Archive for March, 2012

If anyone tells you that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”

March 21, 2012

Hat Tip to Texas Fred for leading me toward another Blog ran by Texas Brady. I have known for many years that Islam is anything but a religion of peace. I have seen first hand the results of this religion from Africa to Israel, and across the orient.

Perhaps the radicle feminist’s that scream about the oppression here in America of women would care to spend some time elsewhere in the world…

For those of you with a strong inner constitution might care to take a look at what are indeed the fruits of this moon cult’s faith…

A pictorial recent history of Islam.


A Great Quote

March 21, 2012
“Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that will require every citizen to prove they are insured,but not everyone to prove they are a citizen!”

Kinda makes the Obama/Holder DOJ attack against Voter ID laws look silly doesn’t it? ID’s are only required when the DOJ says they are required.

From Texas Fred

Constitutional Carry update: Republicans are pro gun..?

March 17, 2012

Constitutional Carry is the basic principle that if you are legally eligible to purchase a firearm, you should be able to carry that weapon, concealed, for self-defense without government permission.

Passage of Constitutional Carry does not abolish existing permit systems, or their corresponding reciprocity agreements. It merely provides law-abiding citizens with an alternative avenue for armed self-defense.

Passing Constitutional Carry in state legislatures across the country is a key goal of the National Association for Gun Rights’ State Legislative program. The National Association for Gun Rights’ activists successfully passed Constitutional Carry in Wyoming in 2011.

Constitutional Carry is law in Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming.

  • Colorado: Two Constitutional Carry bills have been introduced, one in each chamber. SB-25 (Neville) has been procedurally killed in committee. HB-1092 (Priola) was on third reading but they sent it back to Judiciary to clear up a language dispute.
  • Georgia: HB-679 (Spencer) is in Public Safety & Homeland Security. It was heard on February 13th, but the committee’s chair, Republican Ann Purcell, refused to allow an up or down vote. Georgia’s important “crossover” deadline has since passed, but there is still time to add it as an amendment to another gun bill.
  • Iowa: Working with our ally Iowa Gun Owners, two Constitutional Carry bills have been introduced in Iowa (HF-291 and HF-2113). They are in the Public Safety Committee. Again, Republican leadership has blocked the vote in effort to quietly kill both bills, but pressure to revisit this legislation is mounting.
  • Kentucky: HB 280 (Harmon) is in the House Judiciary Committee.
  • New Hampshire: Working with our ally New Hampshire Firearms Coalition (NHFC), HB-536 (Hoell) passed the House and received a favorable hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is the second year in a row that it has passed. However, anti-gun Republican leadership is trying to kill it behind the scenes. NAGR and NHFC have worked hard to expose the anti-gun backroom dealings.
  • Maine: Two 2011-12 bills were killed by leadership.
  • Mississippi: HB 596 (Formby) was introduced this past month; however it contains some bad language that needs to be amended out.
  • Montana: In 2011, NRA “A-Rated” rated Governor Brian Schweitzer vetoed Constitutional Carry. Montana does not hold a legislative session in 2012. NAGR is continuing to work in Montana to see that this becomes the standard in all areas of the state next year.
  • Ohio: HB 256 (Adams) is the 2011-12 bill. It is in the State Government & Elections committee.
  • Oklahoma: There are dozens of gun bills floating around the capitol this year. While most of have an emphasis on open carry, one proposed floor amendment from last March (FA-7 by Derby) to HB-1796 (Tibbs) came close to doing away with the permit requirement.
  • Rhode Island: S 2133 (Picard) is in Senate Judiciary.
  • South Carolina: The concept was introduced earlier in the 2011-12 session, but didn’t make it far before the anti-gunners stalled it and watered it down. NAGR members in the Palmetto state are working to get a recorded vote on Constitutional Carry in the South Carolina Legislature.
  • South Dakota: NRA “A-Rated” Republican leadership violated the state constitution to prevent HB 1015 (Kopp) from receiving a floor vote. They substituted it with language that at best still requires a permit in the form of your driver’s license and still mandates ALL the requirements including a background check. South Dakota Gun Owners and NAGR will continue to work toward a real Constitutional Carry law in the future.
  • Tennessee: Several Constitutional Carry bills have been introduced in the last two years including SB 397, which awaits a hearing in the Judiciary Committee. On February 2, companion legislation was introduced in the Tennessee State House — HB 3818.
  • Virginia: HB 139 by Delegate Cole was left in committee after crossover without being continued. Cole was unwilling to respond to the demands of NAGR members to file a discharge petition to bring Constitutional Carry to the House floor. NAGR will be working with our allies on the ground in Virginia to find a more courageous sponsor to bring this to the floor going forward.
  • Wisconsin: Last year, Wisconsin became the 49th state to recognize concealed carry in SB 93 (Galloway). The bill originally began as a Constitutional Carry bill.
  • Elsewhere: 2011-12 Constitutional Carry bills were considered in Nevada, Idaho, Indiana, Oregon, Utah, and West Virginia. However, those initiatives failed to become law.

    This brings the total to 26 states that have, are considering, or have considered Constitutional Carry during this legislative cycle.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President


Sort of a new category at CLO, sort of…

March 13, 2012

I’m going to start posting more often about products or services, and inviting guest posters / authors. Reviews of products such as IWB Holsters, pistols and other firearms. If you would like to submit an article just post a comment to that effect. Your email address will show up to me, and I will get into contact with you.  Spam will not be accepted period. legitimate endorsements will be. Training courses, and your post course evaluations will, I hope, be a biggy! We all know about Gunsite, and Front Sight, and we all know that there are often financial and or travel barriers to getting into those courses. Not to mention barriers to the individual person that wants or needs training. The last that I read, the Constititution didn’t say anything at all about a protected class of Americans. As in “This class is for active and reserve military; or Law Enforcement personnel only.” Beware of those that only want you, the private citizen, to be able to only sort of protect yourself.

This new page / category will also address such things as Bachelor cooking. How to actually sharpen that knife, or, straight razor. Making a firing pin for a 22 rim-fire from a piece of coat-hanger, or a tooth pick from the same, or even a chicken bone! I’d really like an expert to submit postings about herbal medicines that are available here in the back woods of America. While I do know some about the subject for some reason I believe that my readers would like to know more than save the charcoal from the bowl that you made in case of food poisoning, or that Cattail fuzz can make a very good wound dressing, or tampon! (The last is something that I was told, and I certainly cannot verify it as true!)

Hopefully, this new series will be a reference for all, and others will contribute. I still have to establish some ground rules but most Outdoors folks are pretty good about things like that. First job will be to name the category.

Oh, and let’s try and keep politics out of it. Sure, a link will be alright. As will link backs and trackbacks.

A political gulag where a civil right can be dismissed at will in the interest of political correctness.

March 9, 2012
BELLEVUE, WA The Second Amendment Foundation is delighted that the Washington State Supreme Court has unanimously denied the City of Seattle‘s petition for review in the case of  Chan v. City of Seattle, a legal action brought by SAF, the National Rifle Association and five individual plaintiffs.

The decision affirms the state’s long-standing preemption law and two lower court rulings, thus preventing the city from banning firearms from city parks property.

It was the third straight loss for the city, which had first attempted to ban firearms from park facilities under former Mayor Greg Nickels, in open defiance of Washington State’s model preemption statute. Following its initial loss in King County Superior Court, the city, under Nickels’ successor, Mayor Mike McGinn, appealed its loss to the State Court of Appeals. That court also ruled unanimously against the city, which petitioned the state high court last year for review.

“We are proud that the State Supreme Court panel, led by Chief Justice Barbara Madsen, unanimously rejected Seattle’s flagrant attempt to override state law and violate the civil rights of citizens living in or visiting the city,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “Mayor McGinn and the City Council should be ashamed that they pursued this pipe dream in an effort to turn the city into a banana republic. By letting the appeals court ruling stand, other anti-gun officials in city and county governments are on notice that they simply cannot ignore state law.

“We are equally proud of our partners in this important legal action,” he continued. “We were joined by the NRA, Washington Arms Collectors, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and five courageous citizens. Our plaintiffs were willing to stand up to the city and public officials who seem determined to transform Seattle into a political gulag where a civil right can be dismissed at will in the interest of political correctness.

“And finally,” Gottlieb stated, “we are all very proud of our legal team led by Steve Fogg and Molly Malouf at Corr Cronin. They did a marvelous job, not only for their clients, but for the citizens of this state, whose civil rights apply everywhere, whether the City of Seattle likes it or not.”

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. In addition to the landmark McDonald v. Chicago Supreme Court Case, SAF has previously funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New Haven, CT; New Orleans; Chicago and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners, a lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers and numerous amicus briefs holding the Second Amendment as an individual right.
Well done SAF!

470 Nitro (TEA PARTY) Express: A proven RINO KILLER

March 7, 2012

Some four years ago, in a chat forum, the now deceased John Basti said we need another Tea Party, and things went wild from there. All of us knew, and myself as well as Texas Fred even said that it would end up co-opted by the big hitters. Just as all really good ideas do…

The Taxed Enough Already movement grew beyond simply addressing tax issues. Eventually holding local politicians feet to the fire about all the assaults that governments large and small have been directing squarely at the Bill of Rights. From Private property rights, to tax issues, to politicians utterly ignoring their oaths to uphold the Constitution TEA Party activist’s have been there.

First we were called racist and gun nuts. Then the pictures of the TEA Party activist spread over the internet. A Black Man, with an AR 15. Then we were called women haters. At least until the pictures, and statements of the females within the movement started showing up. That is until those very same women were told that they were in fact simply too stupid to even know that they were being abused… But then? Those women’s credentials just blew the forces of big government authoritarianism apart... So then, who really are the sexist’s? The absolute misandry of the left is hypocritical to the extreme. The anti Freedom and personal Liberty of the left is much the same…

The forces present this day in these not so United States are bringing us again close to an actual civil war. Be they neo-nazi groups, La Raza, New Black Panthers, and a host of others that, I believe that another not so civil war is about to unfold here. That’s not even counting the various religious groups that want to impose their version of sharia upon us…

Back in the day, there was on the darkest continent, one single weapon caliber that was always in the forefront when it came to this worlds most dangerous animals. It was the double rifle, chambered in 470 Nitro Express. It took absolute courage to take on a Rino or Jumbo with one. We the people of America will, one and all, need to summon up that same type of fortitude and courage if we are to save our nation.

Eric Holder: Is Treason too harsh a word?

March 6, 2012
It’s becoming obvious that the corrupt, virulently anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder thinks he can stonewall Congress in connection with his cover-up of the Fast & Furious Operation.
That Justice Department program sent over 2,000 illegal firearms to Mexican drug cartels, leaving over 300 Mexican nationals and two U.S. agents dead.
Yet, Holder continues to lie under oath and to stonewall Congress.
He has sent only 6,400 pages of the 83,000 documents demanded by a congressional committee -– and many of these are nothing but blackened sheets of paper. Furthermore, he has absolutely refused to provide documents which would tell Congress “what Holder knew and when did he know it” -– claiming that these are “deliberative” in nature.
He has lied under oath, testifying that he didn’t know of Fast and Furious, even though at least seven relevant memoranda had been sent to him, dating as far back as July, 2010.
And, perhaps worst of all, the House appears to be putting on the kid gloves and taking the pressure off this perjurer who continues to harass gun owners as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer.
So the time to act is now. We need to encourage House Speaker Boehner to move the Gosar resolution expressing “no confidence” in the corrupt Attorney General.
Yeah. We know. We know. It would be far better to just impeach Holder.
But we believe that House action condemning Holder would be so rare -– would garner so much press attention –- and would receive such broad support in the House — that it would place enormous pressure on Barack Obama, in an election year, to simply push Holder out the door.
ACTION: Please sign your name to the petition provided by GOA and send it to House Speaker John Boehner. Click here to go to the Speaker’s web contact form.
Forward it to your wife, your kids, your parents, your friends, and your friends’ friends, -– and have them do the same.
This is a pivotal moment in history. If Barack Obama and Eric Holder are given a “pass” on their insidious role in the murderous Fast & Furious program, many Americans who care about the Second Amendment will go into the upcoming elections with no understanding of the moral corruption of this administration -– and the consequences of that corruption, in terms of human life.
So, please, act now.
Whereas the Justice Department’s Operation Fast and Furious resulted in over 2,000 firearms being shipped across the Mexican border to Mexican drug cartels;
Whereas Fast & Furious firearms turned up at the murder scenes of over 300 Mexican nationals -– and two Fast and Furious firearms turned up at the murder scene of U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry;
Whereas the Justice Department knew that it had neither the logistical nor the legal ability to track the Fast and Furious firearms which it was deliberately allowing to be transported to Mexican drug cartels;
Whereas, Attorney General Eric Holder testified before the House on May 3, 2011, that he had only known of Operation Fast and Furious for a “few weeks”;
Whereas CBS Evening News reported on October 3, 2011, that Attorney General Holder had received no fewer than seven memoranda on the Fast and Furious program, dating back to July, 2010;
Whereas it is not a legal defense that a principal such as Attorney General Holder deliberately ignored the written advice of his attorneys and his subordinates in a case where his ignorance resulted in over 300 murders;
Whereas Attorney General Holder has politicized the Justice Department and has brought disgrace to himself and the department he heads;
Whereas the only acceptable outcome is for Attorney General Holder to be removed from his position of trust, in anticipation of a full investigation of his criminal culpability;
Be it therefore resolved, that
As a member of Gun Owners of America, I call upon House Speaker John Boehner to schedule immediate House floor consideration of Congressman Gosar’s resolution expressing “no confidence” in Attorney General Eric Holder.
More like try him in Congress and have him impeached. Then, try him in state courts for multiple felonies including felony murder…

The Epic Failure: BHO

March 4, 2012

Stolen from Texas Fred

What Barack Hussein Obama has done for America


Barack Hussein Obama is the most fiscally unsound, destructive poser to ever take the Oval Office. Obama was NOT elected because he was the BEST choice for America, he was elected because the GOP ran the WORST possible pair of candidates that could be found.

Here is the TRUTH America; the GOP, in their all-inclusive BIG TENT mind set are about to give Obama the White House again … UNLESS: we can turn out the Conservative vote like never before as WE hold our noses and vote for what will truly be The Lesser of the Evils.

If you have any Liberal friends, I don’t, but if YOU do, forward this to them and encourage them to vote Obama OUT of office in November, NOT because he’s Black, or, half Black, NOT because WE are racists, but because Barack Hussein Obama is the biggest failure we have ever seen!

31 Foregone Facts Barack Obama Fans Should Ponder!

1. If a previous president had doubled the national debt which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in just one year, would you have approved?

2. If a previous president had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

3. If a previous president would have spent nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus and guaranteed unemployment would not exceed 8%, would you have called him a liar?

4. If a previous president would have played golf for thirteen weekends in a row leaving it up to congressional leaders to deal with the greatest financial crisis since the great depression, would you have considered him disengaged and out of touch?

5. If a previous president had criticized a state law that he admitted to never even reading, would you have thought him an ignoramus?

6. If a previous president had passed an unconstitutional law that would have absorbed 1/6th of the America’s entire GDP, forced Americans to purchase a private product (in violation of the commerce clause), fined them if they didn’t, hired 16,000 new IRS agents to enforce it, and exempted 1400 organizations from having to abide by that new law, would you have thought him a mafia boss?

7. If a previous president joined the country of Mexico and sued a state in America to force that state to continue to allow illegal immigration, would you have questioned his patriotism and priorities and wonder who his allegiance was to?

8. If a previous president had pronounced Army Corpsman like you pronounce a dead corpse, would you have thought he was stupid?

9. If a previous president had put 87,000 people out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on offshore oil drilling on companies that have one of the best safety records because one foreign company had an accident, would you have agreed?

10. If a previous president had used a forged document as the basis of the moratorium that would render 87,000 American workers unemployed would you have supported him?

11. If a previous president had been the first president to need a teleprompter to get through a press conference, would you have thought this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and that he’s really controlled by smarter people behind the scenes?

12. If a previous president had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take his wife to a play in NYC, would you have approved?

13. If a previous president had reduced your retirement plan holdings of GM stock by 90%, given the unions a majority stake in the car maker and shut down 789 perfectly profitable Chrysler dealerships because they were were owned by registered republicans, would you have approved?

14. If a previous president had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?

15. If a previous president had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs when Gordon Brown gave him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?

16. If a previous president had given the Queen of England an iPod containing audios of his speeches, would you have thought it a proud moment for America, or that a narcissist occupied the White House?

17. If a previous president had bowed to Kings of third world countries while on an apologetic tour, would you have approved?

18. If a previous president had visited Austria and made reference to the nonexistent “Austrian language,” would you have thought it a minor slip?

19. If a previous president had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who don’t pay their own income taxes, would you have approved?

20. If a previous president had said there were 57 states in the United States, wouldn’t you have been shocked?

21. If a previous president would have flown all the way to Denmark to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics would benefit him walking out of his front door in his home town, would you not have thought him a conceited, egomaniac?

22. If a previous president had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to “Cinco de Cuatro” in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the fourth of May (Cuatro de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have not been embarrassed?

23. If a previous president had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on “Earth Day,” would you have concluded he’s a hypocrite?

24. If a previous presidents’ administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan that caused widespread panic, would you have thought him insensitive and clueless about what actually happened on 9/11?

25. If a previous president had created the position of 45 Czars who reported directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate and usurping the Constitution, would you have ever approved?

26. If a previous president had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?

27. If a previous president had spent nearly $2 million dollars hiding his identity all the way back to his childhood, would you have been suspicious?

28. If a previous president had been raised a Muslim, spent more time living abroad in Islamic countries than he did in the United States, hung out with terrorists, and attended a hate church for 20 years, would you have not thought him brainwashed?

29. If a previous president had received a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing more than out campaigning his competitors, would you have thought him the laughing stock of recipients?

30. If a previous president had ordered a botched illegal gun running operation that resulted in American arms winding up in the hands of foreign drug cartels who in turn murdered Americans, would he have not had blood on his hands and been ordered to resign?

31. If a previous president had released a fraudulent long form birth certificate and was factually proven ineligible to even be the president whether he was born on American soil or not, would you have not demanded impeachment?

America can’t stand another 4 years of Barack Hussein Obama, sadly, I’m not sure that the GOP candidate is going to be any better; different does not necessarily equate to BETTER.

We’re in for a rough ride America, that’s all there is to it, and WHO is to blame?

We are.

Brock and Glock armed men guarded media matters boss as he took $400000 gun control donation

March 4, 2012

Media Matters reportedly took more than $400,000 from a pro-gun control group even as its boss walked the streets of Washington with a Glock-toting personal assistant acting as his bodyguard.

A donation from the Joyce Foundation was specifically earmarked for use by Media Matters to promote a $600,000 initiative on “gun and public safety issues.” But reports that paint Media Matters boss David Brock as a gun-guarded boss obsessed with security might make the next solicitation for Joyce funds a bit awkward.

“It doesn’t look good,” said Fraser Seitel, President of Emerald Partners Communications and public relations expert who authored the book “Rethinking Reputation.” “It’s subject to easy criticism.

“But it is a gray area in terms of public relations. Since [Media Matters] is so anti-NRA, to have their members packing heat leaves them open to criticism.”

Full Story
Yes, I know, hypocrisy and Media Matters go hand in hand, as does the Soros funded Joyce Foundation.

Colorado Hunting Updates

March 4, 2012

I’m combining these various articles, enjoy!


DENVER – The Colorado Parks and Wildlife 2012 Big Game Hunting brochure is now available and limited license applications are being accepted for this fall’s big-game hunts. License applications for deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, sheep, goat and bear are due Tuesday, April 3.

For 2012, Colorado Parks and Wildlife has updated the interactive online version of the big game brochure that features videos with online application tips and hunting tips to use in the field. New tables in the brochure also help hunters easily identify units where licenses are valid and whether a hunter can hold more than one license at a time.

This year, Colorado Parks and Wildlife is again encouraging hunters to use the secure internet portal to submit their limited license applications. About 75 percent of hunters applied online in 2011, up from 64 percent in 2010.

Henrietta Turner, Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s license administration manager, said that last year, her staff called more than 15,000 individuals to address more than 45,000 errors or problems with their big game applications. Many of the errors would have resulted in the rejection of the license application. Only 25 of those calls went to hunters who submitted their application through the web.

“Our online system is easy, convenient and it keeps you from making some of the more common mistakes that could affect success in the drawing,” Turner said. “The web site also has a wealth of resources for hunters looking to plan a memorable hunt.”

Seven Parks and Wildlife offices, including Denver, Grand Junction, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Hot Sulphur Springs and Montrose offer internet terminals for hunters to use. In addition, the secure application site can be accessed through any public internet terminal.

The 2012 brochure also explains some significant changes to Colorado’s late youth elk hunting regulations. Since 2000, 12- to 17-year-olds with an unfilled elk tag could take advantage of cow elk hunting opportunities in any unit offering a late-season hunt. These late hunts were extremely successful in encouraging youth participation, but some areas around Craig, Meeker and Steamboat Springs experienced high levels of hunting pressure. Changes to the program this year will ensure hunting pressure is more evenly distributed.

“When we were over our elk population objective, we committed to landowners that we would develop innovative ways of reducing elk numbers and elk conflict,” said Ron Velarde, Regional Manager for northwest Colorado. “We’ve accomplished that and we found a great way to encourage youth participation. Now that we’re getting close to population objectives, we want to be sure these young hunters have a quality experience in the field if they take advantage of these late hunts.”

Colorado Parks and Wildlife hunt planners are available again this year to help hunters who have application questions or are looking for areas to hunt. Hunt planners can be reached Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain time at 303-291-7526 (303-291-PLAN).

Hunters ages 18 to 64 are reminded that they must have a $10 Habitat Stamp prior to applying for or purchasing a hunting or fishing license in Colorado. Only one stamp is required per hunter per year. A lifetime Habitat Stamp is available for $300.

The Colorado Wildlife Habitat Stamp program was initiated by sportsmen and established by the Colorado legislature in 2005. Proceeds from the Habitat Stamp have helped conserve more than 124,000 acres of wildlife habitat and secure more than 54,000 acres of new public hunting and fishing access.

Hunters born on or after Jan. 1, 1949 are also reminded that they must complete an approved state or provincial hunter education course prior to applying for a hunting license in Colorado. Since the hunter education requirement was imposed in 1970, hunting accidents have significantly declined in the state.

The interactive version of the brochure can be accessed at

A .pdf version of the 2012 Colorado Big Game brochure can be viewed here:

A complete list of upcoming hunter education classes can be found at


DENVER – Just in time for the March 15 sale of unlimited turkey tags, Colorado Parks and Wildlife is offering a Turkey Hunting 101.  This basic seminar on hunting wild turkeys will provide basic instruction on gear, calls, habitat, and habitats, as well as tips and techniques for the novice to take to the field in April.  Join us and learn how to bag your bird for the table.

WHAT: Turkey Hunting 101

WHO: Everyone interested in learning how to hunt turkeys

WHEN: Wed., March 14 from 6:30 p.m.  to 9 p.m.

WHERE: Hunter Education Building, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 6060 Broadway, Denver

COST: No cost

SIGN UP: To register please email or call 303-291-7804 and leave a message with name(s), address and phone number to register.  Seminar is limited to 100 participants.To find out more about turkey hunting, go to:


DENVER – Are you planning on hunting elk for the first time in 2012 and are looking for information on where to hunt, how to draw, and how to best prepare for this unique hunting experience? Join us for an introduction to elk hunting in Colorado. This seminar is limited to 75 people so register early!

WHO: Anyone

WHEN: Tuesday, March 12 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30p.m.

WHERE: Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Hunter Education Building, 6060 Broadway, Denver

COST: No cost

SIGN UP: To register please email or call 303-291-7804 and leave a message with name(s), address and phone number.

To find out more about hunting elk, visit Elk Hunting University at:


MONTROSE, Colo. — If you’ve ever wanted to hunt bears or if you want to improve your chances of harvesting one, plan to attend a workshop sponsored by Colorado Parks and Wildlife on March 10 in Montrose.

Tony Bonacquista, a district wildlife manager and experienced bear hunter, will lead the presentation on hunting Colorado’s black bears. He’ll discuss bear biology, hunting tactics, field dressing, rules and regulations, and human-bear conflict issues.

“Bears are very challenging to hunt, but hunters who know where to look and how to hunt them can improve their success rates,” Bonacquista said.

Bear populations are healthy throughout the Montrose area of western Colorado. During hunting season in the early fall, bears are eating for up to 20 hours per day. They concentrate on acorns and berries, high-energy food sources they need to pack on the pounds in preparation for hibernation.

Cost for the workshop is $10 which includes lunch. To register, call the Montrose Parks and Wildlife office at 970-252-6000. The class will be limited to 30 people.

What: Bear hunting workshop When: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 10 Where: Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2300 S. Townsend Ave., in Montrose.
For more information about Colorado’s black bears, see: .

For more information about Division of Wildlife go to: