Posts Tagged ‘Eric Holder’

More Ex Post Facto Law; Guess who it’s being brought to you by?

December 3, 2013

I mean seriously people… Lautemberg is barely in his grave and what? A Monument to his utter treason?


Legislative Time Bomb Could Retroactively Outlaw the Possession of Virtually all Guns with Non-Metal parts
Wood stocks could be prohibited

“We look at [the plastic gun ban] as an infringement,” said GOA’s Erich Pratt.  “The law does nothing to keep undetectable guns out of the hands of criminals [who have] no regard for the law in the first place.” — The Hill, November 28, 2013

URGENT ACTION:  The House did not take up the plastic gun ban yesterday.   So please continue contacting your legislators — especially your Representative — with today’s new message.  The House will most certainly vote today.  If you can, please call your Rep. at 202-225-3121.

Gun ban would be mischief for an anti-gun administration.

Sometimes it takes decades for a poorly-drafted anti-gun law to rise up and bite you. The 1968 gun ban for “mental defectives” sat around for 25 years before an anti-gun Clinton administration decided to use it to disarm more than 150,000 law-abiding veterans who had never been before a court.

The “plastic gun ban” is another massive time bomb sitting in federal law. And it will be reauthorized (for as much as a decade) in the next two weeks — if we don’t stop it.

Unless it existed before December 10, 1988, the plastic gun ban absolutely bans any gun that is not as detectable in a “walk-through metal detector” as a Security Exemplar [18 U.S.C. 922(p)(1)(A) and (6)].

The “Security Exemplar” is a piece of metal that the ATF uses to calibrate how much steel a manufacturer needs to put in the gun to make it beep in the metal detector.  Other than the fact that it has to contain 3.7 ounces of steel and look sort of like a gun, anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder can determine, by regulatory fiat, the characteristics of the Exemplar.

He can determine whether you test guns with a “top flight” metal detector — or a crummy one. He can determine how many times (or thousands of times) a gun has to pass in order not to be banned.

In addition, every “major component” of every firearm has to pass through an airport x-ray in such a way that its shape is “accurately” depicted [18 U.S.C. 922(p)(1)(B)].

The statute contains a list of parts of guns which are definitely “major components.”  But is that list exclusive?  If we didn’t have a President and an Attorney General who have violated and perverted the law again and again and again, we might be able to conclude that it was exclusive.  But the language is not so definitive as to protect us against an administration intent on destroying us.

So what if Holder determines that a wooden stock is a “major component”?

According to an expert we consulted, a wooden stock would produce an x-ray image which is “fuzzier” (less “accurate”) than a metal gun would produce.  Interestingly, a wholly plastic gun would also produce an x-ray image, according to this expert, although it would be “fuzzier” (less “accurate”) than that of a metal gun.

So, for those Republicans who are talking about locking us into an extension of this statute that could ban lots of guns … tell them, “please don’t.”

A couple of more points:

* It is simply not true that, if this statute is allowed to lapse, “killers can freely go into airports, courthouses, and schools to commit mass murder and mayhem.”

X-ray machines will pick up the images of plastic guns.  And, unfortunately for the safety of the inhabitants, guns in airports, courthouses, and schools will remain illegal under 18 U.S.C. 922(q) and 930.

* And it is foolish to assume that the Jared Loughners and Adam Lanzas of the world — intent on committing mass murder — would somehow be deterred by a plastic gun ban.  That genie is already out of the bottle.

* Finally, it appears that New York Senator Chuck Schumer would like to take the potentially significant gun ban and expand it even further.

Thursday, November 21, Schumer tried to pass an expansion though the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent without even usual a standard Senate procedure for notifying other senators, called hot-lining. Almost two weeks AFTER HE TRIED TO PASS IT, the text of the Schumer bill was still not available.

But we do know that Schumer has been working all year to expand the plastic gun ban to shut down every gun manufacturer in America who makes guns using a mold.  We also know that Schumer has been trying to extend it even more explicitly to gun parts and magazines — although it’s hard to see what danger a plastic magazine would pose.

ACTION:   Click here to contact your senators and representative.  Tell them to oppose this effort to ban guns with wooden stocks. Call him or her at 202-225-3121.

Florida Democrats trying to Convene Special Session to Repeal “Stand Your Ground”

August 15, 2013

Florida Democrats trying to Convene Special Session to Repeal “Stand Your Ground”

Barrack Obama and the liberals on MSNBC just can’t take “no” for an answer.

A jury of six women in Florida found George Zimmerman “not guilty,” and even liberal national pundits seem to believe that the outcome was the result of a flimsy case.

Subsequently, “lynch mobs” all over the country rallied to unsuccessfully get Attorney General Eric Holder to do what the criminal justice system refused to do.

Now, Florida Democrats are scrambling to convene a special session for the purpose of repealing Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, and the Secretary of State is currently polling legislators to gauge support for such a special session.

Republicans should resist this siren call.

Florida’s Stand Your Ground law has worked quite well:

* According to a database maintained by the Tampa Bay Times, minorities (such as blacks and Hispanics) are actually MORE LIKELY to successfully use the Stand Your Ground defense.

* The Florida Sheriffs Association is in unanimous support of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law.

* And a majority of Americans (53% to 40%) support Stand Your Ground, as evidenced by a recent Quinnipiac poll.

Floridians have been safer because they have been able to defend themselves and their families, without having to consider whether defending their families could put them in prison — or leave them civilly liable — for the rest of their lives.

The attempt to use a “quickie” special session to cram a repeal through, without adequate consideration or debate, is particularly objectionable.

ACTION: Contact your state Representative.  Urge him to defend Stand Your Ground and oppose any special session convened to repeal it.



1. Proceed to

2. Enter your zip code in the box provided under “Find Your Elected Officials” on the lower right.  (Preferably, you should enter your nine-digit zip code to get the best answer.)

3. Scroll down and click on the on the name of the desired representative.

4. Click on your representative’s website, which will be found under your representative’s name (upper left)

5. Find and click on the representative’s email address or webform.

6. Take the pre-written letter below and cut-n-paste this into the email or webform.

—– Pre-written letter —–

Dear Representative:

Barrack Obama and the liberals on MSNBC just can’t take “no” for an answer.

A jury of six women in Florida found George Zimmerman “not guilty,” and even liberal national pundits seem to believe that the outcome was the result of a flimsy case.

Subsequently, “lynch mobs” all over the country rallied to unsuccessfully get Attorney General Eric Holder to do what the criminal justice system refused to do.

Now, Florida Democrats are scrambling to convene a special session for the purpose of repealing Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, and the Secretary of State is currently polling legislators to gauge support for such a special session.

You should resist this siren call.

Florida’s Stand Your Ground law has worked quite well:

* According to a database maintained by the Tampa Bay Times, minorities (such as blacks and Hispanics) are actually MORE LIKELY to successfully use the Stand Your Ground defense.

* The Florida Sheriffs Association is in unanimous support of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law.

* And a majority of Americans (53% to 40%) support Stand Your Ground, as evidenced by a recent Quinnipiac poll.

Floridians have been safer because they have been able to defend themselves and their families, without having to consider whether defending their families could put them in prison — or leave them civilly liable — for the rest of their lives.

The attempt to use a “quickie” special session to cram a repeal through, without adequate consideration or debate, is particularly objectionable.

Please defend stand-your-ground and oppose any special session convened to repeal it.


Biden Proposals Include Framework for Gun Registry and Confiscation… Go figure!

January 15, 2013
Up to 50-80% of all guns in circulation could be covered
Press reports now make it clear what Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control package will look like. Biden wants to impose:
* A Feinstein-like semi-auto ban which, according to experts who have done the counting, could ban up to 50% of all long guns currently in circulation and up to 80% of all handguns. Incidentally, if you wanted to keep the AR-15 you currently have, you would have to have a 6-month FBI background check, be fingerprinted, and get a machine gun-type license.
* The framework for national gun registration and confiscation by requiring every gun transaction to have a Brady Check.
* Supposed “toughening” of anti-gun trafficking measures, but without doing anything about the man responsible for allowing more gun trafficking than any other American — Attorney General Eric Holder (with his Fast and Furious program).
Let us backtrack and explain a couple of things: Increasingly ATF is going into gun dealers and xeroxing all of the 4473’s. This is illegal under McClure-Volkmer, but, in case you hadn’t noticed, Obama is increasingly ignoring the law when it inconveniences him.
Thus, if every gun transaction in America must have a Brady Check, every gun in America could presumably be fed into a national registration system by ATF by simply copying the 4473’s.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo -– a man who gives you a pretty good idea of where gun control is going -– said, on the front page of the New York Times, that “confiscation” of firearms is an option. Obviously, having a registration list makes such a task much easier.
But what about so-called large-capacity magazines? Well, Republicans like Georgia’s Phil Gingrey have talked about the possibility of banning them. However, there are many problems with this.
First of all, millions of gun owners own these magazines for defensive purposes. To take away a homeowner’s right to choose these devices will simply make honest citizens less safe — especially, when they are facing multiple attackers.
Moreover, police have sometimes had to fire 20-30 rounds to finally stop just one drug-crazed individual from shooting. This just underscores why, quite often, good guys will need more than just six-shooters.
Second, there are tens of millions of high-capacity magazines in circulation. What are you going to do about them?
Third, changing magazines (or switching guns) is not a big deal for people like Adam Lanza.
Fourth — and perhaps most important –- this is a game the anti-gun zealots have played before: They threaten to kill the Second Amendment, and then negotiate their way back to “merely” eviscerating it.
Fifth this, in addition to the lifetime ban for less than felony’s that includes ex post facto law is an assault on the American people!
Or put another way, they threaten to shoot us in the head to get us to agree to cutting off our fingers.
The only way that America’s gun owners are going to have peace over the next decade is to stop ALL gun control -– as we did after Columbine –- and then defeat compromising legislators running for reelection in 2014.
ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators and Congressmen. Demand that they oppose ALL gun control — including magazine limitations and universal background (registration) checks — being proposed by the Biden commission.

Word out of Washington…

November 19, 2012

is that anti-gun Eric Holder could return as Attorney General in Barack Obama’s second term.

Despite pages of evidence indicating Holder’s inner circle was intimately aware of the “Fast & Furious” drug-smuggling operation, Obama wants Holder to stay on the job . . .

. . . and there’s little wonder why.

Even before Holder’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) implemented the “Fast & Furious” operation — which led to the deaths of at least one American border agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens — he’d spent years making his case for gun control.

Perhaps Holder’s most outrageous comment about our Second Amendment rights was caught on video in 1995 when he said public officials should seek ways to “brainwash” the American people into supporting gun control.

The “Fast & Furious” operation all makes perfect sense when considering Holder’s comment from 1995 and Obama’s desire to push through the UN Gun Ban and a new permanent ban on so-called “Assault Weapons.”

“Fast & Furious” was designed to “brainwash” the American people into supporting gun control, all in an effort to “stem violence in Mexico,” which the administration has blamed falsely on a lack of gun control in America.

But their anti-gun scheme backfired.

And thanks to NAGR’s 1.4-million members and supporters raising the red flag on “Fast & Furious” and keeping up sustained grassroots pressure on Congress for nearly two years, mountains of information has been revealed to the public.

However, with the White House refusing to turn over thousands of pages of communications related to this scandal, there is still much gun owners do not know about Holder’s involvement.

Holder has sacrificed a handful of individuals from his inner circle, forcing them to resign or retire early, but still, he remains unscathed.

And now, Barack Obama wants him to continue on the job in Washington for years to come.

We have no choice but to fight on — to demand answers.

To demand criminal prosecution of ALL those responsible.

NAGR has led the fight to Fire Eric Holder and will continue doing so in the weeks and months ahead.

But this scandal will “die” unless gun owners keep up a sustained level of grassroots pressure on Members of Congress demanding they continue their investigation.

That’s why I’m asking you to double-down and stay involved.

NAGR has already delivered close to one and a half million petitions to Fire Eric Holder to Capitol Hill in Washington.

Our goal is to double that number in the next few weeks and have a pile of petitions waiting for Members of Congress when they are sworn into office in January.

is that anti-gun Eric Holder could return as Attorney General in Barack Obama’s second term.

Despite pages of evidence indicating Holder’s inner circle was intimately aware of the “Fast & Furious” drug-smuggling operation, Obama wants Holder to stay on the job . . .

. . . and there’s little wonder why.

Even before Holder’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) implemented the “Fast & Furious” operation — which led to the deaths of at least one American border agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens — he’d spent years making his case for gun control.

Perhaps Holder’s most outrageous comment about our Second Amendment rights was caught on video in 1995 when he said public officials should seek ways to “brainwash” the American people into supporting gun control.

The “Fast & Furious” operation all makes perfect sense when considering Holder’s comment from 1995 and Obama’s desire to push through the UN Gun Ban and a new permanent ban on so-called “Assault Weapons.”

“Fast & Furious” was designed to “brainwash” the American people into supporting gun control, all in an effort to “stem violence in Mexico,” which the administration has blamed falsely on a lack of gun control in America.

But their anti-gun scheme backfired.

And thanks to NAGR’s 1.4-million members and supporters raising the red flag on “Fast & Furious” and keeping up sustained grassroots pressure on Congress for nearly two years, mountains of information has been revealed to the public.

However, with the White House refusing to turn over thousands of pages of communications related to this scandal, there is still much gun owners do not know about Holder’s involvement.

Holder has sacrificed a handful of individuals from his inner circle, forcing them to resign or retire early, but still, he remains unscathed.

And now, Barack Obama wants him to continue on the job in Washington for years to come.

We have no choice but to fight on — to demand answers.

To demand criminal prosecution of ALL those responsible.

NAGR has led the fight to Fire Eric Holder and will continue doing so in the weeks and months ahead.

But this scandal will “die” unless gun owners keep up a sustained level of grassroots pressure on Members of Congress demanding they continue their investigation.

That’s why I’m asking you to double-down and stay involved.

NAGR has already delivered close to one and a half million petitions to Fire Eric Holder to Capitol Hill in Washington.

Our goal is to double that number in the next few weeks and have a pile of petitions waiting for Members of Congress when they are sworn into office in January.

Help the Cause


“They stood and they watched and our people died.”

October 22, 2012

Unforgivable, that is what the current administration is. Read about this episode of “The obama follies.”


Then there is the ongoing saga of “Let’s kill Americans and Mexicans so that we can get our way!”

Fast & Furious is in the news again.  The Obama Administration this week filed court papers to get the lawsuit filed by the House of Representatives against Attorney General Eric Holder thrown out.
The House lawsuit asks the court to reject a claim of executive privilege by the President, who sealed thousands of documents relating to Fast & Furious, a Justice Department operation that facilitated the smuggling of thousands of U.S. weapons south of the border.
The administration calls the House lawsuit a mere “political dispute” between the branches of government.  But this is much more than a political dispute.  People died as a result of Fast Furious, which makes it much worse than even Watergate where no one died.  Fast & Furious has led to the deaths of more than 200 Mexicans and at least one U.S. federal agent.
On a somewhat positive note, GOA asked you last week to urge Paul Ryan to bring up Fast & Furious in his debate with Vice President Joe Biden and to send your request through the Romney-Ryan website.
Well, Ryan didn’t bring up the point, but Mitt Romney did this week during the presidential debate as he told the American people — some who were probably hearing this for the first time — that Fast & Furious guns were used to kill people on both sides of the border.  “They [drug lords] used those weapons against – against their own citizens and killed Americans with them,” Romney said. “And this was a … program of the [U.S.] government.”
Romney then went on to challenge the President for using executive privilege to cover up the administration’s role in Operation Fast & Furious:  “[I]t’s one of the great tragedies related to violence in our society which has occurred during this administration. Which I think the American people would like to understand fully, it’s been investigated to a degree, but [the] administration has carried out executive privilege to prevent all of the information from coming out.”
There it is — the invoking of executive privilege by the Obama Administration, which was simply an attempt to cover up details as to why the U.S. government would help send guns south of the border.  Of course, we in the gun-owning community know why.  It was an attempt to justify support for new gun regulations.
As stated by Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News:  “[Justice Department] emails show they discussed using the sales, including [Fast & Furious] sales encouraged by ATF, to justify a new gun regulation called ‘Demand Letter 3.’ That would require some U.S. gun shops to report the sale of multiple rifles or ‘long guns.’”
In other words, Operation Fast & Furious was intended to help the administration justify calls for a new gun registration scheme, which was eventually implemented (illegally and without Congressional authority) in four southwestern border states.
Thanks again for your activism last week in encouraging the presidential ticket to bring up Fast and Furious, so that it doesn’t get lost in all the campaigning.  GOA is currently traveling across the country and joining with pro-gun candidates to draw attention to Fast & Furious, as well.

The Continuing, Sad Saga of Fast and Furious

August 15, 2012

Holder et al; Need to be taken out and horsewhipped, tar and feathered, then hung by the neck for their treasonous acts against their oaths to uphold the Constitution as well as the multiple murders for which their involvement is incontrovertible under the Felony Murder statutes. Just my two cents about this entire tragedy.

Question for the leftist supporters of the obama regime. Why is it that you can get so upset over a handful of shootings here, but completely blow off the hundreds that have died or been gravely injured as a direct result of Eric Holders treason..? Is it because most were Latino or White?

How many people died so that you could advance your gun control schemes and disarm the American people in your grand plan to gut the United States of Liberty and Freedom?

August 14, 2012 — The continuing saga of Eric Holder’s efforts to block the release of documents pertaining to the Fast and Furious “gunwalking” scandal has tarred the Department of Justice with a black mark of shame it will not overcome for years.
Yes, the ATF has long been known by gun owners as a rogue and unconstitutional agency, but this scandal has now made most Americans aware of its unlawful tactics and disrespect for the rights of law-abiding citizens.
The actions of Attorney General Holder, a man who once said he wanted to brainwash Americans into supporting gun control, have left a bad taste in the mouths of Americans.Eric Holder
There is no doubt that one of the unspoken objectives of Fast and Furious was to forward the cause of domestic gun control. If any Mexican citizens or American law enforcement personnel happened to get in the way? Well, that was just too bad.
The Department of Justice is so out of control that the House of Representatives recently voted to find an Attorney General of the United States in civil and criminal contempt of Congress. This is the first time in the history of the republic that this has happened.
Does this move Holder to cooperate with Congress? No. He continues to hide behind President Obama’s use of executive privilege and has forced Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, to file suit in U.S. Federal District Court to perhaps finally get the documents out of Holder and his cronies (that’s assuming said documents haven’t been shredded and deleted from hard drives).
Gun control has been a pet cause of Mr. Holder’s since his days in the Clinton Administration. He’s after our constitutional rights and he won’t be happy until he gets them, no matter how much blood is on his hands, directly or indirectly.
Just ask the families of Brian Terry and Jamie Zapata, who were American law-enforcement officers, killed by guns the ATF “lost” as part of Fast and Furious.
Or how about Mexican citizens such as Mario Gonzalez, brother of Chihuahua State Prosecutor Patricia Gonzalez, who was tortured and killed by members of a drug gang. When the Mexican authorities raided the place where he had been held, they recovered two AK-47s that were known to be part of the Fast and Furious program?
All of these deaths and hundreds more can be laid at the feet of Eric Holder. All of them are why Darrell Issa is suing his office and it is why GOA is suing the ATF for more documents related to Fast and Furious. We want answers, Mr. Holder.
Moreover, the families of Brian Terry, Jamie Zapata and Mario Gomez, along with many others, have a right to ask: Why did my loved one have to die so you could take the rights of honest Americans away? Why indeed Mr. Holder?
How can you help keep the heat on Eric Holder? Please click here to support GOA’s fight against the ATF in court so we can shine the light of day on the documents they have tried to hide from the American people.

The Obama administration’s attempt to make a case for gun control.

July 1, 2012

Well regular readers know that this is precisely what I said a long time ago.

The House of Representatives today voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress by a 255-to-67 vote.  Seventeen Democrats crossed party lines to support the contempt citation, which represents the first time in U.S. history that a house of Congress has ever taken such action against an Attorney General.
Let’s be clear:  Operation Fast & Furious was all about the Obama administration’s attempt to make a case for gun control.
Columnist Ann Coulter summarized this quite well yesterday when she said, “Administration officials intentionally put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, so that when the guns taken from Mexican crime scenes turned out to be American guns, Democrats would have a reason to crack down on gun sellers in the United States.”
This is precisely what internal ATF documents reveal.  In her groundbreaking report last December, Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News quotes one law enforcement official who put the administration’s duplicity quite succinctly:  “It’s like ATF created or added to the problem [by helping run guns south of the border] so they could be the solution to it and pat themselves on the back.”
Of course, that “solution” was nothing other than new gun control regulations — such as the gun registration requirements the Obama administration unilaterally imposed last year in the four southwestern states.
Hence, at its core, Operation Fast & Furious was intended to foster “gun walking” in order to create the perceived need for gun control.  In February of last year, the Obama administration sent a letter to Congress denying this and falsely claimed they were not helping to “walk” guns south of the border.
But in December, after further whistleblowers came forward and more documents were revealed, the administration had to retract the February letter.
Part of what House investigators are now seeking relates to documents describing the internal deliberations between Justice Department officials, and why they decided to abandon the claims made in the February letter and to change their story ten months later.
Further complicating matters for House investigators like Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is the fact that President Obama has exerted executive privilege over the documents and is refusing to turn them over.
This even has many Democrats concerned.
Georgia Democrat Rep. John Barrow explained his vote for the contempt citation, stating that “the Attorney General has decided to withhold relevant documents. The only way to get to the bottom of what happened is for the Department of Justice to turn over the remaining documents, so that we can work together to ensure this tragedy never happens again.”
And Utah Democrat Rep. Jim Matheson (UT) also explained his vote, stating that, “The Terry family, the public and Congress deserve answers. Sadly, it seems that it will take holding the Attorney General in contempt to communicate that evasiveness is unacceptable.”
Make no mistake about it — it’s been a long, hard road getting the Congress to act like it did today.  GOA had heard whispers on Capitol Hill — and seen articles in the media — indicating that the House leadership was initially cool to the idea of holding the Attorney General accountable in an election year.
That’s why your involvement — keeping this issue on the front burner for so many months — has been so crucial.  You moved the House leadership to move this contempt citation to the floor today and to make history.
Today’s action has set into place a series of events that could result in Eric Holder being held in contempt of court and, ultimately, land him in jail if he continues to hide documents related to Operation Fast & Furious.
Again, thanks again for every phone call you have made and every email you have sent!
Please stay tuned for further updates and make sure you check out our Facebook page and “like” us.  We are almost at 100,000 supporters … so help us get over the hump!
Gun Owners of America

Eric Holder: Accomplice in homicide

May 17, 2012
Last week, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a 44-page memorandum to members of his committee outlining the instances in which Attorney General Eric Holder perjured himself before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which Rep. Issa chairs.
In the eyes of GOA’s membership nationwide, this signals that Darrell Issa is a Constitutional and American hero.
Eric Holder and his subordinates in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) have lied under oath.  In fact, they even sent a letter to the congressional committee investigating Fast and Furious (the gun running scandal between the U.S. and Mexico) essentially admitting that they lied.
Appointees in the Obama administration such as Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano have historically shown themselves to be radically anti-gun.  And the Fast and Furious debacle is just the latest instance of this.  That’s why pro-Second Amendment Americans need to join in the fight to help Issa get rid of Eric Holder as the Attorney General.
H.Res. 490 is a resolution which sends a message loud and clear that Congress has lost confidence in the Attorney General.  Over 100 members of Congress have already signed H.Res. 490 (see the list here).  If your Representative is one of them, please contact and thank him or her for helping.
If your representative has not signed on to H.Res. 490, contact them and demand to know why he or she has refused to do so.  Ask your congressman if they are anti-gun or if they condone lying to Congress?  Do they condone the U.S. sending guns to Mexican drug cartels who turn around and kill U.S. law enforcement and Mexican law enforcement, which is exactly what has happened under Eric Holder’s watch.
Darrell Issa is doing a monumental job for Americans and the Constitution, and he needs your help to bring his colleagues into accord.  Please email Congress, thanking your Representative if he’s signed onto H.Res. 490, but taking him to task if he hasn’t.
There are two different letters (one saying “thank you” and one saying “cosponsor the resolution”).  Click here to contact your Representatives, the appropriate letter will be automatically selected.

Senate’s Most Anti-gun Republican in Trouble in Indiana: It’s about time!

May 7, 2012
The political world is about to experience a major shakeup in Indiana.
The most anti-gun Republican in the U.S. Senate, Dick Lugar, recently fell ten points behind in the polls to 100% gun rights supporter Richard Mourdock.
For more than a year, GOA has broadcast Lugar’s gun-hating record throughout the state, highlighting why the 36-year incumbent is Obama’s favorite Republican.
Lugar voted for all of Obama’s anti-gun nominees, including Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, and Attorney General Eric Holder – none of whom believe that the Second Amendment protects an individual right.
He supports a ban on semi-automatic firearms, and waiting periods for handgun purchases. Lugar also supports an international, UN small arms treaty that will undermine U.S. sovereignty and the Second Amendment.
Mourdock, the current State Treasurer, has Lugar on the ropes in the May 8 election. In fact, Lugar is so desperate he’s even pleading with Democrats and Independents to cross over and vote in the Republican primary this coming Tuesday.
Gun Owners of America is reaching out to as many Indiana gun owners as possible to make sure they have the facts about Obama’s favorite Republican.

Contempt Order Against Eric Holder

May 4, 2012
Rep. Darrell Issa has now finished making his case for holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.
Holder, who once stated he wants to see kids brainwashed into supporting gun control, has presided over a Justice Department that helped smuggle thousands of illegal guns into Mexico, all for the purpose of justifying greater restrictions upon firearms in the U.S.
This Fast & Furious scandal has resulted in the deaths of more than 300 Mexican nationals, plus two U.S. federal agents.
Issa has published a pair of documents that makes the case for pinning contempt charges on Holder and has sent them to every member of his Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Issa’s case is based, in part, upon the fact that Holder’s Justice Department “has yet to provide a single document for 12 out of the 22 categories contained in the subpoena schedule.”  In many cases, documents provided by the Department have been completely or mostly blackened out.
Sources on Capitol Hill believe that Issa has the votes to push a contempt citation out of committee.  However, it is unclear whether House Speaker John Boehner is supportive of such a citation.
Fox News reports “that Boehner and House Republican Leader Eric Cantor do not want to deal with a contempt citation against Holder because ‘it’s off message for them.’”
Well, gun owners need to help Boehner see that this is “on message” for him.  This is a quest for justice, as Eric Holder needs to be held accountable for the lies, deceptions and dead bodies left in the wake of Fast & Furious.
Already, more than 100 congressmen have called for Holder’s resignation.  Holding Eric Holder in contempt could bring a fine of $1,000 and a year in jail.
ACTION: Please ask your Representative to urge House Speaker John Boehner to get fully behind a contempt citation against Eric Holder.
Click here to send a prewritten message to your Representative
If only Boehner had a spine…