Archive for July, 2014

Senate Democrats to Hold More Hearings on Gun Control

July 31, 2014


Senate Democrats Gear up to Push More Gun Control 
— Even after a CCW holder averts a mass shooting in Pennsylvania!


“More people are carrying concealed in this country, and yet the gun homicide rate has been dropping precipitously. We are safer today with more guns ‘on the street’ being carried in good people’s hands.” — GOA Communications Director Erich Pratt on WPFL, Florida (July 28, 2014).

There has been incredible news in the 2nd Amendment community over the past several days.

You may have heard that a DC federal judge struck down Washington, DC’s ban on carrying firearms in public on Saturday. Judge Frederick Scullen’s decision referenced the Supreme Court’s decisions in Heller (2008) and McDonald (2010) — arguing that the carry ban violates the U.S. Constitution.

And last week, a concealed carry holder in Darby, Pennsylvania, saved countless lives when he used his firearm to stop a killer who was bent on taking down even more innocent lives.

Police said the armed doctor “saved lives” and prevented a disgruntled patient from walking down the hall and gunning down people “until he ran out of ammunition.”

See more good stories like this in real time by getting Facebook updates from GOA. Go to the GOA Facebook site and LIKE our page!

One would like to think that such good news would serve as an object lesson for our elected leaders.  But not for Harry Reid and his cohorts.

Senate Democrats to Hold More Hearings on Gun Control

Even though the nation just witnessed a perfect example of how guns save lives in Pennsylvania, Senate Democrats are gearing up for another push to restrict 2nd Amendment rights.

It’s an amazing thing, really, especially considering that several D and F-rated Democrats are in tough reelection fights this fall. We are talking about Senators Mark Begich (D-AK), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Mark Udall (D-CO), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Al Franken (D-MN) and Mark Warner (D-VA).

So, what would you think Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are working on in order to aid their campaigns?


And the gun control which is being pushed on these Senators’ behalf is a particularly nasty piece of work.

Click here to read more about it to see what you can do!

ACTION: Contact your Senators. Tell them that Wednesday’s hearings show how much Senate Democrats hate the Second Amendment.  Urge them to pass concealed carry reciprocity as the means for making people safer.

—– Conference on Concealed Carry —–

Students for Concealed Carry will hold their third National Conference in Washington, DC on Tuesday, August 5 in Washington.  John Lott will be among the speakers.  Click here for further information:


Government secretly uses blacklist to label citizens as terrorists

July 25, 2014

From the very beginning in 2006, the federal government began to develop and is now using a secret blacklist to label citizens as terrorists. The year 2006 marks the year collectivists/progressives took control of the two houses of Congress, with supermajorities in both. Then, in 2008 the progressive cabal sealed the fate of freedom and the citizens who wish to preserve it by getting their man elected to the presidency.

While it is true that the groundwork for the blacklist was laid during the administration of George W. Bush in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the current administration has taken the notion of a blacklist to a whole new level. In 2001 the objective was to develop a no fly list that would prevent suspected terrorists from flying in commercial aircraft. But when Congress changed hands in 2006 and Barack Obama was elected in 2008, the concept of the no fly list was vastly expanded. Not only does the government have a no fly list but a secret blacklist as well that supposedly contains the names of known terrorists and potential terrorists who reside in the United States.

Many conservatives and libertarians sounded the alarm when the government began spying on American citizens. The warning was clear. When government begins to engage in this behavior it bodes ill for freedom and points to malevolent intent. Apparently the alarm was no fantasy land tale conjured up by paranoid minds. Instead, the dire warnings identified something all too real — the march toward tyranny within our own government.

Even worse is the fact that the blacklist contains the names of people who have never engaged in terrorist activity, never belonged to any identified terrorist group, and never had the slightest inclination to do so. Not only are known or suspected terrorists blacklisted but so are all of their family members and friends, regardless. The guilt is by association. If you are unfortunate enough to have a relative who joins a terrorist group, then you, yourself, must be a terrorist as well. After all, your third cousin twice removed is a terrorist.

But the most chilling fact of all concerning this blacklist is that a citizen’s political views can easily get them labeled as a terrorist. If you oppose the Obama administration, join a Tea Party group to express your disdain, or merely belong to a gun rights group, you could easily find yourself on the blacklist. After all, the administration has already targeted conservative and Tea Party groups using the IRS.

Is there concrete proof that the blacklist exists? Indeed, there is. Not only is it 100 percent true that the blacklist exists, but investigators at The Intercept has a copy of it. The Intercept is a special section of the publication known as “First Look,” and the blacklist handbook has been republished in full in that section.

According to The Intercept, the federal government developed the handbook in consultation with every law enforcement agency in America, including the FBI, CIA, NSA, and the Pentagon. The handbook is titled, “March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance.” A key paragraph describing how the handbook is to be used is as follows:

“Instead of a watchlist limited to actual, known terrorists, the government has built a vast system based on the unproven and flawed premise that it can predict if a person will commit a terrorist act in the future,” says Hina Shamsi, the head of the ACLU’s National Security Project. “On that dangerous theory, the government is secretly blacklisting people as suspected terrorists and giving them the impossible task of proving themselves innocent of a threat they haven’t carried out.” Shamsi, who reviewed the document, added, “These criteria should never have been kept secret.”

Further, the behaviors that can get a citizen added to the blacklist include nothing more than doing damage to government computers. Tampering with computers used by financial corporations can get you labeled as a terrorist. Attempting to influence government policy using “intimidation” is another criterion. But the handbook fails to define the word “intimidation.” This means that the agencies who use the handbook get to define the word — not exactly what the Framers had in mind when they insisted that no citizen be considered guilty until they are proved to be guilty in a court of law.

A former FBI senior special agent described the process this way:

“If reasonable suspicion is the only standard you need to label somebody, then it’s a slippery slope we’re sliding down here, because then you can label anybody anything,” says David Gomez, a former senior FBI special agent with experience running high-profile terrorism investigations. “Because you appear on a telephone list of somebody doesn’t make you a terrorist. That’s the kind of information that gets put in there.”

And once you are labeled as a terrorist or a potential terrorist, whether it is actually true or not, you will likely carry that designation with you to the grave. This would amount to a devastating impact on your ability to find a job, open a bank account, or even get a license to drive a car. Once you get added to the blacklist, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to get your name off the list.

The specific details of the program are spelled out in the document linked above. Since all Americans, no matter who they are, are vulnerable to this type of program, it is imperative to thoroughly pour over this document that blows the whistle on what the federal government has been up to, right under our noses.

(Hat tip to WRSA).

You may also be interested in the following:

My personal blog, The Liberty Sphere.

My popular series titled, Musings After Midnight.


Once Again, Gun Owners Like You Vanquish Reid and Obama

July 11, 2014
Gun Owners of America

Once Again, Gun Owners Like You Vanquish Reid and Obama — Kudos go to Senators Paul, Cruz, Lee and Cornyn
“Gun Owners of America [has] blasted the bill as a ‘fake pro-gun bill designed to re-elect endangered anti-gun [Senators] up in 2014 in pro-gun states.’” — Roll Call, July 9, 2014

Take action on this alert by clicking here.  
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Earlier today, the “Harry Reid Preservation Act,” S. 2363, went down to defeat, as pro-gun Senators successfully filibustered the bill by a vote of 56-41.  

In a last minute letter to Capitol Hill today, Gun Owners of America told Senators that a vote to end the filibuster “will be viewed as a vote AGAINST veterans … AGAINST concealed carry reciprocity … and AGAINST preserving the gun industry.”

GOA also warned Senators that a vote in favor of S. 2363 would be scored in our end-of-year rating.

As you know, S. 2363 was a “nothing-burger bill” which existed solely to elect anti-gun Democrats in Red States. This includes Senators like sponsor Kay Hagan (D-NC) — plus cosponsors such as Mark Begich (D-AK), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Mark Udall (D-CO), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Al Franken (D-MN) and Mark Warner (D-VA).

All these Senators are rated as D’s or F’s by Gun Owners of America.

S. 2363 would have allowed hunting on federal lands — unless Barack Obama determined that guns were dangerous. How likely do you think that is?

It would have allowed importation of polar bear parts.  Okay, that’s fine, in and of itself.  But that’s hardly a fair trade for passing a bill that will help reelect anti-gun Senators like Hagan, Begich, Pryor, Landrieu (and others) — Senators who will vote to confirm Obama’s anti-gun Supreme Court justices, thus overturning the Heller and McDonald decisions.

Thankfully, your help in asking Senators to offer truly pro-gun amendments paid dividends — and got noticed by the media. Said one media outlet on Monday:

“Gun Owners of America is urging its members to urge their senators to oppose the Sportsmen’s Act unless Reid allows [Ted] Cruz, [Mike] Lee, and [Rand] Paul the opportunity to offer meaningful, pro-gun amendments.”

These Senators, in addition to John Cornyn (R-TX) and Roger Wicker (R-MS), did a yeomen’s job in fighting to get genuinely pro-gun amendments offered to the bill. These included national concealed carry reciprocity, gun rights for 175,000 military veterans, and a shut-down of Eric Holder’s Operation Choke Point.

But Reid employed a bully-tactic to block all Republican amendments. It consisted of “treeing” the bill and then invoking “cloture” to make the amendments out of order.

Thus, the 41 anti-gun votes IN FAVOR of invoking cloture — thus ending the filibuster — were votes against veterans, reciprocity and gun dealers.

Fortunately, our strategy worked. Enough Republicans were outraged by Reid’s underhanded tricks they easily sustained a filibuster, thus killing the bill.  

Consider how significant your grassroots efforts were. All 26 Republicans who cosponsored the bill ended up listening to your collective voice and voted to filibuster — aka, kill — the bill.  They were joined by a handful of anti-gun Democrats who felt the bill didn’t have enough gun control.

So congratulations! And great work! Your activism is a tremendous asset to our efforts in protecting our gun rights. 

ACTION:  Contact your Senators. Thank them if they voted to support the filibuster on S. 2363. But rebuke them if they supported Harry Reid’s efforts shut off all debate on good, pro-gun amendments.  

NOTE:  If you click here and use the GOA Engage site, the correct letter will automatically be chosen.

Round One of the Fight over S. 2363 — the Harry Reid Preservation Act

July 8, 2014

The Senate floor battle has now opened on the fake “pro-gun” bill designed to reelect endangered anti-gun Democrats up in 2014 in pro-gun states.

That bill is S. 2363, sponsored by anti-gun crazy Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC), with the chief cosponsors being endangered anti-gunners who are Mark Begich (D-AK), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Mark Udall (D-CO), Mark Warner (D-VA) and Al Franken (D-MN).

By now, even the dumbest Senators realize that this “sportmen’s” bill is nothing but a political ploy to keep Harry Reid (D-NV) and Obama’s cronies in power in the Senate. An article in The Hill newspaper made this clear yesterday:

“The legislation is meant to help several red-state Democrats in tough reelection races this year. Co-sponsors include four other Dems who, like Hagan, are facing difficult reelection races this year: Sens. Mark Pryor (Ark.), Mark Begich (Alaska), Mary Landrieu (La.) and Mark Udall (Colo.).”

The Senate yesterday overcame the first hurdle in moving to consider the bill. But thankfully, there are several Senators who wanted to offer good, pro-gun amendments to the bill.

Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Rand Paul (R-KY), Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) are all heeding GOA’s call to threaten dozens of tough pro-gun amendments to the bill.

Senator Cornyn is prepared to offer a GOA-supported amendment to allow national concealed carry reciprocity.

Senator Wicker has told us he wants to allow guns on the Army Corps of Engineers’ land.

Senator Lee has told GOA he wants to change the Senate rules to prohibit any anti-gun amendments in the Senate.

And Senators Cruz and Paul have “tons of amendments,” including reciprocity, a restoration of gun rights for 175,000 veterans, and a shutdown of Eric Holder’s Operation Choke Point program (that is designed to close gun stores by cutting off their credit).

This is exactly what GOA (and you, our activists) have been encouraging pro-gun Senators to do over the past week. But we believe that Reid will now “tree” the bill — a process used to block any amendments from being offered.

And we believe that, when they are shut out of offering amendments, many (if not all) Republicans will vote against cloture on the bill.

So ultimately, we still stand a good chance of success. Thank you all for your activism!

ACTION: Contact your Senators and urge them to vote for the Cornyn, Paul, Cruz, Wicker, and Lee amendments. And, if Harry Reid tries to shut out amendments, ask them to oppose cloture on the bill.


The Sportsmen’s Act: Yet another sham…

July 2, 2014

Once again, anti-gun Senators like Kay Hagan (D-NC), Mark Begich (D-AK), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), and Mark Pryor (D-AR) are trying to trick gun owners into supporting them in their upcoming tough races for reelection in pro-gun states. 

At the core of their slimy scheme is a do-nothing bill being pushed as the Sportsmen’s Act (S. 2363).  North Carolina’s Kay Hagan, who voted FOR the universal gun registry bill, is the chief sponsor. 

Other chief cosponsors are Mary Landrieu (who also voted for universal gun registration) and Mark Begich and Mark Pryor (who, according to Harry Reid’s staff, would have cast the deciding votes for that universal gun registry bill, had their votes been needed).  It’s also cosponsored by anti-gun leader Joe Manchin (D-WV). 

The Sportsmen’s Act is, substantively, largely a “nothing-burger.”  People could hunt on federal lands — unless Obama didn’t want them to.  Dedicated funds (from the Pittman-Robertson tax) could be used for ranges — but don’t have to be, and probably wouldn’t be. 

Moreover, Section 107(b)(4)(B) of the bill says that the BLM or Forest Service can close down federal public lands that can be used for hunting and recreational purposes for a host of reasons, including “public safety.”  Anyone want to bet that these agencies won’t find reasons to do so?

But the bill’s not about substance.  It’s about reelecting its anti-gun sponsors — virtually all of them red-state Democrats who face tough reelection battles in pro-gun states.  This, incidentally, is the same bill that was used to reelect Montana’s Jon Tester (D).  And, although he pretended to be “pro-gun” before the election, after the election, Tester was the Second Amendment’s worst enemy.

The good news is this:  Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) are prepared to offer genuine pro-gun amendments to this bill — like defunding Operation Choke Point and more. 

But here’s the problem:  Anti-gun Senator Harry Reid will try to use a procedural tactic called an “amendment tree” to block Lee, Paul, and Cruz from offering any pro-gun amendments. 

These pro-gun Senators want to offer good amendments like concealed carry reciprocity, but that won’t be possible if Harry Reid blocks their ability to offer pro-gun amendments with an “amendment tree.”

And the reason is clear:  Genuine pro-gun amendments would put anti-gun senators like Hagan, Pryor, Landrieu, and Begich on the spot.  It would reveal that their sponsorship of this “nothing-burger” bill doesn’t mean that they are “pro-gun,” but rather that they are anti-gun frauds. 

But in order to retain Paul, Lee, and Cruz’ right to offer pro-gun amendments, Republicans will have to block Reid’s efforts to shut down their filibuster of the bill and the motion to proceed to it — until Reid commits to dismantle his “amendment tree” and allow them to offer their amendments. 

In other words, we need to say to Reid:  No pro-gun amendments = no fake bill.       

ACTION:  Urge your Senators to oppose Harry Reid’s cheat scheme in pushing the Sportsmen’s Act (S. 2363), which is nothing more than a do-nothing, reelection bill for Harry Reid’s cronies.  Tell your Senators to oppose the bill unless Reid allows pro-gun amendments to be offered.