Posts Tagged ‘Left’

The Left’s proudest moments. But it wasn’t…

January 1, 2014

This year might have marked the high point for the Left in Colorado.After a decade of well-funded, well-coordinated advances, the Left got most of what they wanted. With renewal energy mandates on rural electrics, attacks on fracking, legalizing voter mischief, and anti-gun laws, 2013 should have been the Left’s proudest moment. But it wasn’t.Thanks in great part to the multi-year efforts of the Independence Institute, anti-guns bills–like a ban on concealed-carry on campus–failed. The Left‘s massive “for the children” educational tax increase, Amendment 66, went down in humiliating defeat. Education reformers were re-elected in Douglas County, and reformers were swept into office in Jefferson County and Loveland school district. And for the first time in state history, State Senators were recalled.The message of 2013 was loud and clear – real Coloradans, not urban elitists funded by Michael Bloomberg, control the destiny of this freedom-loving state. Could this be the turning point in Colorado history? Well, that largely depends on you. Those who have invested in Independence over the years made these 2013 victories and so many others possible. We thank them all. I want to be thanking you in coming years for even greater victories that YOU made possible by investing TODAY! Please invest in the Independence Institute right now by making a tax-deductible contribution HERE.And remember, every time you give to Independence, a Leftist dies a little inside. Happy New Year!

Straight on,

Jon Caldara