Posts Tagged ‘epic fail obama’

When you have nothing substantive play the race card first! Obama’s new gun control twist

September 18, 2014

Gun control has been a highly debated issue for decades now, and it’s heating up again. Apparently the Obama administration is going to add racial profiling to the list of issues.

New gun buyers are now being forced to declare their race and ethnicity upon purchase. This doesn’t appear innocent from any perspective. Does it mean that there will be statistics being created behind White House doors to prove which ethnicity buys more guns?

The only way this could become a positive is if a majority of new buyers turn out to simply use them for sport in firing ranges or something equally legal. Almost any other result could end up with the U.S. government claiming that a certain “race” is buying guns for drug trafficking, gang wars, border backlash, or terrorist means.

This could lead to yet another new low in the Obama approval ratings, since it was a highly supported theory that Barack Obama was elected under a strong “minority” vote. Now it looks like gun control racism may be what turns the tide, enraging the masses who voted for him to demand we impeach Obama.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives amended Form 4473 to include an additional area where you must check off whether you are Indian, Asian, black, Pacific Islander or white. This is after checking a box as to whether you are Hispanic or Latino. Failure to check one of those boxes is now a violation capable of forcing a business to shut down.

This new law has little to do with reducing the amount of gun related crimes, and more to do with basic racism. Why does it matter what your ethnicity is when you’re buying a firearm?


September 11 th…

September 11, 2014

Yes, another anniversary of the islamic attack on the United States. I only have one thing to say; Yes, we still remember…

Punk ass Obama Administration Retreats

August 6, 2014

As you will recall, GOA rallied gun owners several times over the past couple of months in opposition to Operation Choke Point.

Well, faced with a devastating barrage from the Second Amendment community, the Obama administration has staged a hasty retreat on its plan to shut off credit for gun stores through “Operation Choke Point.”

According to an article in The Washington Times, “[g]un retailers are no longer on a hit list deemed ‘high risk’ by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. after the banking regulator formally withdrew [this list]” last week.

The FDIC said its efforts to destroy the gun industry “led to misunderstandings.”

But frankly, the only “misunderstanding” in the actions by the FDIC and Eric Holder’s “Operation Choke Point” involved Obama’s misunderstanding of the withering response to his slimy efforts to destroy the Second amendment “by the back door.”alt

With the support of GOA, appropriations legislation in the House had language which would have eliminated Operation Choke Point entirely.  And Harry Reid was forced to pull the bill and derail the appropriations process after Senator Rand Paul, with our urging, threatened to force endangered Democrats to vote on the issue in that chamber.

As is always the case with Barack Obama, one can never assume that he has backed away from his efforts to destroy the Second Amendment.

But last week’s actions are pretty good news for the gun community.  So thanks again for all your hard work!

GOA issues official rebuke to President Obama

As Congress leaves for its August recess, Gun Owners of America is turning up the heat on the White House.

GOA today posted an Open Letter to President Barack H. Obama and pressed him to revise the official White House explanation of the Second Amendment.

Thousands of children across the nation use this official site to get help in understanding the Constitution while doing reports for their civics classes.

Given that fact, the Presidential misunderstanding of our God-given rights — and confusing them with mere privileges — is simply atrocious.

Go here to read the President’s description of the Second Amendment to read GOA’s response to it.

GOA educating the masses as to how guns save lives

While the national media has engaged in a virtual blackout of the tremendous news story out of Darby, Pennsylvania, GOA is helping to spread the news from coast to coast.

As we mentioned in our alert last week, a concealed carry holder in at the Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital saved countless lives on July 24 when he used his firearm to stop a killer who was bent on taking down even more innocent lives.

GOA has published several iterations of this story on its Facebook page … has profiled it on the GOA website … is highlighting this self-defense shooting on other sites and talk shows nationwide … and is currently working on publishing a video for students and media types alike.

Government secretly uses blacklist to label citizens as terrorists

July 25, 2014

From the very beginning in 2006, the federal government began to develop and is now using a secret blacklist to label citizens as terrorists. The year 2006 marks the year collectivists/progressives took control of the two houses of Congress, with supermajorities in both. Then, in 2008 the progressive cabal sealed the fate of freedom and the citizens who wish to preserve it by getting their man elected to the presidency.

While it is true that the groundwork for the blacklist was laid during the administration of George W. Bush in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the current administration has taken the notion of a blacklist to a whole new level. In 2001 the objective was to develop a no fly list that would prevent suspected terrorists from flying in commercial aircraft. But when Congress changed hands in 2006 and Barack Obama was elected in 2008, the concept of the no fly list was vastly expanded. Not only does the government have a no fly list but a secret blacklist as well that supposedly contains the names of known terrorists and potential terrorists who reside in the United States.

Many conservatives and libertarians sounded the alarm when the government began spying on American citizens. The warning was clear. When government begins to engage in this behavior it bodes ill for freedom and points to malevolent intent. Apparently the alarm was no fantasy land tale conjured up by paranoid minds. Instead, the dire warnings identified something all too real — the march toward tyranny within our own government.

Even worse is the fact that the blacklist contains the names of people who have never engaged in terrorist activity, never belonged to any identified terrorist group, and never had the slightest inclination to do so. Not only are known or suspected terrorists blacklisted but so are all of their family members and friends, regardless. The guilt is by association. If you are unfortunate enough to have a relative who joins a terrorist group, then you, yourself, must be a terrorist as well. After all, your third cousin twice removed is a terrorist.

But the most chilling fact of all concerning this blacklist is that a citizen’s political views can easily get them labeled as a terrorist. If you oppose the Obama administration, join a Tea Party group to express your disdain, or merely belong to a gun rights group, you could easily find yourself on the blacklist. After all, the administration has already targeted conservative and Tea Party groups using the IRS.

Is there concrete proof that the blacklist exists? Indeed, there is. Not only is it 100 percent true that the blacklist exists, but investigators at The Intercept has a copy of it. The Intercept is a special section of the publication known as “First Look,” and the blacklist handbook has been republished in full in that section.

According to The Intercept, the federal government developed the handbook in consultation with every law enforcement agency in America, including the FBI, CIA, NSA, and the Pentagon. The handbook is titled, “March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance.” A key paragraph describing how the handbook is to be used is as follows:

“Instead of a watchlist limited to actual, known terrorists, the government has built a vast system based on the unproven and flawed premise that it can predict if a person will commit a terrorist act in the future,” says Hina Shamsi, the head of the ACLU’s National Security Project. “On that dangerous theory, the government is secretly blacklisting people as suspected terrorists and giving them the impossible task of proving themselves innocent of a threat they haven’t carried out.” Shamsi, who reviewed the document, added, “These criteria should never have been kept secret.”

Further, the behaviors that can get a citizen added to the blacklist include nothing more than doing damage to government computers. Tampering with computers used by financial corporations can get you labeled as a terrorist. Attempting to influence government policy using “intimidation” is another criterion. But the handbook fails to define the word “intimidation.” This means that the agencies who use the handbook get to define the word — not exactly what the Framers had in mind when they insisted that no citizen be considered guilty until they are proved to be guilty in a court of law.

A former FBI senior special agent described the process this way:

“If reasonable suspicion is the only standard you need to label somebody, then it’s a slippery slope we’re sliding down here, because then you can label anybody anything,” says David Gomez, a former senior FBI special agent with experience running high-profile terrorism investigations. “Because you appear on a telephone list of somebody doesn’t make you a terrorist. That’s the kind of information that gets put in there.”

And once you are labeled as a terrorist or a potential terrorist, whether it is actually true or not, you will likely carry that designation with you to the grave. This would amount to a devastating impact on your ability to find a job, open a bank account, or even get a license to drive a car. Once you get added to the blacklist, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to get your name off the list.

The specific details of the program are spelled out in the document linked above. Since all Americans, no matter who they are, are vulnerable to this type of program, it is imperative to thoroughly pour over this document that blows the whistle on what the federal government has been up to, right under our noses.

(Hat tip to WRSA).

You may also be interested in the following:

My personal blog, The Liberty Sphere.

My popular series titled, Musings After Midnight.


Canadian’s Version of David Letterman’s Top 10. This is Canada’s Top Ten List of America’s Stupidity: From a Yahoo Board…

March 22, 2014

10) Only in America … could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.
9) Only in America … could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal work force is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40+% of all federal entitlements go to black Americans – 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!
8) Only in America … could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.
7) Only in America … can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.
6) Only in America … would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just ‘magically’ become American citizens.
5) Only in America … could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country’s Constitution be thought of as “extremists.”
4) Only in America … could you need to present a driver’s license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
3) Only in America … could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).
2) Only in America … could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year – for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn’t have nearly enough money.
1) Only in America … could the rich people – who pay 86% of all income taxes – be accused of not paying their “fair share” by people who don’t pay any income taxes at all.

Gun Owners Spank Bloomberg, Schumer, IRS & Governor “Moonbeam” Brown

February 24, 2014

And GOA submits new brief before the U.S. Supreme Court. Click here to help.

“[New Jersey has] subordinated the People’s right to keep and bear arms to the state’s alleged interest in promoting public safety. It is not, however, within the authority of courts to override the Constitution as ratified by the People.” — Gun Owners of America’s legal brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in Drake v. Jerejian, February 12, 2014

Pro-gun victories are coming so fast and furiously (no pun intended) that it’s difficult to keep up with them.

Here is a sample of good news.


On Thursday, a three-judge panel of the liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled that California’s requirement that applicants for concealed carry permits show “good cause” were unconstitutional under the Heller decision.

“The right to bear arms includes the right to carry an operable firearm outside the home for the lawful purpose of self-defense,” said Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain.

Gun Owners of America is pursuing an almost identical challenge to New Jersey’s onerous and restrictive concealed carry law. GOA (and its foundation) filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court just one day prior to last week’s Ninth Circuit decision, challenging the New Jersey control scheme that was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

In several instances, the Ninth Circuit opinion critiques the Third Circuit’s opinion by using arguments very similar to the ones GOA presented in our amicus brief. Overall the opinion is a refreshing change from most lower federal court decisions, which have refused to engage in the textual and historical analysis required by Heller and McDonald.

As we see it, the Ninth Circuit decision should add weight in favor of the Supreme Court hearing one of these cases to resolve the circuit split. And hopefully the five justice majority from Heller will seize on these two cases because of the Ninth Circuit’s detailed and careful review of the history that supports public carry of weapons for self-defense.

Go here to read more about this case — including the GOA/GOF brief.

Go here to make a tax deductible contribution in assisting Gun Owners Foundation to continue bringing legal challenges like this.


Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg had intended to turn New Hampshire into his most recent “victory for gun control” — joining a handful of states that enacted stricter gun control laws in the wake of the Newton school yard tragedy.

Bloomberg figured that New Hampshire would be easy pickings. After all, the “Granite State” had a Democratic House of Representatives and a Democratic anti-gun governor.

Gun Owners of America countered Bloomberg’s muscle by aiding several local gun groups in the state to rally grassroots gun owners in opposition to the bill.

Well, the final shootout occurred last Wednesday. And after the smoke cleared, Bloomberg and his “human props” were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. After a series of votes — and an hour and a half of parliamentary wrangling — the Democratic House declared that a Manchin-Toomey-type universal gun registry bill was “inexpedient to legislate.”

Having failed to buy Congress with his billions of anti-gun dollars, Bloomberg has attempted to buy the legislatures of states like New Hampshire. But, with the exception of seven states with legislatures dominated by anti-gun legislators and governors, Bloomberg has been humiliated.

And “red state Democrats” running for reelection in the Senate are running from Bloomberg even faster than they’re running from Obama.

As a result, Bloomberg has now modified his strategy to turn the country blue by legalizing millions of anti-gun voters who broke the law to get here. And to that end, Bloomberg has announced that he will use his billions to support “red state Democrats” who opposed the Manchin-Toomey amendment — language imposing universal background checks around the nation — so long as such Senators agree to support the anti-gun immigration amnesty bill.


Three weeks ago, it looked like an immigration amnesty bill to create 8,000,000 new anti-gun voters was on the “fast track” in the U.S. House.

That was before you burned up the telephone lines and internet accounts of House Republicans. At a Republican “retreat,” dozens of congressmen lined up to oppose the bill. And Speaker John Boehner was forced to concede that Republicans could not “trust” Obama to implement the enforcement provisions of the bill.

Now, reeling from another defeat, New York Senator Charles Schumer has threatened to file a “discharge petition” to force the House to consider the anti-gun bill, over Republican objections.

The problem is that Schumer, to be successful, would have to convince over a dozen Republicans to openly betray their colleagues, in order to garner the necessary 217 or 218 signatures (depending on the number of House vacancies). For this reason, discharge petitions almost never succeed.


Fresh from a scandal in which it tried to harass conservatives applying for 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status, the IRS has spent the last several months trying to put GOA out of business.

It did this by threatening regulations which would define a broad range of policy activities (including voting guides) as political activities.

But, in its arrogance, the IRS overstepped its bounds. So many policy-related activities would be limited under the IRS rules that a broad range of both conservative and liberal 501(c)(4)’s blasted the proposals. In addition, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee introduced legislation (H.R. 3865) which would prohibit the IRS regs from being issued. Given the broad support from both ends of the political spectrum, the Camp bill would surely be passed overwhelmingly.

As a result, the IRS has now meekly testified that it will not push its proposals in 2014.

Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are showing signs they have the President’s back.

January 26, 2014

A little over a week ago, President Barack Obama proposed even more Executive Actions on gun control.

Now, Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are showing signs they have the President’s back

That’s because they’re pushing a brand new anti-gun bill.

It’s the “Graham-Cornyn Seek Help, Lose Your Guns Act.”

Insiders warn their new bill could be aimed at expanding the National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) system to include hundreds of thousands — or millions — of law-abiding citizens under the ruse of “mental health.”

Make no mistake . . .

. . . The President’s agenda has nothing to do with mental health, or keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals.

It has everything to do with labeling YOU mentally ill in order to strip you of your right to keep and bear arms without due process.

The goal is simple: seek treatment and lose your gun rights.

So why do Senators Cornyn and Graham have Obama’s Back?

It’s simple.  Let me explain . . .

Senators Cornyn and Graham are feeling the heat from the radical anti-gun left.

Instead of standing firm for your Second Amendment rights, they’re desperate to appear “sensible” and “open to compromise” even if it means putting you and I at risk.

But they’re really playing right into the President’s hands.

Last year, the duo sponsored S.480 — the so-called “NICS Reporting Improvement Act.”

Under that Graham-Cornyn bill, virtually any “board, commission, or other adjudicative body” would have the ability to strip you of your gun rights.

One of these so-called “authorities” could order an otherwise law-abiding individual to see a mental health counselor and strip them their gun rights for good.

Let me put it another way:

If your condition is “severe” enough that an hour of outpatient treatment a week is all you need — you could become a “prohibited person” at the whim of some anti-gun bureaucrat.

That’s not due process!

The Graham-Cornyn bill will further erode your Second Amendment rights and strip the due process rights of law-abiding Americans.

Click here to Stop the Cornyn-Graham Seek Help, Lose Your Gun Act

This isn’t about being violent or unstable; this is about losing your rights because of something as simple as a stress-induced visit to a therapist.

According to the National Institute of Health, nearly half of all Americans will suffer from a “mental health” issue at some point in their life.

And the simple fact is the gun-grabbers know this.

The Obama Administration has been pushing for these gun control expansions in the name of “mental health” for some time.

It’s clear they will do anything to take guns out of the hands of law-abiding Americans.

Even if it means harming the rights of thousands — or  millions — of law-abiding, vulnerable and non-violent individuals.

Over 175,000 veterans have already lost their gun rights, simply by seeking treatment.

But that’s not the worst part.

They aren’t even required to give you a trial.

That’s because “adjudication” no longer means “by a court of law.”

It now includes “other lawful authorities,” which could include ANY mental health professional in connection with a government program.

Are Senators Cornyn and Graham trying to strip away the gun rights of millions of Americans?

I hope not.

But that’s exactly what insiders are warning that Senators Cornyn and Graham could be doing with their latest proposal.

That’s why I need you to contact Senators Cornyn and Graham IMMEDIATELY.

Tell them not to endanger the gun rights of millions of Americans.

Insist they stop pushing the “Graham-Cornyn Seek Help, Lose Your Guns Act.”

*** You can reach Senator Cornyn at (202) 224-2934.

*** And Senator Graham at (202) 224-5972.

Please let the Senators know how important this issue is and that you will be counting on them to stand up for gun owners.

There’s no time to waste.  Please act now.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

The Next Big Gun Fight: Stopping 8 Million New Anti-gun Voters

January 26, 2014

“[A] Pew poll suggests that illegal immigrants, if given citizenship, would vote for liberal, anti-gun candidates by an 8-to-1 margin.” – GOA’s Erich Pratt, commenting on Pew poll findings as reported in The Washington Post (7/22/13)

Next Wednesday, the House Republican leadership will announce a set of “principles” for immigration reform.  Supposedly, if these “principles” are not well-received, the House will shelve the issue for the remainder of the year.

To be blunt:  The health of the Second Amendment relies on demolishing these “principles.”

Immigration reform will add over 8,000,000 anti-gun voters to the voting rolls.  There may be as many as 11.5 million persons illegally in the United States.  And, a Pew poll from last year indicated that if illegal immigrants were given citizenship, they would vote for liberal, anti-gun candidates by an 8-to-1 margin.

This is exactly what happened to California — which was once a Red State.  Because of the Simpson-Mazzoli amnesty bill of 1986, the state lurched violently to the left and now can’t pass gun control restrictions fast enough.

If this were to happen at the national level, we would lose the ability to stop massive gun bans and gun registration schemes.  And all of this occurs at a time when a Fox poll shows the American people oppose Obama’s immigration policies by a margin of 36% to 54%.

The first reality is this:  If the House passes ANYTHING, the Senate will tack on its amnesty bill and send it to conference.  And the national conversation will turn off of ObamaCare and onto immigration.

And guess what?  Every gun-hating institution which moved heaven and earth to pass gun control will move heaven and earth to get the House to retreat — if not to a “pathway to citizenship,” to a “pathway to legalization.”

They will have created the biggest and most motivated Obama-loving movement in the country — devoted to electing anti-gun politicians and retaining Harry Reid’s control of the Senate.

What will Republicans get, in exchange for creating an army of pro-Obama election warriors?

Very little.  (Be sure to read GOA legislative counsel Michael Hammond’s analysis, which shows, in great detail, how the Republican leadership’s “principles” will end up back-firing on gun owners.)

The bottom line is that there is a reason why Barack Obama and his “puppet press” have been campaigning for a year to force the Republican House to wade into “immigration reform.”  It is nothing but benefits for anti-gun politicians, and nothing but pain for pro-gun legislators.

Who would be stupid enough to inflict that level of pain on themselves?

ACTION:   Contact your Representative.  If he is a Republican, the pre-written letter will ask him to reject the ridiculous “immigration principles” being hawked by the leadership — principles that will eventually destroy the pro-gun movement in America.  The pre-written letter for Democrats is a generic opposition letter.

ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE:  Remember that clicking on the first “submit” button on the GOA Engage site (where you input your name and address), only submits your information so that your correct legislators can be identified.  Hence, the first “submit” button does not actually send your letter.  Instead, it brings you to the next page where you can actually review the pre-written letter.  The second “submit” button actually sends the letter.

Just as Obamacare isn’t at all about healthcare, immigration reform is not about immigration.

Treason & Democrat Lawmakers: HR 3741

December 27, 2013

According to a report by Breitbart’s Elizabeth Sheld, eight Democrat lawmakers have proposed a bill that would eliminate the death penalty as a consequence for individuals convicted of numerous federal crimes, among them espionage and treason. Nothing happens in Washington without a reason, so The Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act (HR 3741) gives rise to a bevy of questions and suspicions.

What motivation would congressional Democrats have for wishing to neutralize the death penalty option for such serious crimes? While the average news consumer is conditioned to summarily dismiss the machinations of government unless it directly impacts their pocketbook, or their sensibilities are deliberately targeted by the press, common sense dictates that elected officials proposing such a law could be anticipating the requisite conditions, thus necessitating the law in the first place.

So, who do these lawmakers suppose might be tried for treason, espionage, or the host of other federal crimes now punishable by death in the not-so-distant future?

Well, take your pick. President Obama himself committed a treasonable offense in supplying military aid to rebels fighting against the Assad regime in Syria, first clandestinely and then overtly after circumventing laws expressly prohibiting same. What other treasonable offenses he may have committed attendant to this process (including those related to the 9/11/12 attack on the Benghazi compound) remains to be seen.

Obama’s insinuation of Muslim Brotherhood operatives into sensitive government positions, as well as actions pursuant to his relationship with them are likely treasonable offenses. Despite the Muslim Brotherhood’s intended goal in subjugating America and the rest of the globe, the only reason that this has not been an issue of contention is because Obama and his surrogates themselves do not wish it to be, the press has been complicit, and the Republican leadership are invertebrates.

Then, there are the recent reports coming out of the Middle East as represented by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat. According to Naglaa Mahmoud, wife of Egypt’s ousted President Mohammed Morsi and Muslim Sisterhood operative, Bill and Hillary Clinton (with an emphasis on Hillary) have been deeply involved with the Brotherhood since the 1980s. Mahmoud has been implicated in Egypt in anti-government operations dedicated to returning her husband to power; he remains in Egyptian custody.

Mahmoud recently appeared on Turkish television network Mehwar TV and alleged that the Clintons recruited her and her husband in the 1980s toward the end of advancing everything from “Green” initiatives in the West to the ascendancy of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East.

Hillary Clinton’s “Girl Friday” just happens to be Huma Abedin (her Deputy Chief of Staff when she was Secretary of State), whose mother is a colleague of Mahmoud’s and a long-time leader in the Muslim Sisterhood. Oddly enough, one of the few topics that Mahmoud refuses to discuss is Abedin. According to Shoebat, “In December of 2011, Abedin went on maternity leave. She returned in June of that year while simultaneously taking a job a Special Government Employee (SGE). In addition to her role their being quite ambiguous, questions about the legality of the arrangement caught the eye of Senator Charles Grassley, who sent Secretary of State John Kerry a letter demanding answers.”

What was Abedin doing? Who knows, but some of the activities in which Mahmoud alleges the Muslim Brotherhood and the Clintons were involved most certainly do not reflect a primary concern for the security of the United States. Were they treasonable? Only an extensive investigation might reveal that, but these allegations proffer that the Clintons’ relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood predates Bill becoming Governor of Arkansas.

Then, we have the body counts. Recently, Larry Nichols, a former Clinton operative, almost casually admitted to having murdered for the Clintons on a regular basis, whether it was low-level political opponents, or “weak link” confidants who held information that might compromise their power.

The lengthy list of individuals whose suspicious deaths directly benefitted Barack Obama began even before he received the Democratic nomination. Most recently of course, Hawaii State Health Director Loretta Fuddy was killed when the small plane carrying her and eight other people crashed into the ocean off the Hawaiian island of Molokai. The only fatality, she is the individual who certified (I use the term loosely) President Obama’s long-form birth certificate. The circumstances and accounts of her demise are respectively, sketchy and conflicting at best.

It is well-known that Obama’s close associates include members of the Weather Underground, whose stated mission was overthrowing the American government. For his entire life, he has been surrounded by radicals, embittered, America-hating anti-colonialists, black nationalists, and avowed communists – yet this has never entered into the area of popular discussion, even in the face of the myriad policies, orders, and actions the President brought about which have directly compromised America’s economy, national security, and domestic tranquility.

Obama’s origins narrative of course remains unresolved. This week for the first time, a mainstream publication supported the voracity of evidence that the President perpetrated a fraud with the forged long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011. It is a little-known fact that the submission of fraudulent documents toward attaining public office on the federal level remains an executable offense under the law.

It is possible that we not only have a pathologically unethical oligarchy in perpetual residence in our government, but various Mafia-like “families” sharing and trading off power, operating as they see fit, and compromising this nation in ways most Americans cannot yet imagine. If so, the perpetrators must shudder to think of what an independent prosecutor or commission with no political allegiances might make of their activities over the last couple of decades.

So, congressional Democrats sponsoring HR 3741 might have been persuaded to do so by influential parties who fear that they may at some point be charged with espionage or treason. On the other hand, they might be acting independently, in the anticipation of other prominent Democrats being so charged. Perhaps some may even have purposed to facilitate such charges being leveled, knowing how toxic certain individuals have become to the party.

In such a case, they may be trying to spare their lives, as well as facilitating easier convictions. Some might rather not have the blood of colleagues on their hands, but perceive the imperative of removing people who have become dangers to the Democrat Party, as well as traitors to the United States.



Musings After Midnight — With ear to the ground, more rumblings heard from the political landscape

December 24, 2013

Much has happened since the last time we met here on this forum, which has become our virtual fireside chat about the events of the day, the preservation of liberty, and other such issues of vital importance.

So, sit back and relax. Have a soothing beverage. Have a cigar. Or maybe the pipe. I have some of the finest tobacco to be found anywhere, courtesy of a local dealer who offers only the very best to his customers.

Recently I have discovered the pleasures of the corncob pipe. They are very inexpensive, which is probably why the higher end tobacco shops do not carry them. But I will guarantee you that you will get a mellow, fine smoke from these pipes that have a very long history.

I have to watch myself with this, though, because as an intermittent asthmatic, I cannot smoke like I want. So, I have to limit myself to special occasions.

Now, let’s get down to business.

As most of you already know I try to keep my ear to the ground to ascertain what is going on in the vast political landscape. And I must be quick to say that there is always something going on there. It is relentless. And some of the most important activity is that which we cannot see. The political underground is where the power is, where the forces of good make plans to keep the fires of liberty flickering…and where the evil forces reside in their attempt to snuff out those fires. These individuals rarely show their faces above the ground, except for the purpose of wearing masks. Masking is vital to the forces of collectivism and progressivism, for this is the only way they can succeed. Dangerous enemies of liberty would never make any headway if they told the truth to the public. Most Americans would find the ultimate ends of progressivism so repulsive, so untenable, so unconscionable, that they would relegate the proponents of such tyranny to the dustbin of worthless radicals who are not to be taken seriously, much less elected to public office.

Most progressives/collectivists are smart enough to know this. They know they cannot tell the truth. They know that telling the truth will mean the end of their movement. Their goals, their dreams, all they have worked for since the late 1800s would go up in smoke right before their very eyes.

Thus, the progressives must lie to get elected. They must lie to get their agenda and proposals accepted by the public. They must lie to get their proposed laws passed by Congress. And they must lie to the public once again about the nature of the fallout of that agenda.

Welcome to the world of the vast political underground. Nothing is as it seems in public. And I mean nothing. People are not who you think they are. Their real goals are usually the opposite of what they have led you to believe. This is the only way they can lure you into supporting them.

It just so happens that 2008 was the year of the perfect political storm. All of the various components of the collectivist agenda came together in one nightmarish superstorm, a demonic cyclone in which Marxists, Islamofascists, Nazis, totalitarians, liberals, and others who affirm the goals of collectivism/progressivism all coalesced together to take control of the White House and both houses of Congress, with supermajorities that insured the minority Party had no power whatsoever.

This demonic cyclone rammed through an unpopular law in the middle of the night with no support at all from the minority Party in either the House or the Senate. This has never happened in the history of the country. For the very first time in our history, a broad, sweeping law that would not only totally change and revamp the healthcare system but change the very nature of our Republic, was passed without any support from the Party not in power. In the past such sweeping legislation was passed with at least some bipartisan support in both houses of Congress. But not this time.

Not a single Republican voted in favor of Obamacare in either the House or the Senate.

Now, I want you to let that sink in for a bit. Conservatives such as myself have often bemoaned the fact that Republicans have been stymied and hamstrung by dangerous progressives (RINOS) who form what is known as the Republican leadership establishment. These Republicans often vote with Democrats on legislation that is denounced by conservatives. Yet when it came to Obamacare, even John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, Olympia Snowe, John Boehner, and Eric Cantor voted against it. All of them, every single one.

That alone should have told us something about the danger lurking in the Obamacare law. And the very fact that Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Biden, Schumer, Hoyer, and others would ram through this legislation and approve it without ANY Republican support whatsoever, should have been enough to show the country that this crowd is not interested in “looking out for the people” or “reaching across the aisle for bipartisan solutions.” In a pig’s eye they were. They don’t care about you or me. They don’t want bipartisanship except when THEY are the minority Party. The ONLY thing they want is power, control, money, and bigger and bigger government. They wish to be the ultimate authority in all matters.

And now that we know what Obamacare is all about, we can understand why they rammed it through, why no Republican voted in favor of it, why they lied incessantly about its provisions, and finally, why Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the law before we can know what’s in it.”

Most did not read it, for sure. But I will guarantee you that just as sure as the sun rises the ones in leadership knew full well what was about to happen, which is why they lied and why they did not want to tell us what was in the law. Even if they did not read the entire law, they had been fully briefed by the authors of it, such as Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (Rahm “Dead Fish” Emanuel’s brother), and David Cutter of Harvard, among others.

Yes, Pelsoi knew. Reid knew. Schumer knew. Hoyer knew. Even Kirsten Gillibrand, the junior Democratic senator from New York, admitted that she knew. Gillibrand has not been around that long. So what would lead us to believe that a junior senator knew but Pelosi, who has been around forever, did not? Such a notion is laughable. They ALL knew.

Oh, but if you like your current plan and your current doctor, you can keep them. You knew that didn’t you.

One commentator counted the number of times Obama made that promise to the American people. He got as high as 48 and quit counting. But now, the Fuhrer has relented and “allowed” people to keep these plans for an extra year. An extra year? Why not, like, from now on? And nevermind that most of these plans have already been cancelled due directly to the provisions of the Obamacare law, which forbids companies from offering to the public any plan that is not approved by Obamacare.

So, the Obama one-year extension comes just a tad late for most people. They have already been dropped. Their plans have been discarded in accordance with what the providers thought was the law. And now they are being asked to go back and resurrect those plans because Obama is taking a political shellacking from the public? Of course he is paying them off to sooth ruffled feathers. They are being bribed to continue supporting the Obamacare law. But no need for worry, any losses they incur will be more than compensated through health insurance company bailouts and hidden taxes in the new law that are designed to go directly to the insurance companies.

This is what it has come to, folks. If a private corporation had engaged in bribery, you and I both know what would happen. But not if government does it. What kind of a perverted standard is that?

These people are criminals. And those who aid and abet them are criminals, and that includes companies and voters who continue to support them in spite of their known lies and corruption.

Yeah, that’s right, I said it. If you support this bunch, you yourself must be a criminal. 

I can be most forgiving and accommodating toward those who were genuinely fooled by Obama and company. I realize that many people today are stretched to the limit. There are limits on their time, limits on their money, limits on their ability to keep up their mortgage payments, and the like. Many do not have the time or the energy to keep up with politics.

These people can learn a valuable lesson in all of this. Politics is important, and we had best pay close attention. We had best not accept what we are told at face value, but dig much, much deeper to get at the real truth. If you have learned these lessons sincerely, I can fully embrace you.

But if you can sit back and look at the lies of Obama, incessant lies, lies upon lies, lies he even told to you directly, making promises to you that he knew he could not keep, but he made them anyway just to get your support, and yet you still support this scam we call the Obama administration and their enablers in Congress, then I have no qualms whatsoever about telling you that you are aiding and abetting criminals. And you know what that means. People who support criminal activity become accessories to the crime. That means you, yourself, are a criminal.

My friend, you need to do some deep, serious soul searching. You need to understand the gravity of your position. You cannot claim any regard for morality or ethics or spirituality of ANY kind if your heart is so corrupt that you can fully embrace the deception and debauchery of the present administration and their allies in Congress.

Now, at the outset I told you I had heard more rumblings from the political landscape that should be of great interest to you. Not all of it is good, but not all of it is bad.

First, the bad news.

I have become aware in recent days that in spite of losing significant support from the American people (Obama’s approval rating is down to only 37 percent), the Obama camp is most resilient and has incredibly deep support from leftwing financiers and those who are committed to the progressive vision for the country and the world. These people never give up. They have been around since the late 1800s under various and sundry names. Who would have thought that in 2008, after over 100 years since they first made waves in the world of politics, that they would show such considerable strength?

But when one looks at who, exactly, is in this movement, it soon becomes all too clear that we who oppose them have a most arduous task on our hands. They will not be easily defeated. Consider some of the main players: the leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations, George Soros and his various organizations, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street mega-banks, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the EPA, the FBI and the ATF, the NSA, the FISA Court, the IRS, John Podesta’s Center for American Progress, and murky financiers from the European Union and from radical Islamic nations who wish to influence U.S. policy.

Remember that the Clintons and Obama have been the recipients of thousands of political donations from overseas, the names of which have been kept secret. But what we do know is that Communist China has pumped money into leftwing politics in this country. So have Islamic extremist nations. No wonder the American Leftwing finds itself in bed with Islamic radicals, the “Palestinians,” the Muslim Brotherhood, and other like-minded groups. Following the money trail is always such an incredibly enlightening process.

Further, we have seen how far the Obama camp will go to achieve their goals. Lying to the public is only part of it. We now know that the administration manipulated the unemployment figures just two months prior to the 2012 elections. Many of us said at the time that something was amiss, that what we were observing in the corporations and small businesses at the time was not consistent with the unexplained, sudden drop in the jobless rate in September of that year.

Well, now we know that the administration had cooked the books. The real unemployment rate (that is, as “real” as the government can be) was at least three-tenths of a percent higher than what was being reported. This meant that an unemployment rate of 8.1 dropped, in one month’s time, to 7.8 — just in time for the presidential election. Obama could then claim, “My policies are working.”

Of course, I had already outed the government on its false figures on unemployment, along with others who saw the same thing. The government has gradually changed the manner in which it calculates unemployment. At the height of the recession in 2009, the government claimed that the jobless rate was in the 8 to 9 percent range. But if we were to use the same method that was used during the Great Depression of the 1930s to calculate unemployment, the rate would be 20 percent…some economists placed it even higher than that. This matches the unemployment figures of the 1930s.

The Obama administration has never, ever counted as part of its calculation of unemployment the number of people who have quit looking for work in despair. Many have gone five years without a full time job, despite their best efforts. Many of these gave up after so much disappointment.

Well, guess what. When you drop out of the employment market, you are no longer counted as unemployed, in spite of the fact that you have no job.

How convenient for the administration and Congressional Democrats.

Thus, not only were the books manipulated by ceasing to count those who drop out of the job market in despair, but the administration cooked the books on its own skewed jobless figures. What they saw was a jobless rate of 8.1 percent. What they reported was 7.8 percent.

This is why I contend that nothing in this administration is as it seems to be. It is all smoke and mirrors. Manipulated figures. Outright lies and deception. And this has happened not once, not twice, but over and over and over again.

Fast and Furious. TARP I and II. The bailouts. The economic stimulus that wasn’t. Benghazi. Egypt. The Fox News-Associated Press eavesdropping scandal perpetrated by the Feds. The NSA spying scandal. The IRS scandal that targeted the Tea Party, conservatives, Christian groups, etc. And now the Obamacare scam.

“If you like your current healthcare plan, you can keep it. If you like your present doctor, nobody is going to take that away from you, period.”

Anyone who would do these things and deceive the American people this way, over and over, is not to be trusted. That should go without saying. But some Americans, apparently, are slow to learn. How can you trust someone who lies to you on a daily basis about the most important issues effecting your life?

And that is why I say we are entering a most dangerous period in this whole sordid saga. Obama and his minions have shown they will not hesitate to do anything to keep their power and to amass more power. They will lie, cheat, deceive, steal, bribe, and who knows what else, to maintain their current status as the kings and queens of the hill.

Now that millions of Americans are onto them, many for the first time since this crowd took office, the faceless, nameless figures of the vast army of underground operatives and thugs are probably becoming more desperate. In all likelihood they will become even more desperate as we edge closer to the 2014 midterm elections.

We have already seen at least some signs of their desperation. In Texas, cops set up a roadblock on a major roadway and took saliva samples from every single driver. Who ordered such an act of tyranny? Where were the court-issued warrants?

In addition, some trustworthy citizens are already sitting in federal prison on trumped up charges. You didn’t hear that from me. But if your government would lie to you about your healthcare, what is to prevent them from arresting you simply because they don’t like your views? If they decide you are expendable, then off you go to prison.

And remember, New York State has already implemented a provision of its new gun and ammo law that encourages citizens to turn in their family members, neighbors, and friends if they have seen them loading more than seven bullets into a gun in the privacy of their homes.

Any government entity that will do that will kill you if you get in their way.

We are not dealing with nice people here. They are not good, honest, trustworthy public servants. They are deadly tyrants.

And so, my friends, we are going to see increasing confrontations between the forces for liberty and the forces for government control of our lives. The rubber is about to meet the road. Are you ready?

And let me be very clear about one thing. If you wish to deprive me of my guns and ammunition, then you are not for liberty and you are not my friend. If you wish to dictate to me what I can and cannot eat, what I can and cannot drink, what I can and cannot smoke, and such, then you are not for liberty and you are not my friend. If you wish rob me of my right to have the doctor of my choosing, and the healthcare plan of my choosing, and even the right to decide I don’t want any damn insurance at all, then you are not for liberty and you cannot be my friend.

It all boils down to liberty vs. tyranny. Freedom vs. slavery. If you support measures that restrict my liberties and freedoms, then you are automatically for tyranny and slavery to an all-encompassing, all-powerful central government. There is no middle ground here.

That’s the bad news. Now for the good news.

Patriots all across this land are awake and paying attention. In some ways the Obamacare debacle was a blessing in disguise. It woke some people up who have not been awake in years, and not even Benghazi, the NSA spying scandal, or Fast and Furious could wake them. But Obamacare sure did.

It is very personal, and sobering, when you believed your president when he promised you that you could keep your current insurance plan and doctor if you like them, only to find that within the last seven weeks since Obamacare was rolled out you received a piece of mail telling you that since your current plan is no longer allowed by federal law, it has been discontinued and you are thus dropped from your insurance plan.

Yes, it is now very personal. As one lady put it, a 58 year old who received one of those letters, “He lied to me!!”

Well, he sure did. Now what are you going to do?

At least she is awake, and millions like her who thought they could trust Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and even Hillary, are awake as well. And they are damn mad.

Trust is a lot like toothpaste that leaves the tube. Once it is gone, it is awfully hard to get back.

This means that millions of people who were not watching closely before are now watching with a telescope. They are placing every word uttered by Obama and his minions to the test. Is this yet another falsehood? Another deception? Another ruse? Can I trust this smiling face? He seems so likable. But, but…he was smiling and entirely likable when he lied to me. So how can I trust these smiles? Maybe there is much more to a person than simply the likability factor. Ted Bundy was a charming individual too.

We as Americans have GOT to get over our obsession with how a person “comes across on TV.” We CANNOT accurately make judgments about a person’s character or trustworthiness based upon how they look on television. Those who know how to manipulate the masses through videos, TV, and such, are taught how to fool you. Even an actor is taught how to fool you. When you watch them in a movie, the name of the game is to get you to believe they ARE the person they portray on the screen. Nothing is wrong with that, for sure, but it makes my point. Those who know how to manipulate the masses through images are very good at fooling you, some for nothing more than entertainment purposes, but others for evil intent.

I’m glad that Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Robert De Niro, and others can so thoroughly entertain me by their ability to actually become a fictitious character on a movie screen. They are so very good at what they do. Good acting is one of life’s pleasures. But I don’t want my president to be a good actor. I don’t want him to fool me. And when he does, he loses something vital to governance — in a free society you cannot lead unless the people can trust that what you tell them is the truth.

And that is precisely what has been lost.

There are many ways that the liberty and patriot movement is making headway. Gone are the days when progressives in power can successfully enact gun bans. They tried, but they failed except in the most virulently blue states. Gone are the days when JBTs can perpetrate a Ruby Ridge, a Waco, etc, and not expect some sort of response from citizens who will not stand for oppressive violence by ANY government official.

Patriots are doing their part, most often in secret, away from public view. They are not violent in any manner whatsoever. But they ARE cunning and courageous. They know how to thwart the plans of tyrants under cover and without a single shot being fired. They are smuggling “illegal” firearms into states that have banned what most citizens would view as perfectly acceptable means of self-defense. But they are not going to allow government tyrants to deprive them of a guaranteed Constitutional right. So, the vast underground is very active, much as it was during Prohibition when again, government jackbooted thugs tried to prevent citizens from drinking alcohol.

How did that work out for ya, you progressive knucklehead?

And one more thing, my dear patriot friend, remember that as long as human beings long for the freedom to make their own decisions, chart their own course, live out their lives as they see fit, apart from the crazed nannies and social change agents of the surveillance state, then liberty will never be totally removed from the earth. It is much bigger than you or me. Liberty is part of our deepest longings, our hopes, and our dreams. People don’t dream of becoming slaves. They dream to be free, to fly, to be their own person as a competent, reliable, and self-reliant human being. This means our cause is part of the human spirit. It is part of our nature as human beings to want to live free. And that is why, in the end, we cannot lose.