Posts Tagged ‘Civil War’

Civil War in these not so United States..?

September 19, 2014

This has been an ongoing discussion for many years. Indeed, when I still worked in emergency services it was always a scenario that was discussed and planned for. I retired in 2001, so this really isn’t anything new.

Why then is this being taken so seriously now? In a word, Obama.

Can America survive another Civil War?

Michael Savage starts off his upcoming book “Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth” with the words:

People can justify a government’s controversial policies and actions for only so long until they see a pattern of abuse of power. Then, even the most devout supporters of any regime must decide if they support these extreme policies and actions or oppose them.

My question is this, he continues. Will the Obama inner circle of extremist left-wing radicals trigger an event that will provoke an American insurrection, even a civil war?

Is this concern to be dismissed as a “right-wing conspiracy theory”?

My own thoughts are along the lines of this being no longer the realm of kooks and conspiracy types. It’s mainstream America, and includes all races and cultures. We are no longer a melting pot. Nor are we kissing cousins. There are a whole lot of very angry people out there, and they are angry for many different reasons. This is indeed a recipe for a not so civil war…

Targeted by? You guessed it!

June 17, 2014

ssued following this month’s Las Vegas killings, a bulletin leaked from the New York State Intelligence Center has warned state law enforcement against a “recent spike in violence” targeting them, and cites a figure familiar to Gun Rights Examiner readers as a catalyst for inspiring those so inclined.

“Michael Brian Vanderboegh, a longtime militia member and founder of the III Percent Patriot Movement which was supported by Jerad and Amanda Miller, travelled to NYS at least once in 2013 to speak to the Liberty Oath Keepers meeting in Monticello, NY.,” the “official use only” bulletin marked “Not for public or media release” advises. “The III Percent Patriots are a militia group comprised primarily of gun rights extremists who believe in the need to use violence against the government to prevent what they believe to be an impending seizure of all private firearms.

“The name derives from ‘an obscure, and not particularly accurate, Revolutionary War “statistic” that claimed that only 3% of the American population during the Revolutionary War participated as combatants in the war,” it explains. “The Oath Keepers is an organization composed of current and former military and law enforcement personnel who take a pledge to ‘not obey unconstitutional orders such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as enemy combatants.’

“There have been multiple observed instances of overlapping membership in the Oath Keepers and the III Percent Patriots, and the Oath Keepers’ founder has spoken supportively of the III Percent Patriot Movement,” the section concludes.

Footnotes make it clear the “information” is being sourced from the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, both “progressive” groups vehemently anti-gun, at least the privately-owned kind, and neither shy about portraying their ideological opponents as domestic terrorists. (SPLC’s attacks on Oath Keepers have been documented in this column for years.)

While some are claiming New York is behind the curve because the FBI has distanced itself from SPLC, that may be wishful thinking based on a website modification.

[A] public statement from the FBI and the agency’s own website indicate the removal may mean just that — removal from the site, not a diminishing of the relationship between the two organizations,” a HotAir article cautions. “[T]he spokesperson’s statement indicates the change may just be a public relations move, not a substantive shift in FBI policy.”

Regardless, Vanderboegh decimated the bulletin in his Flag Day Second Amendment Rally speech in Massachusetts on Saturday.

“The Millers are linked to the Bundys — except they’re not,” he said recapping the bulletin after dissecting it for the crowd. “The Millers were supporters of Vanderboegh, the guy who had them ejected from the Bundy security operation — except they weren’t.

“They embraced militia values — except they didn’t, the Three Percent movement is a militia — except it isn’t.” he continued. “And the Three Percent are paranoids for believing that the New York state cops are going to seize semi-auto weapons — except they are.

“Other than that, this is a totally accurate report, Vanderboegh observed. “Does that clear things up for you?

“It’s funny but it’s not,” he cautioned. “This report goes out to police everywhere. Many are going to accept it as gospel. And who do you think they’re going to be reporting? You, with the Oath Keepers tee shirt. You, with the Three Percent patch. You, with the Gadsden flag out in front of your house or the ‘Don’t tread on me’ sticker on your pickup truck. Because everyone now ‘knows’ because of sloppy propaganda like this piece of trash that the Gadsden flag equals Three Percent equals Oath Keeper equals domestic terrorist equals meth-head cop killer.”

That, of course, is the objective, and even clumsier propaganda has been seized on by groups that are desperate for attention and relevance, coming up with stupid slogans like “Let’s tread on them” accompanied by even more stupid graphics.

It’s part of a long-standing and not particularly successful attempt by the “progressives” to chill dissent by making gun owners fear to speak out lest they be tarred with the brush of extremist. Perversely, those who want them to feel that way have been known to come up with extremist advocacy positions like ‘Isn’t it time we started rounding up promoters of hate before they kill?” and “These town hall terrorists could be declared enemy combatants and bundled off to Bagram with the stroke of a pen. If ever there were a reason for suspending civil rights, this is it,” and “Send the guilty monsters directly to Guantanamo Bay for all eternity and let them rot in their own mental squalor.”

As Vanderboegh might say, it’s funny, because of the personal frustrated impotence of the defective cultists doing the demanding, but it’s not, because their voices influence weak minds and embolden politicians, and enable enforcers who then cynically justify terror tactics they’re increasingly confident in using.

“Law enforcement leaders from the Department of Justice, the FBI, the ATF, Chicago police and other regional agencies gathered for a show and tell … of what they believe can be a key tool to reducing gun violence and arresting people who use and sell illegal guns — a group they call ‘three percenters’,” WGN reported.

“The core mission of the Crime Gun Center is to identify these shooters, or these ‘three percenters,’ and the traffickers that sell them guns and get them off our streets,” ATF Special Agent in Charge Carl Vasilko explained.

That’s what ATF has decided to call violent criminals who use guns? Does anyone think the adoption of that name is just a coincidence, coming from the machine Vanderboegh embarrassed with his groundbreaking Operation Fast and Furious revelations and efforts? And curiously, although not surprisingly, its being directed by agents of an administration that is more than happy to befriend extremist “percenters” it approves of.


Exposing the lies of the Far Left

June 6, 2013
“According to conservative staffers [on Capitol Hill], Gun Owners of America was the most active outside group in early efforts to block all gun control efforts including Toomey-Manchin.” — The Examiner, April 28, 2013
Your GOA has been on the front lines, fighting for your rights.
While the news media has been focusing on several Obama Administration scandals in recent weeks — and rightfully so — don’t for a minute think that efforts to pass gun control in the Senate have died down.
They haven’t.  The truth is that Representatives Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) are still at work — still trying to pull Senators over to their anti-gun side.
Sen. Toomey told the Philadelphia Inquirer recently that he is looking “to bring some more folks on board” — and that if successful, “then of course it would be worth bringing [gun control] up again.”
Both he and Manchin are still at it, trying to twist arms and coerce people over to his side.
Congress is just finishing up its Memorial Day break, so you are encouraged to resume contacting them now that they will soon be getting back to work.  Let them know your approval (or disapproval) of their recent votes in the U.S. Senate.
To this end, GOA has just updated its website to give you the ammunition you need to hold your Senators accountable:
1) Senators’ grades, which include the gun control votes from April.
2) Senators’ votes on the recent gun control provisions.
NOTE:  In regard to the Senate voting records, you can click on the title of each vote to read an explanation of each vote.  And regarding the grades that are posted, you will note that the following Senators saw their grades drop as a result of their recent votes IN FAVOR of gun control:
Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Joe Donnelly (D-IN)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Dean Heller (R-NV)
Martin Heinrich (D-NM)
Richard Burr (R-NC)
Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Pat Toomey (R-PA)
Joe Manchin (D-WV)
Gun Owners of America has continued to expose the gun grabbers’ lies, and we have continued to lobby House and Senate offices in opposition to gun control.
Your continued support helps keep us in the fight.
And every new person you encourage to sign up for our free email alerts or for a GOA membership gives us a louder voice on Capital Hill.
As noted by the Examiner (above), your GOA was the most active group in blocking gun control.  But that was only possible because of your loud voice backing us up.
As stated by Slate in April:  “While [GOA’s] bank account is relatively paltry … its members often get Tea Party loud, inundating lawmakers’ offices with calls.”
That’s a testimony to your hard work!
So please encourage your pro-gun friends and family to sign up for our alerts at:

NRA positive rated sellout politicians; They will still be rated as good on guns no doubt!

April 12, 2013

Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) – NRA A rated

Kelly Ayotte (N.H.) – NRA A rated

Richard Burr (N.C.) – NRA A rated

Saxby Chambliss (Ga.) – NRA A rated

Tom Coburn (Okla.) – NRA A rated

Susan Collins (Maine) – NRA C+ rated

Bob Corker (Tenn.) – NRA A rated

Jeff Flake (Ariz.) – NRA A rated

Lindsey Graham (S.C.) – NRA A rated

Dean Heller (Nev.) – NRA A rated

John Hoeven (N.D.) – NRA A rated

Johnny Isakson (Ga.) – NRA A rated

Mark Kirk (Ill.) – NRA F rated

John McCain (Ariz.) – NRA B+ rated

Pat Toomey (Pa.) – NRA A rated

Roger Wicker (Miss.) – NRA A+ rated

13 of these Senators have NRA “A-ratings.”


April 5, 2013

From Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner.


Good morning, my friends, and welcome to another edition of Musings After Midnight. It has been very cold here in the mountains, foothills, and Piedmont region of the Carolinas. So, pull up a chair and warm yourself by the fire, and have some hot coffee.

I wish I had good news to report to you this morning, but truth is, I do not. In fact, the news is not just bad. It is dismal. But you need to know the truth. You need to be informed about what we face, and that means a sobering, grim assessment of what is ahead.

Those of you who read these pages regularly are aware that ever since Obama and the Democrats in Congress announced their all out assault on the gun rights of citizens in the aftermath of Sandy Hook, I have maintained that we are down to 30 seconds to midnight on the doomsday clock — the hour when the darkness falls on America for perhaps a thousand years.

I must now inform you that we are down to 15 seconds to midnight, and the clock is ticking. In the time since we last spoke, circumstances have changed for the worse. Frankly, I don’t give the nation any hope apart from an all out war to restore the Constitution. I wish with all my heart that it were not so. I am truly grieved by it, and my heart is very heavy.

In spite of the fact that Obama’s attempt to destroy citizens’ rights has been met with numerous roadblocks in Congress, the states, one by one, are falling into the most egregious tyranny. New York, Connecticut, Colorado, and Maryland have passed laws that are clearly unconstitutional and that fly in the face of a clear, absolute declaration in our Constitution that the right of citizens to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. One of those states is going to begin fingerprinting all citizens who purchase firearms and ammo as if they were common criminals.

These acts, these laws, are themselves criminal. The very act of attacking the freedom and liberty of the American people is a criminal act in and of itself. In the best of all possible worlds, the politicians in each of these states who voted in favor of these tyrannical laws would be sitting in jail as we speak, charged with the crime of seeking to deny citizens their Constitutional rights. They are the ones who should be treated as common criminals, the lowest of the low, little small minded tin horn fiefs who are drunk with their own power. Their actions should not be tolerated anywhere by anyone. And they should not be allowed to serve in an elected office no matter what kind of “majority vote” they get. Sometimes, especially in these modern times when imbeciles reign supreme, the majority makes decisions that are too stupid to be valid.

Our Framers stated clearly that when laws are passed that are contrary to the Constitution, those laws are not to be obeyed and the people responsible for passing them are tyrants guilty of crimes along with the people who elected them to office. We don’t have “majority rule” in America nor should we. What we have is a Constitutional Republic based on principles that even the majority cannot negate. As long as the majority adheres to those principles, then well and good. But when they discard those principles, then the majority of voters are just as criminal and tyrannical as the crooked liberty-killers they elect to office. Their decisions are to be viewed as rubbish that do not carry the weight of law or authority. And at that point, the Patriots, the real descendants of Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Franklin, Adams, Henry, and Webster are obligated to defy the majority, disobey the unconstitutional laws passed by the tyrants, and if necessary forcibly remove such tyrants from office.

What does this mean exactly?

It means that I am not obligated to obey any law that directly contradicts the Constitution of the United States. I am not obligated to submit to the authority of tyrants. I do not recognize their authority. They are illegitimate, and therefore, their laws are illegitimate. And if you as a citizen support and enable the work of these tyrants, then you are not my fellow countryman but a traitor worthy of nothing but disdain and derision…and jail. I have exactly ZERO respect for any citizen who supports robbing me of my rights.

Thus, to New York, Connecticut, Colorado, and Maryland, I will say to you that you are are a shameful embarrassment to our country. You are a worthless bundle of mindless sheep being led around by a pied piper into a brave new world that neither recognizes nor affirms that human beings have certain natural unalienable rights, except for what you make up in your demented minds that have been rotted from within, from stem to lobe, by your progressive vision that is based on rank Marxism. You would deny me the right to defend myself with a firearm but turn around and claim that all human beings have a “right” to health insurance, even if you have to force me to pay for it. You are a fool. A despicable, sick, and evil fool.

The situation as it now stands is this. The states are falling into tyranny, clearly, blatantly, and arrogantly defying a direct statement in our Constitution that protects the right of all citizens to defend themselves with firearms. Barack Obama and his feminized, kept man with a rich wife, otherwise known as “Lurch” John Kerry, have approved the U.N. Small Arms Treaty that reaches down into our sovereign nation, grabs it by the throat, and requires it to regulate firearms. And in the Senate, some Republicans are standing perched and ready, like the deadly, menacing fowl sitting on powerlines ready to swoop down to slaughter their human prey, as depicted in Hitchcock’s “The Birds,” to help their Democrat counterparts pass a stringent assault on private property rights by requiring private gun sales, citizen to citizen, to be subject to background checks.

You had best be watching potential traitors such as McCain, Graham, Murkowski, Portman, Corker, Alexander, Kirk, Collins, Flake, Toomey, and Ayotte very closely on this. They will sell us out in a heartbeat if we do not keep up immense pressure on them to resist any and all gun control measures, including this sham and ruse of “universal background checks,” which is nothing but a backdoor method of registration, a national database, and eventually, confiscation.

Party affiliation is meaningless in this matter. It should be noted that in the blue states that passed unlawful restrictions on gun rights, Republicans helped the Democrat majority in those states pass these laws.

Frankly, I don’t care one whit about Party here. I have seen the truth about some things, and it ain’t pretty. In the Senate there are only six Republicans I have one ounce of respect for. I have ZERO respect for any Democrat. In the House, I can respect and affirm 40 to 50 Republicans at the most. Again, ZERO Democrats. But this means that in both the House and Senate I cannot support nor respect a large majority of the Republicans. The Democrats are a total lost cause.

Some want me to name the Republicans I can support. I can readily do that, at least in the Senate since they are so few in number. They are Cruz, Paul, Inhofe, Rubio, Vitter, and Lee. This does not mean I agree with them on everything. But at least they have some principles. Most of the others are as worthless as the Democrats.

Are you beginning to understand why I am so pessimistic about the future of the country?

The electoral process has failed us. We can no longer trust the voters to do the right thing, make sane decisions, or even be fully informed on the issues. Both Parties have failed us. And as for the White House? How can any sane American feel good about the country when two times in a row the voters went for a grandiose, dictatorial egomaniac?

And the Vice President is a village idiot who I’m surprised can remember his own name.

For a while when it became clear that Obama was not going to get most of his gun control proposals approved, I had begun to feel a bit better about the country. But now it has become all too apparent that the season of hope was to be shortlived. I see no way out of this mess short of Jefferson’s final solution. The tree of liberty from time to time must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and of tyrants, said Jefferson.

Jefferson knew something that no one else knew, or at least they would not admit that they knew — the kind of liberty they envisioned for this country is very fragile and tends to erode with time at the hands of evil men who make their way into positions of power. And thus, in order to keep those liberties from being totally annihilated, Patriots must be willing to do whatever is necessary to preserve or restore them, including going to war with fellow citizens and the tyrants they have placed in elected office.

It is now 15 seconds to that hour when this nation plunges into the most important war since the American Revolution of 1776. This will be a war to restore the Constitution that has been attacked, ignored, ridiculed, maligned, shredded, and violated by the president, the Congress, the Supreme Court, and at least a dozen states.

If the states continue down the path set by New York, Connecticut, Colorado, and Maryland, then they had best get set. They are starting a long, hard-fought, and bloody civil war. If Obama and Democrats in Congress, along with a few faux Republicans, continue their assault on the liberties protected by the Constitution, then their actions are tantamount to a declaration of war on the citizens. And if the Supreme Court continues to make asinine decisions such as affirming Obamacare in spite of no precedent and no rational argument in favor of it, then they, too, are asking for war.

The citizens have been arming themselves to the hilt for four years. And they are accumulating ammunition, just like Nappy at Homeland Security. You got bullets, Nappy? Well, we have them too…billions of rounds.

And let this be a warning to those who sit in the seats of power in what was once this Constitutional Republic — if you intend to open fire on us, then be fully aware that we will respond in kind. We will never start a war. But you will. We have seen people of your ilk in action before — in Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China, Communist Cuba, and Communist North Korea. We know what your kind will do if you feel your power is being threatened.

Do you want to be like them? Well, if you do, be fully aware that we, the people of America, are not submissive sheep like they were in those countries. We are American Patriots who will fight to the death for liberty. Fair warning.

The Liberty Sphere

Support the Paul-Cruz-Lee Filibuster!

April 2, 2013

We are going into a battle which will determine the future of gun control for the next decade – and perhaps for the rest of our lifetime.

Here’s the status: On or around April 8, Harry Reid will move to proceed to S. 649. That “base bill” contains the Veterans Gun Ban, which could send you to prison for 15 years if you sell a gun to a veteran, without realizing he has PTSD. The bill will also contain the Schumer version of Universal Gun Registries.

S. 649 does not have the 60 votes necessary to break a filibuster on final passage. However, if Reid can get the motion to proceed adopted – and get on the bill itself – he will play let’s-make-a-deal and use bribes and kickbacks to buy the 60 votes he needs.

In particular, Reid and Schumer will probably try to prune the universal registry bill to buy off the vote of Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn. They may pretend to prohibit recordkeeping by the FBI, but you can bet their “compromise” will contain a big, juicy loophole.

In addition, they may pare it back to gun shows and internet sales, although the most recent “gun show” bill we have seen would effectively ban gun shows.

The media has been reporting that the NRA leadership is working with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin to craft these compromises, although NRA vehemently denies it.

As a result of anti-gun rules changes, there are two ways to proceed to a bill in the Senate. One requires 60 votes, which we have. The second requires 50 votes (plus Biden), but requires Reid to give up some of his control of the floor.

The point is this: Our efforts will be tremendously helped if the NRA leadership publicly calls on Senators to oppose the motion to proceed, opposes cloture on the motion to proceed, and scores both votes.

If it does this, the motion to proceed will die. Reid will be unable to move to any gun control legislation. Gun control will die.

We believe that, because of the strength and fervor of our membership, we are very close to winning this battle – but it would be so much easier if we were both singing off the same page.

ACTION: If, you are an NRA member, contact them. Urge them to join with us in supporting the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster. That means they should tell Senators to oppose the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and to oppose cloture on the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle.

CONTACT: You can use the message below to direct your comments to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.

Call 1-800-392-8683
or send him a message at



—– Pre-written letter —–

Dear Mr. LaPierre:

We are going into a battle which will determine the future of gun control for the next decade – and perhaps for the rest of our lifetime.

As you know, Harry Reid will soon move to proceed to S. 649. That “base bill” contains the Veterans Gun Ban, which could send you to prison for 15 years if you sell a gun to a veteran, without realizing he has PTSD. The bill will also contain the Schumer version of Universal Gun Registries.

As you also know, S. 649 does not have the 60 votes necessary to break a filibuster on final passage. However, if Reid can get the motion to proceed adopted – and get on the bill itself – he will play let’s-make-a-deal and use bribes and kickbacks to buy the 60 votes he needs.

In particular, Reid and Schumer will probably try to prune the universal registry bill to buy off the vote of Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn. They may pretend to prohibit recordkeeping by the FBI, but you can bet their “compromise” will contain a big, juicy loophole. In addition, they may pare it back to gun shows and Internet sales, although the most recent “gun show” bill would effectively ban gun shows.

There are reports in the press that you are working with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin to craft these compromises, although I hope this information is wrong.

As a result of anti-gun rules changes, there are two ways to proceed to a bill in the Senate. One requires 60 votes, which we have. The second requires 50 votes (plus Biden), but requires Reid to give up some of his control of the floor.

The point is this: I hope that you will support the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster and tell Senators that the NRA opposes the motion to proceed to S. 649 … opposes cloture on the motion to proceed … and will score both votes.

If you do this, the motion to proceed will die. Reid will be unable to move to any gun control legislation. Gun control will die.

I would therefore ask you to please oppose the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and oppose cloture on the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and to score both votes.

Please let me know if you will do this.


Here is a copy of the letter that I sent;

Please join with the rest of freedom loving organizations and support  the Paul- Cruz- Lee filibuster. No compromises at all, whatsoever. No to any deals of any kind at all. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin needs to be sent walking for even considering any sort of cave in.
No more lifetime bans for less than felony convictions. You caved on that to Lautenberg, and we still remember. No more disarming veterans for serving their nation for life. We remember that. No more failing to support any gun owner for political expediency as you have done more times than I can remember. Grow a pair and get to work! We expect more, a lot more than submissiveness and compromise. Screw the press and anyone else that decides that they know better than we do when it comes to how we live our lives!

Never compromise your most deeply held values. Have faith, have courage. Sua Sponte!


Reccomended Reading for those that need knowledge about freedom

March 24, 2013

Having had several requests for information on subjects that relate to freedom and liberty in an age of government domination, lack of respect for the laws and traditions of our nation, and utter disrespect for what made this nation great I have assembled a reading list. It covers the basics of the requested information, and I highly suggest that these titles be secured as soon as one can acquire them. My friends in Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain, Ireland, and many other places are out of luck though. They are banned for the most part.

Content deleted due to being most thoroughly not politically correct!

Conspiracy theory? Apparently not!

March 23, 2013

Sandy Hook tragedy that fueled the current hoplophobia round of gun control, restriction of liberty and freedom did not, in fact involve any sort of so called “assault” weapon. This pretty much proves that the whole true issue at stake is freedom and liberty. While implying directly that the government wants a disarmed populace. Our forefathers fought such Tory‘s in the past. It was called The American Revolution.

We are indeed coming very close to a full blown Civil War here in these not so United States of America. The big government nanny state types will be fully to blame. I include them all, from the left as well as the right for what may happen.

Perhaps a recommended reading list will be the subject of an upcoming post…

Obama’s gun control proposals: epic failure by the epic fail POTUS

March 16, 2013
  • Today, the Nut-Left Democrats on the Senate Judiciary voted to report the Feinstein gun ban –which could ban between 50% and 80% of guns and magazines in circulation today. It may not even get a majority in the Senate – much less the 60 votes needed to pass. And it is being pushed primarily to allow anti-gun Democrats from pro-gun states to pretend to be pro-gun.
  • Tuesday, the Judiciary Committee passed, by a 10-to-8 vote, the universal gun registry bill. Chief sponsor Chuck Schumer has been unable to achieve Republican support from anyone other than the anti-gun Illinois Republican Mark Kirk. Therefore, unless another Republican sells out at the last minute, we believe we can successfully filibuster this ill in the full Senate.
  • Tuesday, by a vote of 14-to-4, the Judiciary Committee also reported a Boxer bill that would increase, by $10 million, the funding for an existing school safety program. The money could be used for armed guards, as the NRA proposes, or it could be used for an anti-gun study. It is therefore neither inherently “pro-gun” nor “anti-gun.” We have said we would oppose proceeding to Boxer if it is a vehicle for votes on other anti-gun measures – but that we would not object to its passage, without amendment, by “unanimous consent.”
  • This brings us to the central battlefield: Last week, the committee reported, by a vote of 11-to-7, the Veterans Gun Ban, S. 54. The lone GOP vote in favor came from Chuck Grassley, who indicated he would oppose the bill on the Senate floor unless it was improved from the committee-reported version.
As we see it, the chief strategic objective is now to keep gun control votes from coming to the Senate floor by opposing the “motion to proceed” to any bill which is going to be used as a vehicle for gun votes.
That would certainly mean that senators should oppose moving to proceed to universal gun registries or the Veterans Gun Ban. But it also means that we oppose moving to proceed to so-called non-controversial bills, such as Boxer, if those bills are being brought up as a vehicle for anti-gun amendments.
ACTION: Click here to contact your senator. Ask him to oppose any motion to proceed – by filibuster if necessary – to the Feinstein gun ban, the universal gun registry bill, the Veterans Gun Ban (S. 54), or to any other piece of legislation being brought up as a vehicle for votes on these anti-gun proposals.

Epic fail obama pundit get handed her head on national show

January 19, 2013
Gun Owners of America

Gun Owners of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Gun Owners of America on MSNBC tells it like it is.

Plus she can’t seem to figure out who she is trying to debate.

In any case the point of the add was that the elites are hypocrites when it comes to their own protection or their families. Whether you agree with more police in schools, armed teachers and principles or not.

Not to mention that already they, as in Governor Cuomo and others are already talking about confiscation. In other words, even more ex post facto law. For years I have raged about the insult to our freedoms imposed by the Lautenberg Domestic Violence Act’s ex post facto provision. Well, I don’t have any problem with disarming people in the heat of the moment or even for as long as it takes to complete consoling and jail time. But damn it! If you are going to take someones rights away forever then convict them of a felony, period. But no, based upon political correctness and misandry (sexism) they trashed out the Bill of Rights, and that has set the groundwork for even more.