Archive for January, 2015

HB-114; The first step in a long road to security and freedom

January 30, 2015
Today HB-114 repeal gun free zones passed out of Judiciary Committee 8-1 without any amendments.

Take a few seconds to cheer. Okay…that’s enough.

Today’s vote was just a small first step on a long road filled with potholes.

I watched as the Education Lobby lined up against the people’s right to self defense. They literally will do and say anything to keep their precious ‘gun free’ killing zones.

Testimony based on anti-gun feelings were kicked off by liberal-progressive Jillian Balow, the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Balow simply used her office and salary to rob the people of their right to self defense.

The first thing that came to mind were images of Hillary Clinton’s, “it takes a village to raise a child.”

Please be watching for my future emails so you can be involved.

HB-114 could be heard for first floor reading as early as tomorrow.

If you haven’t done so already, please contact your House Representative and ask them to support HB-114-without amendments.

Find your House Representative here.

For Liberty,

Yet another self defense protest…

January 27, 2015

Another Police shooting is drawing a protest. This time in Denver. Again, it would appear to be fully justified as an act of self defense, or an act that was done in the defense of another innocent party. In this case a Denver Police Officer. The Officer was struck by the stolen vehicle that the teenage girl that was shot and killed was driving suffering a leg injury.

What the heck..? That “girl” as many are describing her intentionally used that stolen vehicle as a weapon and injured another person. That person happened to be a Police Officer. Don’t Cops have self defense rights..?

While listening to talk radio last evening (sorry but I don’t remember if it was on KHOW or KOA) a caller talked about how vicious the Officers of The Denver Police Department are. This was a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moment for this retired Paramedic. Compared to virtually every other Police Department in the greater Denver area, with the possible exceptions of Commerce City and Broomfield, are the most restrained when it comes to physical means of containing a suspect. Indeed, IMO? If this had happened in Arvada, Lakewood, Westminster, or Wheatridge? Every other kid in that vehicle would have been shot, if not killed!

Kudos from this retired Paramedic to the Denver Police Officers involved for a job well done in a manner that both complies with common ethical principles, and professionalism.

For the “anonymous” posted about the teen’s death on their Twitter account 

This was not “murder,” not at all.