Archive for August, 2016

Part of the problem, or part of the solution..?

August 29, 2016

Stolen from a Facebook Friend, Bret Rogers;

If you believe you’re oppressed, but you vote for bigger government, then you don’t deserve any sympathy whatsoever. You’re putting your own chains on you.

If you’re dissatisfied with how social security has been managed by the politicians you elected to office, but you expect your kids to fix it for you, then you’re handing the problem you perpetuated to your children.

If, on one hand, you think electing a single person can fix all of this but on the other you say you believe in the country as founded, then it seems you might not understand that the country as founded cast off the notion of a king.

Government is never the solution. It won’t fix “oppression.” It creates oppression.

It won’t fix social security. The only way to “fix” social security is to take more money from your children.

Allowing the consolidation of power to a single person won’t fix anything. It will invite tyranny because no one should be trusted with that much power.

Government is never the solution.

More on the Hildebeast; No, we will not give a girl a break!

August 26, 2016

While I really am not any sort of big fan of Donald Trump, there is no way in hell that I could ever support “The Potty Mouth” What follows is a short film that exposes her, yet again, for what she is, as well as is not.

Her ongoing disrespect for the military and the deadly consequences from that, her blatant misandry, her utter disrespect for The Bill of Rights (It’s not just the Second Amendment), her support of terrorists, and obvious racism are disgusting…

Should HRC become POTUS this nation will be ripped asunder in a very bloody revolt.

A feminist..?

August 10, 2016

Stolen from Eric @ Tygrr Express!


Hillary Clinton is supposedly:

1) Exceptionally bright. Yet she failed the DC Bar exam. She only became an attorney by passing the much easier Arkansas bar exam.

2) Exceptionally hard-working. She was kicked off the Nixon impeachment committee team for unethical behavior.

3) Exceptionally diligent. She was an average attorney who had her Governor husband beg people to give her monthly retainers so she would not get fired.

4) Exceptionally accomplished. none of her supporters can seem to name one single policy accomplishment.

Hillary Clinton is not a moron like Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Nancy Pelosi. She is not lazy like O44. She is not oblivious like O44. She does not have a policy legacy like FDR or even her husband.

She is an average woman with an undistinguished record. Wherever she has gone, she has avoided being the worst but has never been anywhere near the best. As Secretary of State, she was far below average. Everywhere else, she was inconsequential.

So enough with the myth that Hillary Clinton is some kind of trailblazer. She married a talented guy and rode his coattails. He was exceptional whether one agreed with him or not. She was just along for the ride. That is not feminism. That is the opposite of feminism.

It kills liberals to admit it, but many conservative women they deride as dumb or evil are far more accomplished.

Sarah Palin ran a city. Liberals will sneer that Wasilla is small, but it is still more than what Hillary did.

Michele Bachmann is an accomplished tax attorney. Tax law is a very complex subject and Bachmann knows it inside and out.

Dr. Condoleeza Rice is off the charts regarding her many accomplishments in terms of depth, width and breadth. She is also a classically trained pianist.

Hillary Clinton is just a woman who was lucky enough to marry a guy who accomplished stuff. Take away him, and she is nothing.

That is who Democrats are propping up in their latest attempt to continue treating the presidency as an affirmative action project. Hillary Clinton is inferior, and deep down she knows it.

eric @ Tygrrrr Express