Archive for November, 2012

Some post turkey day observations

November 24, 2012

Seems that the top jurist’s in Egypt have figured out what so many of us knew as the so called Arab Spring unfolded before the world. Nothing but a takeover by radical muslims in the guise of some sort of democracy, and epic fail obama even tried to make us all believe that this would be a good thing. Talk about a sales pitch that would make snake oil marketers proud!

Then we have this; Chris Brown still being hammered over his row with Rhianna. Didn’t he do enough time? Didn’t he go through all the counseling, and pay the fines? Why is this big news ? Why bother with it at all? From all accounts they have resolved their issues. Let them both go on with their lives without others telling them how to live those lives or castigating either one for how they go about it?

Two deaths of note, or better said that made the news. Hector Camacho took a dirt bath after taking a bullet in the face. Damn! He was one hell of a boxer! Even if he was one of the sweet sciences bad boys. Larry Hagman, the man everyone loved to hate every week on Dallas passed away after a terrible battle with cancer. Rest in peace men.

Then there has been the weather. From “Super Storm Sandy” to the latest cold front and attendant storm that chased me from Seattle to just outside of Chicago the idiots are all calling it a result of man made global warming. In Wyoming, we call it winter and never mind that scientific fact that we are emerging from the “Little Ice Age.”

The absolute joke of the week, as usual, involve the epic failure known as the obama. Yes, we knew this would happen. The election is being hailed as an overwhelming victory and mandate. Sorry folks, but it simply was not. He barely won. We lost, but not by much, and we have only ourselves to blame for running yet another half-assed conservative instead of a real non compromiser that loves the nation as well as the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

On to better things! Those that roll there own check out Magnum Pistol 300! Talk about some serious bang!

Keep the shiny side up…

The Democrats’ sop to gun owners

November 23, 2012
Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) — who is “F” rated by Gun Owners of America — is pushing a “hunting” bill that authorizes the Obama administration almost unlimited power to seize private lands for “environmental” purposes.
Anti-gun Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled Tester’s bill for a vote, and it will probably take place on Thursday.
ACTION:  It is imperative that gun owners contact their Senators and ask them to OPPOSE S. 3525.  Click here to tell them that the modest conservation gains allowed in the bill are totally offset by giving unelected bureaucrats the authority to steal land from hunters and private property owners.
(1) When the “wetlands” provisions of the Clean Water Act were originally enacted, no one could have foreseen that a landowner would go to prison for applying clean dirt to a junkyard adjacent to a sewer, which was determined to be “wetlands.”  But environmentalists have been brilliant in taking seemingly innocuous programs and massively expanding them through fraudulent interpretations or tiny loopholes.
(2) S. 3525 has “sweeteners.” It allows archery bows to be transported through national parks under very limited circumstances, although Obama could do this by administrative fiat.  It also allows, but does not mandate, Pittman-Robertson funds to be used for target ranges. But none of these small discretionary provisions offset the potential damage this does to the rights of individual landowners.
(3) THE ISSUE OF LOST OPPORTUNITY:  If this is the Democrats’ sop to gun owners, it may make it a lot more difficult to secure national concealed carry reciprocity or to stop anti-gun measures and treaties.


The central problem with the bill is that it allows seizure of private lands for “aquatic habitats” [Sections 201(8) and 204 (d) (2)]. The definition of this term is limitless and includes seizure of lands in order to “protec[t] the quality and quantity of water sources” and to “serv[e] as a buffer protecting the aquatic environment.” [Section 201 (2)]
Thus, a factory that “pollutes” can be seized to protect an “aquatic habitat.” The only real limit on seizure in Section 204 is the requirement that the government manage the seized property “in accordance with the purposes of this subtitle.”


The National Fish Habitat Board consists of 27 members. The initial members (Obama appointees) select the remaining members. Thus while the “commercial fishing industry” supposedly has a representative, you can bet that that fisherman is an Obama-supporter and will support his agenda.
The board then enters into “partnerships” with, inter alia, outside groups. And you can bet that every liberal environmental organization in the country will now be feeding at this pig sty. The outside groups recommend fish habitat programs and plans for seizing private lands.
Bottom line:  This will give immense powers to unelected bureaucrats — a clear violation of the Separation of Powers which our Founders implemented as a way of protecting our rights.
This supposedly requires the consent of landowners prior to having their lands seized. But, note the sneaky loophole: Section 211 (e) (2) applies only to property that is being seized with federal funds and, under Section 204 (e), half the funds need to come from non-federal sources.
So while this section is put forward as a “protection,” it actually doesn’t provide total immunity because the government can take a land owner’s property using non-federal funds — and there is no protection in the bill against that.
Click here to contact your Senators
Better late than never I guess.

Word out of Washington…

November 19, 2012

is that anti-gun Eric Holder could return as Attorney General in Barack Obama’s second term.

Despite pages of evidence indicating Holder’s inner circle was intimately aware of the “Fast & Furious” drug-smuggling operation, Obama wants Holder to stay on the job . . .

. . . and there’s little wonder why.

Even before Holder’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) implemented the “Fast & Furious” operation — which led to the deaths of at least one American border agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens — he’d spent years making his case for gun control.

Perhaps Holder’s most outrageous comment about our Second Amendment rights was caught on video in 1995 when he said public officials should seek ways to “brainwash” the American people into supporting gun control.

The “Fast & Furious” operation all makes perfect sense when considering Holder’s comment from 1995 and Obama’s desire to push through the UN Gun Ban and a new permanent ban on so-called “Assault Weapons.”

“Fast & Furious” was designed to “brainwash” the American people into supporting gun control, all in an effort to “stem violence in Mexico,” which the administration has blamed falsely on a lack of gun control in America.

But their anti-gun scheme backfired.

And thanks to NAGR’s 1.4-million members and supporters raising the red flag on “Fast & Furious” and keeping up sustained grassroots pressure on Congress for nearly two years, mountains of information has been revealed to the public.

However, with the White House refusing to turn over thousands of pages of communications related to this scandal, there is still much gun owners do not know about Holder’s involvement.

Holder has sacrificed a handful of individuals from his inner circle, forcing them to resign or retire early, but still, he remains unscathed.

And now, Barack Obama wants him to continue on the job in Washington for years to come.

We have no choice but to fight on — to demand answers.

To demand criminal prosecution of ALL those responsible.

NAGR has led the fight to Fire Eric Holder and will continue doing so in the weeks and months ahead.

But this scandal will “die” unless gun owners keep up a sustained level of grassroots pressure on Members of Congress demanding they continue their investigation.

That’s why I’m asking you to double-down and stay involved.

NAGR has already delivered close to one and a half million petitions to Fire Eric Holder to Capitol Hill in Washington.

Our goal is to double that number in the next few weeks and have a pile of petitions waiting for Members of Congress when they are sworn into office in January.

is that anti-gun Eric Holder could return as Attorney General in Barack Obama’s second term.

Despite pages of evidence indicating Holder’s inner circle was intimately aware of the “Fast & Furious” drug-smuggling operation, Obama wants Holder to stay on the job . . .

. . . and there’s little wonder why.

Even before Holder’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) implemented the “Fast & Furious” operation — which led to the deaths of at least one American border agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens — he’d spent years making his case for gun control.

Perhaps Holder’s most outrageous comment about our Second Amendment rights was caught on video in 1995 when he said public officials should seek ways to “brainwash” the American people into supporting gun control.

The “Fast & Furious” operation all makes perfect sense when considering Holder’s comment from 1995 and Obama’s desire to push through the UN Gun Ban and a new permanent ban on so-called “Assault Weapons.”

“Fast & Furious” was designed to “brainwash” the American people into supporting gun control, all in an effort to “stem violence in Mexico,” which the administration has blamed falsely on a lack of gun control in America.

But their anti-gun scheme backfired.

And thanks to NAGR’s 1.4-million members and supporters raising the red flag on “Fast & Furious” and keeping up sustained grassroots pressure on Congress for nearly two years, mountains of information has been revealed to the public.

However, with the White House refusing to turn over thousands of pages of communications related to this scandal, there is still much gun owners do not know about Holder’s involvement.

Holder has sacrificed a handful of individuals from his inner circle, forcing them to resign or retire early, but still, he remains unscathed.

And now, Barack Obama wants him to continue on the job in Washington for years to come.

We have no choice but to fight on — to demand answers.

To demand criminal prosecution of ALL those responsible.

NAGR has led the fight to Fire Eric Holder and will continue doing so in the weeks and months ahead.

But this scandal will “die” unless gun owners keep up a sustained level of grassroots pressure on Members of Congress demanding they continue their investigation.

That’s why I’m asking you to double-down and stay involved.

NAGR has already delivered close to one and a half million petitions to Fire Eric Holder to Capitol Hill in Washington.

Our goal is to double that number in the next few weeks and have a pile of petitions waiting for Members of Congress when they are sworn into office in January.

Help the Cause


Multiple challenges & opportunities lay ahead for our gun rights

November 8, 2012
Gun Owners of America

In wake of Election Day:
Multiple challenges & opportunities lay ahead for our gun rights
“I want to thank Gun Owners of America for coming into my district twice.  Their involvement helped educate gun owners as to who the real pro-gun candidate was in this very close race.” — Rep.-elect Keith Rothfus (R-PA)
There is no doubt.  Gun rights will come under attack in the next four years.
The President who said that he was pursuing gun control proposals “under the radar” during his first term can now come out of the closet.  Just as Barack Obama told outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more “flexibility” after the election, we can expect an emboldened White House to pursue a UN gun control treaty … more gun owner registration … more Executive Orders designed to limit our rights … more anti-gun Supreme Court Justices, etc.
Sadly, Harry Reid is going to remain the Majority Leader of the Senate.  We realized that it was an uphill battle to take the gavel out of Reid’s hands, but it was an important fight if we were going to stop the onslaught of future anti-gun judicial picks.  And while we lost some heartbreaking races, there are some things to cheer about.
First, we did get three new pro-gun Senators elected:  Ted Cruz in Texas, Deb Fischer in Nebraska and Jeff Flake in Arizona.  The Cruz race in Texas was especially contentious during the primary, and GOA got involved early to help push Cruz over the finish line.
While many other pro-gun Senators also retained their seats, gun owners will find several new friendly faces in the House:
* Steve Stockman, who was perhaps the most aggressively pro-gun Representative in the 1990s, will return to Congress with a 70% mandate from his Texas district.  Even if you don’t live in the Lone Star State, Steve Stockman will represent you by fiercely fighting for your Second Amendment rights.  GOA helped push Stockman, who was an underdog in his primary, over the hump in July.  His victory yesterday may well be the number one pick-up for gun rights in this election.
* Another key victory for gun owners is Keith Rothfus, who knocked off a “Blue Dog” compromiser in western Pennsylvania.  There was tremendous confusion in this race since another gun group had endorsed his opponent. So GOA made multiple trips into the district to help gun owners see that Rothfus was the real pro-gun candidate in the contest.  Happily, Rothfus will be joining the new freshmen class in January.
* In addition to Rothfus in Pennsylvania, GOA helped make distinctions in several other races — between real, pro-gun candidates and those who merely feign support for gun rights.  Notable examples of “Blue Dog” compromisers who lost their jobs occurred in North Carolina and Kentucky, where Richard Hudson and Andy Barr emerged victorious.
* GOA also heavily backed Jackie Walorski in Indiana.  As a state representative, she was a fierce defender of individual liberty and was even willing to take on members of her own party in defense of the Constitution.  She will be a welcome addition in this next Congress.
* While gun owners lost a squeaker in the Montana Senate, the pro-gun Steve Daines won the open House seat.  He replaces Denny Rehberg who failed narrowly to unseat “F” rated Senator Jon Tester (D).
* GOA also helped “A” rated Tom Cotton win a very contentious primary in the 4th District of Arkansas.  He went on to thump his opponent in the general election last night, collecting almost 60% of the vote.
* Across the nation, Gun Owners of America was able to assist several freshman Congressmen who were on the “endangered list.”  Examples include Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan and Steve Southerland in Florida who are both “A” rated by GOA.
While the challenges are obvious, GOA will continue to fight for your gun rights in this next Congress.
By using guerilla-style tactics, GOA was actually able to work with Congressmen to REPEAL gun control laws like the Amtrak and National Parks bans during the Obama administration.  No, Obama didn’t support these repeals, but we were able to get these repeals inserted into “must pass” bills which Obama couldn’t afford to veto.
This is the type of political warfare that we will be fighting for the next four years.  And now, we have fresh troops reporting for duty in January who are ready and willing to fight.
So the election was not a total loss. Despite the majority of the people in America being solidly in the stuck on stupid camp.