the truly wealthy, that’s who. If everyone paid taxes at the same rate, yes, even welfare recipients, there would be no budget crisis. In fact though, taxes would probably drop to levels unheard of in modern times. Even on those of us that really are much better off than the rest of us.

But no, we would rather sit around and play the class warfare game. Answer me this socialist pundits. When was the last time that a poor person gave you a job? Any job, even a poor paying job? It’s called trickle down, or yes, up, economics. The system works, and yes, it is part and parcel of free market economic models. Before the lefty’s jump all over me about how we got into this mess through free market policies just remember that there has never, in all history been a true full economic system. From the Soviet Unions official Black Market to the unofficial black market there was a degree of capitalism at work there. Here in the United States we have onerous regulation that destroys most of what would be described as a free market. Leftest lawmakers dabbled in the free market, and guess what happened? You are living through it! Not to mention that we do indeed have a black market at work here as well. Drugs, weapons, and even tobacco products thrive in the era of taxation beyond the pale.

So what do we do? Turning over our own responsibilities to a bunch of elected officials that really are clueless is not the answer. Revolution, while quite attractive to many, would take generations to achieve the standard of living that we now enjoy to be achieved once again. Compromise, when addressing ones deepest held values is no virtue. In a nation so diverse as The United States those values may indeed be just as diverse. How do we address that Pandora’s box?

I submit that we should look to our own history for the answers to this all. Restore the original intent of The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.

Here are just a few things that would get us headed back on the road to prosperity.

  • Reign in The Supreme Court. Rulings that serve only the interests of government and cronies have destroyed the actual owning of private property. The taking of civil rights for much less than true mental deficiency or felonious behaviors. Forcing the purchase of anything that is a private product that does not involve the safety of others are just a few examples.
  • End the drug war, period. All drugs, period. We could still have purity and efficiency laws for medicinals. Plus we would not be party to making thugs and murderers into millionaires. There will always be alcoholics and drug abusers and gangsters will always find some vehicle of prey but we will not be enablers to that on a national scale.
  • Develop a system whereby elected officials are subject to a performance evaluation that is more than simply winning an election.
  • End the barriers to new political persuasions entering the market of ideas. The Republicans and Democrats have had a free ride for way to long and have done little for anyone but themselves. As in the politicians themselves. Just look at how the Democrat Party has used and abused people of color, and how the Republicans have done the same to the working man.
  • Overhaul the education system here from top to bottom. I should not even begin to have to go into that issue!
  • Community Service: All people, unless gravely disabled, should be required to have spent some time in service to the nation. Be that as a volunteer in EMS, Firefighting, or Armed Forces or Police work. All persons I should reemphasize, no getting out of it because you are the son or daughter of a Senator such as happened all to often during the draft. I myself would like to see a two year mandatory period of service in the armed forces. Right out of High school, no deferments, no straight into any Officers program that includes basic training in Infantry skills. The national bonus to that is obvious. But that is just me.

I am sure that many will argue against what I just offered. Feel free to defend your positions. But, being a Marine Corps Brat, you had better have a better alternative to offer, and not just say that you don’t like this or that.

Keep the shiny side up!