Posts Tagged ‘Wordpress Political Blogs’

The Obama administration’s attempt to make a case for gun control.

July 1, 2012

Well regular readers know that this is precisely what I said a long time ago.

The House of Representatives today voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress by a 255-to-67 vote.  Seventeen Democrats crossed party lines to support the contempt citation, which represents the first time in U.S. history that a house of Congress has ever taken such action against an Attorney General.
Let’s be clear:  Operation Fast & Furious was all about the Obama administration’s attempt to make a case for gun control.
Columnist Ann Coulter summarized this quite well yesterday when she said, “Administration officials intentionally put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, so that when the guns taken from Mexican crime scenes turned out to be American guns, Democrats would have a reason to crack down on gun sellers in the United States.”
This is precisely what internal ATF documents reveal.  In her groundbreaking report last December, Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News quotes one law enforcement official who put the administration’s duplicity quite succinctly:  “It’s like ATF created or added to the problem [by helping run guns south of the border] so they could be the solution to it and pat themselves on the back.”
Of course, that “solution” was nothing other than new gun control regulations — such as the gun registration requirements the Obama administration unilaterally imposed last year in the four southwestern states.
Hence, at its core, Operation Fast & Furious was intended to foster “gun walking” in order to create the perceived need for gun control.  In February of last year, the Obama administration sent a letter to Congress denying this and falsely claimed they were not helping to “walk” guns south of the border.
But in December, after further whistleblowers came forward and more documents were revealed, the administration had to retract the February letter.
Part of what House investigators are now seeking relates to documents describing the internal deliberations between Justice Department officials, and why they decided to abandon the claims made in the February letter and to change their story ten months later.
Further complicating matters for House investigators like Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is the fact that President Obama has exerted executive privilege over the documents and is refusing to turn them over.
This even has many Democrats concerned.
Georgia Democrat Rep. John Barrow explained his vote for the contempt citation, stating that “the Attorney General has decided to withhold relevant documents. The only way to get to the bottom of what happened is for the Department of Justice to turn over the remaining documents, so that we can work together to ensure this tragedy never happens again.”
And Utah Democrat Rep. Jim Matheson (UT) also explained his vote, stating that, “The Terry family, the public and Congress deserve answers. Sadly, it seems that it will take holding the Attorney General in contempt to communicate that evasiveness is unacceptable.”
Make no mistake about it — it’s been a long, hard road getting the Congress to act like it did today.  GOA had heard whispers on Capitol Hill — and seen articles in the media — indicating that the House leadership was initially cool to the idea of holding the Attorney General accountable in an election year.
That’s why your involvement — keeping this issue on the front burner for so many months — has been so crucial.  You moved the House leadership to move this contempt citation to the floor today and to make history.
Today’s action has set into place a series of events that could result in Eric Holder being held in contempt of court and, ultimately, land him in jail if he continues to hide documents related to Operation Fast & Furious.
Again, thanks again for every phone call you have made and every email you have sent!
Please stay tuned for further updates and make sure you check out our Facebook page and “like” us.  We are almost at 100,000 supporters … so help us get over the hump!
Gun Owners of America

WordPress and Global Tags

May 19, 2012

One of the really neat things about WordPress has been the Global Tags feature. Recently though someone there decided that they were not needed any longer. Man, am I happy that I didn’t sign up for making this domain mine offering. Heck, it doesn’t even appear that pingbacks function properly anymore. Then, when I inquired about the problem, this is what I got!

macmanx wrote:

The Global Tags pages were discontinued not too long ago, but you still see specific tags in your Reader:!/read/topic/politics/ >

Read this post on the forums: >
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I suppose that all good things must end someday

So why bother working on a blog if you cannot readily communicate with others that share your interests?

Pakistan Redux: Yet another one…

November 27, 2011

Seems to me that neither the Pakistani government, nor ours / NATO can really be in any position to be pointing fingers. Yet another attack by our forces appears to have gone badly. Or did it? We hit them, our enemies, where we find them, and, all to often? They are being harbored, if not hidden within the territory of Pakistan.

That said, it would appear that the Pakistani’s intentionally protect people that have tried to harm ourselves or our allies. I mean, think about it, just for a minute or so… Alright, times up even though it only took a split second. Osama Bin Ladin was killed while hiding out in a Pakistan garrison city. Multiple terrorist’s have been removed from the chess board of life and sent to their virgins by our forces while within the Territory of, you guessed it, Pakistan.

This type of warfare, by definition, is unconventional. Not to mention that it is the only type of action that actually get’s results when dealing with enemies that swim among the fishes unnoticed. Will there be mistakes? Of course, there always are in this dirty business called war, and, sadly, innocents all to often pay the ultimate price when those mistakes are made.

Pakistan is, and should be, a natural ally of the United States, and NATO. After all, these same enemies of ours have vowed to destroy Pakistan on several occasions. That being the case I can understand them getting their panties in a wad over our incursions, at least publicly. They are after all a sovereign nation. Who really knows what is being said behind closed doors though? There could very well be more than a few officials and Generals sleeping better tonight because they know that since this or that bad guy is now with Allah and their hands are clean.

It is time that we drew our forces back from this adventure, and allow the Afghan’s to sink or swim. All the while maintaining our Special Operations forces war to continue on relentlessly pursuing those that would do us harm.

The Second Amendment the “black sheep” of the Bill of Rights.

September 23, 2011
Imagine traveling from your home to Massachusetts, and not being able to buy a newspaper or stay at a motel because you’re from out of state.
The ACLU would be up in…well, maybe not “arms”…but they would sure take issue with the violation of your First Amendment rights.
When it comes to the Second Amendment, though, your right to keep and bear arms is often checked at the state line. And it hardly raises an eyebrow among civil libertarians.
Criminals obviously don’t care if they cross state lines to commit a crime, but honest citizens are often required by law to leave behind their self-defense firearm when traveling.
Pro-gun champion Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) recently introduced a concealed carry recognition bill to address this situation.
Click here to read more.

The “Golden State” of my birth…

April 1, 2010

Said State of Gold…? Is broke. As a direct result of socialist policy’s that have been going on for decades. It is broke morally as well as financially. Don’t get me wrong on this. There are still quite a few people in California that are decent, strong, and smarter than your average hoplophobe from San Fransisco. But..? Why, in the name of God, or any of the early Californios, are these things even an issue..?

Some things are right, and? Some things are wrong. Granted, some things are a bit gray. However? What follows clearly isn’t. Not at all. You see, these things are already granted…

Assembly Bill 2053, sponsored by Assemblymember Jeff Miller (R-71), would clarify the current statutes for law enforcement to issue a concealed firearms license.  Under AB2053, the “good cause” stipulation would apply to self-defense, defending the life of another, or preventing crime in which a human life is threatened.

Assembly Bill 2115, introduced by Assemblymember Steve Knight (R-36), would alter California’s concealed carry statutes by eliminating the “good cause” requirement for veterans.

Assembly Bill 2152, simply put, would exempt honorably discharged members of the United States Armed Forces, National Guard, Air National Guard, and active reserve components of the United States from the handgun safety certificate requirements to purchase a handgun.  AB2152 is sponsored by Assemblymember Jim Nielsen (R-2).

Please contact the members of the Assembly Committee on Public Safety TODAY and respectfully urge them to support AB2053, AB2115, and AB2152. Contact information can be found below.

Assembly Member Tom Ammiano (D-13) – Chair
(916) 319-2013

Assembly Member Curt Hagman (R-60) – Vice Chair
(916) 319-2060

Assembly Member Danny D. Gilmore (R-30)
(916) 319-2030

Assembly Member Jerry Hill (D-19)
(916) 319-2019

Assembly Member Nancy Skinner (D-14)
(916) 319-2014

Assembly Member Jim Beall, Jr. (D-24)
(916) 319-2024

Assembly Member Anthony Portantino (D-44)
(916) 319-2044