Archive for January, 2016

She is so psychologically dysfunctional that she even wants police officers listed on the gun owner registry.

January 16, 2016

Seriously, there are people in this world so warped in their thinking that they can compare those in the freedom and liberty movement to the lowest of perverts. Go here to read about this…

Should time permit I think that I will start a new page, and play out the stereotypes that are tossed around. Now, that would be an interesting play on the psychology that makes up those of The Tyranny of the Majority that is today’s curse of Political Correctness.

One sick puppy; Can’t this POTUS ever tell the truth about anything?

January 12, 2016

From Gun Owners of America:

The president conducted another dog-and-pony show last week during a CNN-sponsored “Town Hall.”

The president trotted out several worn-out lies, like his claim that guns are more likely to kill you than save your life.

He even had the audacity to say that background checks are necessary since we wouldn’t otherwise know if drug dealers were buying guns.

Really?!? Has the president already forgotten Fast & Furious — when his administration gave green lights to known criminals so they could purchase firearms and smuggle them south of the border?

Of course he didn’t forget, but this president doesn’t care about facts or statistics that don’t support his ambitious gun control agenda.

The United States is experiencing record low crime rates, but Obama continues to pursue his anti-gun agenda in spite of the fact that murder rates are at their lowest levels in 25 years.

Nevertheless, Obama tried to make his radical agenda sound like it’s simply a few tweaks here and there — ignoring, of course, that his oath to uphold the Constitution should prevent him from imposing any “infringements” on gun rights at all.

GOA on the Front Lines

Though the President’s media circus last Thursday night was tightly controlled by the White House, GOA spokesmen have appeared on more than a thousand media outlets to discuss the President’s agenda.

You can view a few of them here:

* Larry Pratt Debunking the “Gun Show Loophole” on Fox Business News;

* A “tense” debate with a CNN host who attempted to keep me from debunking the anti-gun liberals’ talking points.

* Plus many more radio and TV appearances where GOA spokesmen have recently taken on Obama’s gun control proposals — all viewable at GOA’s YouTube page here.

Hey Buffalo Bill…

January 5, 2016

Source: Hey Buffalo Bill…

Hey Buffalo Bill…

January 5, 2016

Buffalo Bill Cody is probably turning over in his grave!

Tomorrow (Jan 6) in Cody WY the school board is having what they call a ‘special meeting’ that includes both school board members and state legislators about…guns in schools.

This meeting is so ‘special’ – that they decided the meeting shouldn’t be advertised to the public.

The truth is, they don’t want you to know!

You see, Park county’s anti-gun school superintendent Ray Schulte is working hard to ensure law abiding Citizens like YOU are NEVER allowed to exercise the God-given right to self defense.

And just what is Schulte pushing?

He is in support of legislation strikingly similar to Senator Hank Coe’s substitute bill that effectively derailed the repeal of gun free zones in Wyoming.

And this isn’t the first time superintendent Schulte has been on the wrong side of your right to keep and bear arms. The more that you see him in action, the more you realize he is aligned with Joe Biden, the author of gun free zone legislation.

Here’s the low down…

Schulte in his capacity as superintendent of schools in Torrington Wy —-> testified against repealing gun free zones in a Wyoming Senate committee in 2012.

It was at this moment we discovered that superintendent Schulte doesn’t even trust the citizens who submit to a full background check.

Schulte stated in open committee, “I spoke with our police chief and he told me there over two thousand permit holders right here in out district, can you imagine all of them being in the school at the same time?”

It was shortly after, that the Goshen School board had enough of Schulte…

In June of 2012 the school board voted against Schulte and one board member even stated publicly that, “the superintendent wasn’t doing a good job” and “his salary was too high.”

The Torrington headline actually read, “District Superintendent Ray Schulte does not have the full support of the Goshen County School Board.”

Sadly by the following year, the folks in Cody took him in as their new school superintendent, at an even higher salary of $150,000 a year.

It should be noted that instead of inviting the public to a meeting where the only agenda is about guns, Schulte invited several neighboring district board members – Now you know why it’s called a “special meeting.”

Please contact the following Park county school board members and let them know you are on to their scheme.

Jake Fulkerson
Term Ends: 2016

Julie Snelson
Vice Chairman
Term Ends: 2016

Stefanie Bell
Term Ends: 2016

Kelly Simone
Term Ends: 2018

Ed Seymour
Term Ends: 2016

I have confirmed that the Grizzly Room at the Cody Library is reserved from 6-9pm on Jan 6. I have also confirmed that public comments will not be allowed. If you can be there please do so with a recording device and camera in hand.

In order for WyGO to continue opposing the likes of Superintendent Schulte and Senator Hank Coe, I need your help. Please consider a donation of $100, $50 or just $25 today.

For Freedom,

Anthony Bouchard
Executive Director
Wyoming Gun Owners